Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do you know Saffron?

Saffron has been known since antiquity. It is grown as a spice since. Today it is still one of the most valued spices. At the time of antiquity it was actively produced in Macedonia, Persia, Kashmir. This is when they are installed in Spain that the Arabs introduced saffron in this country.

Commerce is developing with countries in the northern Spanish saffron was introduced in France, especially in the Gatinais. This region was able to recognize the high quality of saffron produced it for two centuries and the world price of saffron were fixed at Pithiviers. (Other sources attribute to the Phoenicians introduced saffron in Gaul or the Crusaders who have returned from the Crusades).

Saffron is grown in warmer regions but not in the tropics.

Nowadays saffron is grown in Spain, Greece, Morocco, India and Iran. It's Spain who made the biggest production.

We grow a little in France. (In recent years several manufacturers have begun to cultivate again, reconnecting with an old tradition. Indeed, until not very old saffron was cultivated throughout the south-west and even into the region d 'Orleans)

Saffron is the stigma of a flower (Crocus sativus) that are harvested in October and November in the morning. It is then dried. Saffron is sun drying artificial drying but retains its flavor better.

To obtain 1 kilo of saffron harvest it took no less than 200,000 flowers in hand. This explains why saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.

That is also why we must beware of false rudders that exist and provide a retailer with seriously. A low cost cache certainly a fraud.

In the Kitchen rudder is indispensable to bouillabaisse or paella, some risottos, soups, fish, the famous rust served with the soup, to name a few dishes.


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