Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Problem to concentrate? 10 effective strategies to master your mind

1 - Try as best you can not do one thing at a time.

Of course, there are contingencies, disturbances, but when you have the opportunity to do so, act by not doing one thing at a time. When one wants to multiply the tasks at the same time, too often, mistakes are common. Also, frequently this task is not performed correctly, forcing them to return. Be totally in what you do. Mentally and physically. Bring your attention to detail in every act you perform. Ensure that your thinking is consistent with this action.

2. Get out of habit!

When you watch a child before a magic show by example, his spirit is captured in the first minute to last. Its degree of wonder we face a formidable lesson in concentration retained. Interest!

Specifically, the number 1 enemy of concentration is used. However, when you perform a task, you say that "This is the first and last time that you realized. Find an interest "as if it was really true! You will not be on autopilot mind but instead concentrate fully on your work.

3. Add a "little effort" a few more minutes!

The principle is that the will can play a trick. It is common to find that your attention can seem upset by a relative fatigue caused by your work. Practice in 3 minutes to increase your concentration on this work. You learn to become the "governor" of your mind. No longer is he who decides when you have to "disconnect", but you. Go gently, gradually increasing your "little effort" further concentration. You will develop your mental endurance.

4. Note that disturbs your mind.

Imagine that you are studying a history lesson in preparation for an examination. Suddenly, a thought crosses your mind, "you've noticed an interesting article on your favorite sport. Immediately, by association of ideas your mind begins to create other thoughts related to your passion: sports. A few minutes later, you have completely 'won' with your topic of study. Henceforth, to avoid the frustration that can result from a refusal to give in to this thought, you'll note it. Indicate that you have thought about this article. Add in 30 minutes you will visit.

5. Increase your motivation!

Give yourself some rewards by rewards once you've managed to "govern" your mind for a fixed period. It is important to find a source of encouragement and motivation when the "challenge" is reached; this to work or you stay focused until the end - without interruption - and produced successfully. He should be rewarded. Have an exit, a good movie or something else that gives you a relative pleasure. Your ability to concentrate the next time will be associated with the pleasure of success.

6. Set goals!

Set a clear goal of what you do. The brain makes you a hundredfold what can happen if you give the signal of what to do as and hour.

For example, you have to do a study on a lesson that requires much concentration. Tell yourself internally, "I will devote 45 minutes to understand, remember this course. The more your brain KNOW what you must do so by setting a strategy, a specific goal, the more it abounds in resources and capabilities to mobilize the "nervous and mental forces" necessary to succeed in this work.

Think and write on a sheet of paper (on a list for example) how long the quantity, the target level. You will find that if you do this strategy of 'target', your level of mental concentration is known to be amplified.

7. The form of dispersion

It is a very effective trick "plays" on the principle of "feedback" or self-control. The principle is that you'll have next to your workplace, a form called "form of dispersion. The goal is to put a "respect" each time your mind disperses its current task.

For this to work, you must be honest with yourself! Enter the current date. Once you find that your mind begins to wander on a different theme of this action, write a quick line on the form of dispersion. Within days, you'll notice this wonder, each day the number of strokes diminish. You will be "challenging" with yourself to gradually increase your daily level of concentration.

8. Use sequences of optimal concentration

It is preferable to divide sequences in your activities. Stay firm on your ability to remain fully focused on your work. You will be more effective if you "cut" but in small. "Portions, but that will take some intense mental activity. Remember that if you have a relative "density" of your mental activity during a limited sequence, you'll be more productive if you try to complete your task at once.

The tests are very revealing, small sequences are associated with a high level of concentration so that the opposite is observed when the length of periods of mental work are extended.

For example, if you must deal with several issues that require a high attention (to avoid risk of error), you will want to take a folder, devote the maximum concentration, then release the pressure. Relax, get a few moments and return to begin a new sequence with another file to process.

9. Increase your performance

You will manage to really improve your results if every day you do the exercises every day. You will encounter some obstacles, but periods of discouragement, remember that the next retry will improve your performance.

The concentration is acquired by its daily use. It would be wrong to believe that simply deciding to stay focused for that to happen. Obviously this is not the case. It's the repetition that produce a measurable result. Assume that if today you could hold it for 7 minutes on your mind and is not preceded by a comma. "Action and that tomorrow you succeed in achieving lasting 8 minutes, you made a real progress. Your brain will register the new performance and facilitate future attempts.

10. Stay awake!

When you ask people who manage to spend time focused on one thing, they'll say they always try to stay awake and interest.

It quickly loses the attention of our thinking when interest is low. Instead, find new interests in everything you do. There are many ways to find who can maintain your arousal. Try to appreciate what you're doing. Below you will be in routine and automation over your mind and keep a high level of concentration. An effective way to achieve this is to restart your attention by asking yourself from time to time issues.

For example:

"Where do I find -?

"How can -?

"What (color, texture and design) is what .. ?

These questions are intended to shift a focus of your mind. Have the idea that a child just as well stay awake by his quest for "knowledge" ever.

To learn more, download free Practice Manual:

"How to Develop Your Mental Concentration"


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