Friday, September 18, 2009

Drink pomegranate juice for "fart fire"

Everyone knows grenadine syrup this red, very sweet, that children particularly enjoy.

But here, I'll tell you about the pomegranate juice that possess exceptional virtues.

The pomegranate is an exotic red fruit (native to India and cultivated in the Mediterranean), which contains small seeds filled with delicious juice. Even if it is not practical, it's pretty fun to eat because the seeds are crisp. To eat more easily and more grenade, there is now juice.

Traditional medicine has long used to relieve diarrhea and colic.

Pomegranate juice is sold everywhere, especially in bio-rays. Researchers have indeed realized that the juice of the benefits afforded very interesting for our health.

It contains antioxidants, particularly tannins, which can slow aging and prevent cardiovascular disease. This is the fruit that contains the most. It would be an asset more powerful than green tea, rich in antioxidants with the tannin in it also.

It would also be effective in delaying the development of cancer cells (including cancer of the prostate), hypertension and limited in the case of Alzheimer's. But here, as regards cancer and other serious diseases, it is necessary to take precautions. Scientific studies are not numerous enough to draw compelling conclusions. In any case, regular drinking pomegranate juice, even if you do not heal, you will be incredibly well.

It would also be beneficial for osteoarthritis. It would limit the adverse effect of diabetes on the arteries, despite its high sugar content.

Pomegranate juice contains vitamins B5, B6 and C that can give you a boost (better than Red Bull and especially non-toxic) and protect your immune system. It also contains copper and potassium is also beneficial for your immune system.

It is best to consume the juice rather than fruit for pressing the fruit as a whole, all the antioxidants in the seeds and white skin are removed. Pomegranate juice costs quite expensive, around 7 euros per liter.

You can make your juice yourself, from the seeds of the fruit in a juicer or stainless rubbing through a sieve.

If the effects of pomegranate juice occur, you should consume daily, the equivalent of a cup. It is better to take bio.

Pomegranate juice is the juice became fashionable. The United States experienced in 2007 a buying frenzy, as to be out of stock. The phenomenon has moved to France, which seems entirely justified given the benefits of the juice on health. Not for nothing if he was the "fruit of the gods" for the Egyptians.


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