Thursday, September 24, 2009

The eternal dissatisfaction

- I am a wife of 40 years, I am married and have two very nice children who work very well in school. I just bought a house - the house of my dreams - spacious, bright. I have a job that satisfies me and gives me very comfortable income for me to buy what I want. But I am not happy.

- I am a wife of 37 years, I have a friend who did much for me at home. I have a big house, a pretty cool job with a good salary. My parents are healthy. But I feel I'll never be entitled to happiness.

- I am a woman almost 40 years, I have a job, but gives me a very modest income. I was even Rmiste some time, which is far from obvious in financial terms. We must learn to tighten their belts. Yet despite this, I am, mostly, happy.

These two types of people you probably know: the eternal dissatisfaction and those who appreciate even the smallest moments of happiness.

The eternal dissatisfaction have all the material wealth, a lovely family, work okay but they feel unhappy. They do not realize how lucky they are. They always want more and they usually have a knack for complaining about their lives "disastrous" to unemployed people who are struggling to make ends meet, who live in very small places, without comfort, sick and living alone, etc..

In contrast, others who are happy "despite everything, have resolved to stop constantly lament and say that despite the difficulties, problems, there are moments that can make them happy. Thus, a ray of sun, a bird that sings, a well cooked meal, a walk in the countryside, a discussion between friends, a family reunion, a good book, a song on the radio, etc.. makes them happy and they really give the impression that life is worth to be lived anyway.

Precisely what the eternal dissatisfaction had trouble getting. For them, they were not enough, there are always people around them who have more than them. They have identified it, mostly as poor people despite their comfortable situation, as people abandoned despite the support of their spouses and their families. In short, as people to whom it happens all the misfortunes. Thus, they are always bitter, sullen, sad fate of their enviable and yet do not even notice they have everything to be happy, that many would take their place.

Attention to some eternal dissatisfaction, this mindset could be beneficial. It should enable them to advance, to accomplish great things. In fact, always wanting more, they should struggle for the life they truly desire.

But unfortunately, they have everything and they are not yet satisfied. So even if they have even more, they continue to complain, to be dissatisfied with their lot. Moreover, as they will not stop being unhappy, it will be very difficult to advance. They are prevented by their discomfort.

Instead, those who are happy "despite everything" seem to have a better chance of escape, because success is not easy to create, build something when you're happy? Their mood is lighter, more open, more so conqueror.

Anyway, those eternal dissatisfaction do they really know what would make them happy? I think not. As they see everything in black, it is not even sure if they took down the moon, they would be happy.

Of course, these people are not to blame for the depths of themselves, they are really unhappy and create problems where there is none. For them to come to escape, he would have something or someone opens their eyes. Hopefully they understand before they happen "a real misfortune that life is not always wanting more but enjoy the small moments of happiness.

Only if they radically change of mindset, they will be happy and can live more genuinely and daring.

Remember, happiness is here and now!


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