Thursday, October 1, 2009

Beck and call to thank you

"Beck and call to thank you" is a term that was used in the Middle Ages to designate the serfs under the rule of lords. They were in the worst taxes (size, salt tax -) and had the chore (unpaid labor).

It's funny but taxes, work little or not paid chore - are expressions that are well known.

Of course, nothing to do with the Middle Ages.

Some even escape French taxes. Finally, is it really a chance? As the saying goes, if you pay taxes is that they won the corresponding salary. Further, very clever, come, in turn, pay less taxes they would normally. This is another form of privilege usually reserved for the rich.

The current working conditions also have nothing to do with the Middle Ages. Workers have rights, are treated better -

However, conditions of work are they as good as they should?

The risks faced by some workers are sometimes very large. The patients of silicosis, asbestos can testify. It also happens very often that the number of hours worked well over the legal rate. And what about the illegal workers who have no rights and are to thank you for the "bosses" unscrupulous.

Do you ever come to regard your work as a chore? It may happen that you are stressed by working, you drag your feet. Maybe your work does not please you: you dream of something else. Maybe you're bored at work that you do not there Flourish. Maybe the atmosphere at your place of work is heavy because of the rivalries, conflicts, or even psychological or sexual harassment.

And, your ill-being at work reflects automatically on your life in general.

Do you ever questioned whether this was really worth it to undergo such torments the sole purpose of having a salary at the end of the month?

While this wage, however small, is important and vital and can make your family life. But the price to pay so heavy sometimes that your life is ruined.

Sometimes it is enough to open eyes, to realize what a mess to take over and try to change, even leaving to pursue a job with lower pay.

We see every day people who change their life and work. They give up a good salary for any leave. Their quality of life becomes a priority. They realized that their lives no sense of anything, their families, their children should take precedence over everything.

Of course, this does not give everyone drop everything. When you own a home, you have credits on the back, you can not do anything and leave everything on a whim.

This can not be done overnight. This requires thinking and above all guts. You must challenge yourself, do work on you. It should give you the means. Organizations specialize in changing lives and can help you leap.

But ultimately, if you really want it, you'll be able to get away from your life that you like better. Your personal comfort take precedence over your physical comfort. Please come forward to happiness, one that suits you best.


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