Thursday, September 10, 2009

Divorced Families and Book Inventory Software

Divorce is so commonplace these days, we don't seem to notice it much anymore. With up to 50% of marriages ending in divorce, this seems to add up to a lot of lives which are split in half. But instead of making this a difficult situation, perhaps there are ways to make things easier. Since families with children will most likely have visitation schedules, this also means that possessions will be split up between locations. With book inventory software, you can more easily keep track of where a child's books are - one less thing to worry about when your child heads off to visit their other parent.

Two Sets of Bookshelves

Books are something children may not use as often as their cell phone these days, but if they're still in school, books will still be an important part of their lives. If they are new to the divorce arrangement, they need to make sure they are keeping track of the things they own - especially when a parent lives far away from the other parent. With book inventory software, children can enter their own book titles in (if they're old enough) and then they can make notes as to where there books are. When they are packing up for the week or the weekend, they can look at their book inventory and then decide whether they need to bring anything else with them for their other bedroom.

School Days, School Days

School books seem to be easier to lose than any other book your child might have on their shelves. But with book inventory software, children can easily see where their school books are too. Even if they are home and they can't find a book, they can access their inventory list online and see where they listed their books to be. If the book is still missing, the search can then be extended to see whether the book has truly been lost or if it might be somewhere they haven't looked yet.

As soon as a school book is a part of the child's life, it can be entered into the book inventory software. Then, as the book is given back to the teacher at the end of the year, the book can be taken off the list.

Keeping the Peace

No matter how easy or difficult the divorce is, book inventory software can be something both parents have access to. This way, they can both know what books their children have and which ones they should have with them at any time. In fact, notes can be made in the software program to help the child remember what classes the books are for - and to help the parents remember too.

With book inventory software, parents of children can keep track of books no matter where there child might be headed one week. And while this might not make a divorce any easier, it can make the chaos that goes with visitation a bit more manageable.


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