Monday, September 28, 2009

Sad story of a regime that turns into a nightmare

I personally know a lady who has done all his life regime by depriving it of cheese, yoghurt, milk -.. eating only vegetables and meat boiled in water without calcium intake with any candy saccharin.

His obsession: I do not want to become as big as my aging mother.

She started at age 25, she now suffers from calcium deficiency, rheumatic pain.

The relief it is not possible without taking cortisone, which has necessarily fattening.

Years of deprivation to achieve the same or worse than his mother's pain of being forced to relieve the pain medication that makes her grow inexorably, but mostly it clear that it is inconsistent for its deprivation of years have led to this result.

That is the danger of certain regimes but also an embarrassing failure in the long term.

Why does this not work?

I know some plans call for this kind of thing: lose weight by reducing the quantities.

In fact all or almost all plans are based on a decrease in your quantities or total change in your diet, they are undoubtedly effective in the short term, long term I'm not so sure.

But mostly they are often inadequate budget through French, their habits and also time for everyone who cooks has at his disposal.

Consider a typical day the French way:

A family of 4 two adults two children

Parents work, children go to school, sometimes eat lunch in the canteen and in the evening at home.

The morning is often a race against the clock:

A cafe in speed, a bowl of milk and cookies for children or cereal or fruit juice.

The French that breakfast is rare, it eats mostly bread and butter or jam or even spreads, a bowl of milk chocolate or coffee and not rarely tea.

he sometimes added a fresh fruit juice or bottled.

Noon to race again, a quick sandwich eaten in the office, a meal in a self business, and sometimes a warm meal prepared or kept warm in a box --. the canteen for children.

The last evening meal with family, television, sometimes a meal tray tv or a family meal where finally everyone will gather around the table quickly prepared a menu of pasta, ham, eggs - mashed packet The box of canned and frozen dish.

We can not condemn this practice in effect after 8 hours of work, children go to find the way to go --.. HARD consider spending two hours in the kitchen at night.

Then the weekend the French are catching up: it cooking fat, sugar and everything else, he overcomes.

All these situations you know, you live or have lived, you worry me too!

I also followed the plans, finally tried it, but how to make two different meals at night while one is not already obvious? how to eat a balanced lunch without having quickly tired of bland salads that do not take the body? how to prepare a full breakfast between the toilet and the youngest revision in the catastrophe of the greatest lessons not forget the clock is running and the work that does not wait?

It's simple you make any arrangements and how to give up just as quickly.

Because this scheme does not belong to you you have not integrated it is too far to change your habits then yes but keeping your habits to You in the conscious choosing yes! you of the result

Who am I?

Before you make me confident about the ideas that follow it is important I think I present to you

You are reading this article gave a part of yourself (in time) and I think it is important that you know me before you read more.

In fact it is just 50 years and I have spent my life helping others why you today?

Because I was working in institutions and that I was not free to help people as I wanted

I spent several degrees I climbed the ranks to finally be able to help another, but certainly the institution offering me a salary certainly has not helped me realize, too much brake too much wheel to crush can finally express themselves so I took risks for you. I gave a fair fixed salary with a goal to finally be useful to others. of course I sold this book it is necessary that I eat (smile) paradox for a book on the plans but I wanted above all to share what I learned in 50 years time for the "blah blah" just feel useless to pass a message to all that everyone has a better future a future bright and sunny.

This eBook is sincerity that he may or may not help you but it has the merit of being true rarity in this world.

If I write that I'm sure he can help it would not exist otherwise.


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