Monday, September 21, 2009

Concentration, the primary basis of Pass

Some people come to work in noise, to write books with music, writing fabulous speech with a crowd around them, to break records in a manic stage or hostile. How do they succeed?

They come with their power of concentration.

They come to isolate, to go somewhat deep within themselves.

Concentration is the power of focusing on one specific thing while ignoring everything that surrounds us is the mental control of his body and mind.

Concentration is necessary for human progress, to succeed more reliably and faster, easier to achieve its objectives. The concentration can not be dispersed in all directions ( "how puzzle") and not lose sight of the essence, the goal. It is always difficult to properly perform several things at once.

The man who knows how to concentrate, which focuses on her work or her task, succeeds. It will not be disrupted by external factors that will prevent him from advancing. It will delight his employer, his associates because he will do his work without interruption and especially with more speed, more performance.

But the power of concentration is not only useful in life. In private life, social, but also a valuable ally. It avoids falling into depression while hunting from our mind the dark thoughts. If these were the bad idea to interfere in our brain, it suffices to focus on positive thinking, happy, to make it disappear inevitably. If you're mentally tired at the end of the roll, he must perform an activity such as reading, painting - By focusing on it, shows that the brain regenerates, the ugly thoughts disappear or are less present. Of course, the obsessive thought is still there in a corner of the brain but is less involved, less crippling and does more to advance.

The merger is just a matter of will and practice. Some make it easy (at home, it is a reflex innate), others more difficult. They must learn the technique and train regularly.

To do this, there are two basic rules:

- Isolated from the outside world, not to be disturbed by external factors.

- Full control of the body and mind. The mind must control the mind and body must itself be controlled by the will. These three interlocking elements that achieve perfect concentration.

Finally, the key is to perform each activity without having their minds elsewhere. This can then be satisfied with ourselves because the task has been completely accomplished. The work, even the most banal, even the most ungrateful, has been achieved without distractions, without wasting unnecessary time to think about different things often negative.

All the power of thought, will lead to a whole towards a precise point so it is natural that the success is the appointment.

Concentrate and you will succeed!


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