Monday, September 28, 2009

Meditation practice (Part 2)

After seeing a previous article in what meditation (meditation, what is it? (Part 1) "), come to practice.

Here are some tips that may help you if you want to meditate.

For meditation to be effective it needs to be gathered 5 elements: the calm, breathing, posture, concentration and time.


For a meditation or productive, you must practice in the quiet, that is to say, try as much as you can, get away from the noise of daily life (traffic, television, radio, telephone, etc..). Sometimes, if you do not have a suitable room, you may be prompted to save the music quiet, zen. It allows you to isolate yourself from the outside world, to cover the external noise.

The sounds of nature (waves, birds, rustling branches) are not negative, quite the contrary. You can meditate in nature after some practice time.

Moreover, the complete calm is especially recommended when you begin. Indeed, little by little, to succeed to think as you get around more easily isolate yourself from the outside world.


Or rather positions. There is no position to meditate. You have to find one that suits you best, that seems to you more efficiently. Land-use you a place to meditate, clean and tidy, rather stripped to prevent your eyes from being "polluted" by objects.

You can meditate in a seated position: cross-legged on a carpet, a cushion on a bench for meditation on a chair, preferably without a back. You should be aware of your body. Your posture should be clear: head erect without stiffness, chin slightly tucked, chest stretched upwards. You must keep this position, so the monitor constantly. A force, it will be automatic.

You can also meditate standing: body upright. Always aware of your body and constantly monitor your position. The latter, which requires a perfect command, you can meditate everywhere, mainly in places rather poorly attended.

Another position you can meditate while walking (even just in your room). You must walk slowly, his body straight, both hands on your belly, eyes fixed on the ground. Again, you should be aware of all your movements, your breath. Each of your steps must be broken.

Finally, you can meditate lying down: flat on his back on a mat or firm mattress on a lawn, attach your knees close to your buttocks, head resting on a firm cushion, arms along the body. This position is not highly recommended as you may fall asleep and "spoil" your meditation session.


Respiration is the main point of meditation. You must control it and learn deep breathing and controlled. You should be aware of your breathing. Your objective is to score the different phases that are aspiration, expiration and pause in between. Breathing in and out deeply, you must follow the flow of air into your body.


The deep breathing and controlled you will find your calm, relieve stress, eliminate tension and especially concentrate. Soon you'll be more relaxed. And you will realize that this new way of breathing will help you in all the circumstances of your life by restoring harmony between your body and your mind.

Small tip: to breathe, choose loose clothing, where you will not feel compressed sausage.


Another important point of meditation, concentration. You must learn to concentrate in order to ignore everything around you. It'sa bit like being in a bubble. You must take full vacuum. You should especially focus on you now and do not let you interfere with thoughts and stuff. You should not think about what you did yesterday, what you will eat tonight -

You only need to attach importance to the present moment. When you begin, you should avoid immediately seek Nirvana. You just need to learn to be aware of the moment. That is meditation. Later you can go further, you transcend such as yogis.

The best time to think about:

You can meditate at any time of day it is best done at night because it will allow you to digest your workday stress; you to crop. The morning is not a good time for a lot because you feel the stress from work, you're not awake.

Your meditation session should not last more than 20 minutes. More would first require binding and especially the exceptional qualities of concentration.

Well, now your turn! Follow these tips and you will succeed in meditation, you focus, to find harmony between your body and your mind to deal calmly all the negative circumstances in your life.


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