Sunday, September 27, 2009

The secret of a successful relationship

Whatever type of relationship, friendship, love, work, it appears they may actually be a success until the moment that two important elements coexist: listening and communication.

A successful relationship, constructive can not exist without the presence of one or the other.

It seems obvious to many. But why is it so difficult for some to build relationships, keep them in time?

Most often, the lack of communication is highlighted. For example, a couple can no longer agree. One continually seeks to impose its views, ideas, beliefs.

The other can not issue its opinion and when he has the misfortune to do so, that's where the arguments begin endless.

Why happens to be there?

Generally, it is the lack of listening that is behind everything. Listening is vital in relationships. Of course, it must be performed correctly and most sincere. Do not say "I'll listen because he or she is happy and at the same time think of something else (what am I going to do to eat tonight?, Making your shopping list, think to call someone, etc.). Do not hear, he must listen!

Listening must be absolutely sincere it is constructive.

Of course, listening does not mean accepting everything that you said.

After you finish listening to your partner, you can advance arguments that contradict this, but after he finished his remarks.

The bottom line is learning not to interrupt the speaker just because you disagree or you want the abbreviated conversation quickly.

This indicates a lack of respect for that person, or a lack of love against him.

It is not always good to try at all costs to impose its ideas, its views in a relationship. The latter is built for two. Attempt to impose his ideas without question, is trying to dominate the other, so it destroy the whole relationship.

Of course, listening to sincere, constructive takes time. If you really want, deep within yourself, a relationship to succeed, you will always find the time. It is valid in the couple but also between parents and children, between friends.

And from the moment you've learned to listen sincerely, communication will be only better. The frictions are less numerous, less systematic, there is less risk of misunderstandings or misinterpretations. The relationship will only be more beautiful and certainly more harmonious.


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