Monday, September 14, 2009

Beginners on the Internet they have the wrong mindset?

Every day in our world of brick and concrete, millions and millions of people lurking outside their bed still warm, take a shower, drink a cup of coffee, think about their work and say that there must have another means of livelihood. Each of these people know that there are people coming out of this routine \\\"metro-boulot-dodo\\\" and work from home, from their computer! Working at home seems the ideal solution. Many of these dissatisfied people want to leave their jobs to plunge headlong into the Internet marketing without any preparation, without knowing what to do without training and, finally, without much hope of success. The failure is their only option and they do not even suspect. The facts, according to several sources, MORE THAN 90% of entrepreneurs who start their Internet businesses fail after the first 120 days. You read correctly, 90% of activities start on the Internet fail in first 120 days! This failure rate should be a warning to anyone thinking of trying their luck on the Internet rather than finding a real job. Of course, success is possible. There are the remaining 10% who succeed. You should know that the success or failure does not happen by accident, it is not a fluke. Success happens because people have good ideas and they know how the Internet Marketing. They have not become rich quickly or to make a fortune in one night then retire on a tropical island. Most people start an Internet business with the expectation that they will not have to get up in the morning to work. They think they will work when and as they see fit and they have the good life - they do not expect to work hard for long hours.


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