Saturday, September 19, 2009

Find the balance between yin and yang

Most of you have already heard of yin and yang. Their symbol is well known: it is a circle, separated by an S, with the right part black and part white left. And in each half-circle, there is a small white circle to the black and black to the white part.

As their name suggests, the yin and yang are Chinese, they stem directly from Taoism.

Under this philosophy, yin and yang is present in all aspects of the universe. And as the symbol shown perfectly, they are complementary and in full harmony. One can not exist without the other. You can not, for example, be yang and yin at all. Indeed, this complementarity is perfect because, as you can see the symbol, it is a bit of yin in yang and a little yang in the yin.

But that actually represent the yin and yang?

The yin and yang direct all aspects of the universe (earth, water, fire -) and loved.

Yin (black) is the dark side, dark, cold, passivity. It is hollow. It gives life. It represents the moon, feminine. Its colors are cold green, blue, purple, gray.

The yang (white part) is the brilliance, light activity. It represents the sun and the male side. Its warm colors are orange, plum, red, yellow.

To be more complete, here is more accurately represent the yin and yang:

Yin: Feminine - Negative - ODD - Water - Cooling - Humidity - Indoor - Liabilities - Descending - Contraction - Darkness - Home

Yang: Male - Positive - Pairs - Fire - Hot - Dry - Exterior - Active - Ascending - Expansion - Light - Garden

But as there is a little yin in yang and a little yang in the yin, it means there's masculinity in femininity and vice versa.

The theory of yin and yang has been taken in the West to define the personality of individuals. Thus, many psychological tests are available whether you are more yin than yang, or vice versa. You are asked a series of questions such as: What is your favorite color, you are rather quiet, nervous, a little of both, you're stingy, spend, neither, etc. ?

Compared to what precisely symbolize the yin and yang, you know perfectly well what kind of questions are asked in such tests.

As for results, here schematically what it is:

A person who is more yin than yang is introverted, quiet and rather shy. She does not put himself forward and not appreciate the change. She prefers cocooning. Physically, it is rather healthy.

A person who is more yang is outward and nervous and likes to get forward. It prefers adventure to the routine of everyday life. Physically, it would be rather thin.

Bine course, in absolute terms, the ideal is to find the perfect balance between yin and yang. If one dominates the other, you're not very balanced. However, in reality, you will always be more than yin yang or vice versa.

However, to try to find this balance, it is recommended by specialists fen-shui, equip your home based on the balance you want.

So if you're too yang, too nervous, maybe you ought to calm down, make a room more yin, blue for example.

Conversely, if you're more yin without peps, walls of red are preferred in order to restore energy.

There are various techniques and to try to achieve harmony between yin and yang, between your body and mind, between you and the world around you. Finding this balance is essential to keep you healthy. Acupuncture, shiatsu, Chinese medicine in general, refer to the theory of yin and yang and trying different manipulation by you breathe more yin or yang, as needed to reach equilibrium. A change in your diet can help you achieve it. There yin foods (more grains, less sugar, for example) and yang foods (more vegetables, less strong cheeses, for example).

The balance between yin and yang is also unstable and requires constant work. Indeed, from the moment you have for example more yang, yin will seek to regain lost space, but from there, yang is losing momentum and try to win again, etc. . It is cycled constantly changing you need to tame every day to live in perfect harmony.


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