Sunday, September 20, 2009

Force yourself to change your habits

"We must take early habits, especially the question often and easily change habits" (Pierre Reverdy, French poet of the twentieth century).

I came across this quote a few days ago and I told myself that this author was right.

In fact, doing the same thing, sink into a daily routine that imprisons us, follow our little routine, we can be harmful.

While it is sometimes difficult to change some of our habits: work, school, errands, regular, etc.. require us to meet a schedule.

For some people, however, have such markers is a guarantee of safety. By following a schedule, they feel they have total control over their lives. They give the feeling of being hyper-organized, control everything.

But if one day, well oiled cog flu is one way or another, these people seemed to have everything under control, are lost and do not know how to react. They do not bear their lives is incorrect.

Exactly, if they had become accustomed to change some of their habits, they would know exactly how to behave. They would not be afraid of changes and can adapt to all circumstances.

So if you're routine, if you do not change their habit, even when trying to do. For example, change of route to work, do not eat the same thing at the restaurant, do not run errands on the same day, do not always do the same thing with your children, etc..

In this way, not only, you free yourself from your daily grind, but especially you new experiences that can only be enriching.

In addition, you will now able to approach without fear all situations, even those you have not lived.

Be creative. Live fully. Inevitably, you will not have full control over your life but you will reap in return, more fantasies of unexpected surprises.

You will be open to new experiences, meet new people. Liberated from your shackles, you dare more and you'll benefit trust you. You will be eager to live more.

It'sa bit of a vicious circle: the more you're free, you live more clear patterns, the more you dare things, the more your life will be rich!

Down habits! Try at least to escape as often as possible in your routine. You'll have the sensation of freedom, availability. You will, together, more relaxed, less stressed by time schedules.

Do not make your habits tyranny!


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