Saturday, September 5, 2009

Being a woman with a positive attitude

Some days make being a woman with a positive attitude more challenging than others. Because women are nurturing by nature, we often take other people's issues on as our own. You may have noticed, in doing this, the person with the issue may be less focused on it than you are. It either isn't that important to them or they rely on you to fix it because you have done so in the past. Although being nurturing is positive, nurturing the wrong person or the right person in the wrong situation can be a detriment to both people involved.

We, as women, also find challenge in replying, "No" when asked to do something since we pride ourselves in being able to "do it all." It's true, women are awesome and can do an amazing number of things in a day but taking on too much depletes our ability to handle important things effectively. Saying, "No" to someone else, is saying, "Yes" to yourself.

Here are some options for those "not so easy to be positive days:"

Start a new day whenever you want
You can begin your day over whenever you want. It can be 2:30 in the afternoon and if you dislike how your day has gone or feel you've been less productive than you'd like, start over. Real-Life Example: One night, I was too frustrated about my non-productive day to sleep. At 11:30 pm, I started my day over. I organized the attic and my closet as if I was in a race. It took two hours. I felt so productive afterward, I slept like a baby. Ever since that night, I've known that I can make every day good even if I get a late start.

There are 24 hours in a day. That may not seem like a lot if you are used to thinking of your day in work, commute, family, sleep segments but think of all the things you can accomplish in 30 minutes, one hour, two hours or even 15 minutes. Switch your segments around to enhance your productivity, remembering frustration can be transformed into powerful positive energy by determining an expectation with a timeline.


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