Friday, October 9, 2009

You invent a new sound Hygiene

The noise charge any of your tinnitus is not always easy to remove. It is, again, sneaky.

In fact, if you react violently and spontaneously move from a fighter plane over you, you do not go necessarily realize that you're familiar with the sounds of your environment. And if length and frequently exceed the 80 dB, you may dangerously affect your ability to hear without even realizing it.

You have an interest in tracing the sources of sound dangerous for you to make them soften and possibly even eradicate them.


List your domestic enemies in the first instance, to start reducing the noise sources too:

- By car does not turn the radio too loud.

- Be sure to turn down the television when it increases with the remote is easy now.

- If you need to buy household appliances, compare the sound levels indicated and do not hesitate to inquire closely with vendors or manufacturers.

- If you are in an uproar not required, practice to have the courage you away or even leave.

- When you shop, try to choose the hours and stores the quietest.

- Treat yourself to the beaches of silence during the day or night through earplugs.

- Rethink your habitat by promoting sound insulation.


You can improve the acoustic comfort of your home with some work and you can successfully isolate:

- Your walls with products made from mineral fibers, for example - your windows with caulking joints or acoustic double glazing.

- The floor and the ceiling through the intervention of a specialist.


Keep this in mind: to offer you the quiet comfort and maximum noise, an apartment should not exceed 35 dB, ie the equivalent of soft music and a chance to talk without raising his voice.

- Note that the frequencies are most harmful, avoid as much as possible.

- The rumors are dangerous based on their intensity but also of their duration. More sounds are intense, longer duration is negative. Be carefully.

- Pace yourself breaks when you voluntarily expose yourself to noise (music, work, shooting etc..) To allow your ear to rest.

- Never disregard helmet noise in your workplace, your health depends on it. According to Article R232-8 code work you may require certain anti-noise from your employer, do not hesitate to ask about your rights.

- Watch out for players, they put your hearing at risk. If your friends can hear what you hear is the sound level is too high. Be vigilant.

- Do not forget the virtues of earplugs and do not hesitate to use them. Do not insert cotton balls in your ears and if you are caught unawares by a sudden noise, do not be ashamed to protect your ears with your hands. Their health is good gesture.

- If you suffer from the noise of your neighbors and your environment, contact associations, municipal, departmental directorates of social affairs and health, the gendarmerie or the police depending on the source of the noise and find out your rights and how best to enforce them.


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