Thursday, October 8, 2009

No more loneliness! How have your friends

A "little note" en passant -

During my last vacation in Oleron, I met someone who became my new friend. His name is Steve. A boy met at dune festive evening held at St TROJAN.

The paticularite Steve is its incredible network of friends. Wherever he goes, he attracts new contacts, relationships - who become his friends. Like a Luciolli, people are attracted by his personality. Is this his way of being? No, it is very simple. Is it his speech? No more, he speaks like everyone else. Was it then his "aura"? Still no.

But one thing is obvious, he created a few hours more friends than any guests present. Just see how many cards he collected in the late evening to be fully satisfied. Myself, Steve became a friend.

He knows I'm passionate about my personal development. And I ask this:

"How do you Steve for having so many friends?"

After the evening we met (as good friends and he agreed to show me his "recipes" for having friends. Here are his secrets:

He said: "If you want to succeed in life today, we need friends. We never do alone. Because we are not "islands" living alone in this world. "

No, we are individuals who live in society. But you know make new friends can bring you many benefits:

* Expand your influence:

Social networks today are indeed a good way to make new friends. But there are others. How many people you come across in your day, week, month - Thousands. More friends you and the more you expand your influence. You can get better information if you are alone. Getting support from a friend at the right time when you need it.

Expand your contacts *:

A friend may offer you the possibility to meet his contacts. His influence networks. This can also be an opportunity to get acquainted for sentimental reasons.

* You open up new opportunities:

There is one common to all persons who have succeeded. They have many friends. When you have friends, it's as if you had several "brain antennas" working for you. They can at any moment to inform you of opportunities to make you climb the ladder of success.

So here are 3 rules for "How to make friends"!

# Rule No. 1

Identify the qualities of those around you!

Each person has qualities. You have, I have the others too. Learn how to detect them! Do not say it's difficult. Just be attentive to the other. You forget a little. Then, learn to detect what is expressed more in terms of qualifications among those you meet.

For example:

- Speak he (she) better than you?

- Its ability to do a task is it obvious?

- His mind is it more creative than most people?

- The qualities of organization they impress you?

- Etc..

Become a "researcher" qualities in others! This simple attitude of "searches" of "highlights" you will create empathy. You will be "open" to those you meet. That feels really.

Rule No. # 2

Make - praise - their qualities!

When you meet the person, tell him - really - what you like in it. Speak with emotion. Talk to him, asking for example: "How do you express yourself so well? if so, of course) -

Instantly, it will be "under" your "good influence". Even if the person impresses you in its hierarchical position, put forward its qualities. Everyone likes to be appreciated at its true value.

Warning! Do not make it! Be "true" in your "praise". It is not praise for rien.Aussi, you get more successful, if you claim the praise in the presence of other groups.

# Rule No. 3

Send mercigrammes!

The idea of "Mercigramme" was invented by Edward Kramer - who wrote a popular book:

"Paths to Power"

You can imagine the strength of Mercigrammes. These are small cards that are envoees either by email or by mail. Just to print the word "MERCIGRAMME" and indicate below the reason for the thank you and your full name.

When you gave a service (even a small), send an email, card, mail with the word:

"Mercigramme from -. and credit the service and sign with your name and your name. "

The more you send the "Mercigrammes" and have more friends. Steve is a big fan of MERCIGRAMME. For example, he sent a box "Mercigramme" the organizer of the evening festive and the staff present. No wonder the next day, his network of friends was still "swollen" several dozen people.


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