Monday, September 21, 2009

The new technique to better sell the product!

To understand the purchasing behavior of consumers, a new technique emerged in the early 2000s in the United States and has recently appeared in France. This is the neuromarketing. As its name implies, this method combines two elements: neuroscience and marketing.

This is to analyze the brain activity of consumers view a product (at the time of his act of purchase) or by advertising, using a scanner (MRI). According to the inventors of this sophisticated technique, when a person buys such a product, it means she wants a strong, and in this case, the MRI, it appears clear that a particular part of the brain is stimulated: it is the putamen, which is the seat of pleasure and immediate and instinctive part of the "unconscious zone" on the brain.

The excitement of consumers are somewhat crude but may be troubled by his environment, his conscience. That is why the old methods of marketing based on polls, the tests appear unreliable because it decides that the mouth may be different from what the brain feels now (the design, the idea that there is a brand - can change everything!)

With this discovery, companies (like Coca-Cola, U.S. banks) have decided to analyze the responses obtained through their products to better adapt to them and their advertising to "taste" of consumers.

The neuromarketing appears as a new branch of marketing. It's like the El Dorado for businesses. What's more magical than going into the brains of consumers to know exactly, precisely what and how to sell them.

This opens the way for new advertising campaigns of another kind: more focused, more attentive to the desires of consumers - The neuromarketing would become the panacea -

But is not this too rosy a picture of this new marketing technique?

Indeed, from the outset, we note something very questionable: with neuromarketing, using the techniques of science, namely MRI, for purely commercial. Medical ethics opposes strongly elsewhere. Safeguards the rest have been put in place to monitor the use of neuromarketing in the United States.

Moreover, the idea of manipulation is underlying, pervasive. Now who said manipulation, deception said. The aim of companies is to manipulate the brain so that the consumer buys the product. There, with the neuromarketing, handling seems more profound: it is the primary emotions, almost unconscious of consumers who are targeted. Therefore, it runs the risk of being operated without his knowledge!

Then, finally, neuromarketing is it safe for consumers?

It does not appear, at least for now.

Indeed, few companies have used since neuromarketing studies are very expensive (the MRI does not lie in any street corner!). Moreover, companies that control them prefer to quietly because the opinion is unfavorable to the idea that we can enter such a way into his brain.

Certainly, companies have rushed into this niche "juicy" but upon closer inspection, studies have suggested anything truly scientific.

Anyway, is it that easy to manipulate the minds of people? Apparently not. The act of purchase is extremely complex and comes in a multitude of factors other than the immediate pleasure and instinctive.

Finally, the neuromarketing appears, for now, just as a new way of marketing as a new way for companies to sell more. It just seems to open the way for new ads that will act differently on the consumer: they will aim to boost our implicit memory, to leave traces in our brain without one is really aware. Another kind of manipulation can be?


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