Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Solving Your Garage Storage Problems When a Larger Space Won't

Garage storage has recently taken on a whole new meaning since I moved. Before I owned a garage, I thought all my storage problems would be solved once I had one. Then, once I had one, I came to believe that what I really needed was a larger one. I have since come to learn that that wasn't entirely true either. Most home owners who happen to have a garage probably know what it's like to try to make sense of all the stuff in their lives in a normal garage space, only to be frustrated. With sport balls, skis, bikes, holiday supplies, fishing gear, workout equipment, and a host of other items to store, garage owners try all sorts of creative solutions for their storage needs and sometimes still end up feeling like they just don't have enough space.

Luckily, there are some really helpful, attractive, and effective garage storage solutions. You can find customized storage racks, hooks, bins, and shelves for almost anything these days. Some homeowners opt for simple plywood shelving, while others go all out and get the latest and greatest. Regardless, each garage owner is usually trying to maximize available space for what is usually way too much stuff anyway. Part of the joys of living in a materially successful society I guess. But, even with all these creative solutions to your storage problems, it doesn't mean that you are going to have enough space for all the stuff in your life. And that leads me to my recent dilemma. See if you can relate.

When I sold my house and moved into a smaller house in another town, I learned right away how much I missed having a garage. But, luckily, the new place comes with a large out building where lots of stuff gets to live. In fact, this raises an interesting problem I hadn't even thought of at first. I really thought that having a larger space would solve my garage storage problems, but that hasn't necessarily proven true. Now, instead of trying to figure out how to just effectively store a bunch of miscellaneous things, I am trying to figure out how to also integrate other activities that used to happen in my larger house; things like working out, relaxing in the family room, playing games with the kids, etc. So while I'm glad to have a large space, I've discovered that it isn't the space itself that matters most when it comes to garage storage.

What actually matters most isn't how much space you have, but what you do with it that matters. Even with a really large space, if you just pile everything into it you'll be just as frustrated as if you had a small space. So if you are trying to deal with limited space, don't kid yourself into thinking that all you need to do is move into a larger one. Nope, what you really need to do is take inventory, get rid of as much extra stuff as possible, buy some creative garage storage solution products, and then use it.

If you do these things, then whether you live in a relatively small place, or have lots of garage storage space, you can take control and live with the peace and contentment that comes from an ordered and organized approach.


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