Saturday, September 19, 2009

In the storm, keep the cap and rest -

Always keep the cap when you want something. You should never get rid of your goals. Above all, we should never act in haste, with haste. Always think before starting. Of course, if you lack confidence in yourself, if you're unsure of yourself, if you have not carefully considered your project, you will not achieve anything. And, most importantly, you will have the tendency to do things too quickly for fear of being seen as someone who does not. Do not mean to do anything. Perform various things "useless" at the same time the sole purpose of showing that we do not sit there doing nothing, is useless and is the source of failure every time.

The foundation of your success is your confidence. If you say: "I'm hopeless, I'm a failure, I will achieve nothing", well, you know what you think. These habits of thought do not leave anytime soon and will bring you inevitably fail. The solution? Need to change your old habits and make new ones. As you become accustomed to constantly belittle you must, conversely, the habit of telling you that you are strong, you're the best that you can accomplish great things. By changing the image you have of you, you change the image others have of you. And nothing can resist you.

Thus, depending on your mental attitude. Things will go wrong if you go wrong. Of course, despite your optimism, sometimes it does not advance as you want. Often, you persist, you shut yourself up in your problems, you're stressed - You really want your project progresses, but despite the hours spent on it, nothing helps you stay in neutral. Worse, you get discouraged, you despair.

However, the solution is simple. Just as you take a break, you walked some time, that you're spending your weekend even. And you'll see strange as it may seem, your problem will be solved when you return. Of course, all this is possible only if you are sure you that you have faith in your project, your thoughts are entirely focused towards this goal.

In fact, this short break, this little break will just relax, relieve stress and you are well, simply. Your mental attitude has changed - Peace be with you. The peace and calm will make you stronger, more powerful and you can move mountains. You'll see things more positively.


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