Friday, September 18, 2009

Desperately seeking mentor

When you want to create a business practice any activity, change of life, it seems easier to do by being accompanied by a mentor.

The mentor is a mentor, a person who knows, who has already gone through where you want to go. It is there to give you advice to help you avoid making mistakes, so you can move faster.

So, having a mentor seems to be quite a benefit to succeed, to progress more quickly and better in life. This is indisputable.

However, this does not turn into a fiasco, you must take some precautions.

The first obvious thing is that you must choose the right mentor. Indeed, some people can improvise mentor while they do not have the capacity nor the skills. Of course, it seems extremely difficult to know if you're dealing with a good or a bad mentor. Maybe you need to test it, offer him some kind of traps in order to ascertain if his skills are not limited to the "blablatage, if not ultimately a good talker.

Now, assuming you've made the right choice, there is an error to avoid. You must avoid being fascinated, obsessed, obsessed by your mentor. This could be dangerous.

Your mentor is there to help you, but to advise you not to destroy your way of thinking, your trial, your personality. You must keep your freedom of action, your free will.

If you feel trapped by your mentor, if you feel they do not do anything by yourself, you must flee, abandon. Indeed, perhaps you find yourself facing a guru of a cult!

Your mentor is there to guide you and not your grind, to break you mentally.

It must just be a launching pad to your success. His advice is invaluable, even indispensable, but its role should stop there. Is that you, personally, to build your future. You're the only master of your future.

The ideal addition would even surpass the master. Ideally, a good mentor - sincere and competent - does he not think this way? It must be your ally, a collaborator and not direct you to go in the direction he wants him.

You can rightly admire your mentor, be fascinated by his success, for his success. But you must keep a cool head and absorb like a sponge that teaches you the sole purpose of any return "to your own sauce."

This is a good mentor! It will identify you by your potential and help you develop.

If you understood all this, you will go far. A mentor is critical to achieve great things, but it's only you who will arrive after your dream! And perhaps you become one day you own mentor?


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