Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do you know Saffron?

Saffron has been known since antiquity. It is grown as a spice since. Today it is still one of the most valued spices. At the time of antiquity it was actively produced in Macedonia, Persia, Kashmir. This is when they are installed in Spain that the Arabs introduced saffron in this country.

Commerce is developing with countries in the northern Spanish saffron was introduced in France, especially in the Gatinais. This region was able to recognize the high quality of saffron produced it for two centuries and the world price of saffron were fixed at Pithiviers. (Other sources attribute to the Phoenicians introduced saffron in Gaul or the Crusaders who have returned from the Crusades).

Saffron is grown in warmer regions but not in the tropics.

Nowadays saffron is grown in Spain, Greece, Morocco, India and Iran. It's Spain who made the biggest production.

We grow a little in France. (In recent years several manufacturers have begun to cultivate again, reconnecting with an old tradition. Indeed, until not very old saffron was cultivated throughout the south-west and even into the region d 'Orleans)

Saffron is the stigma of a flower (Crocus sativus) that are harvested in October and November in the morning. It is then dried. Saffron is sun drying artificial drying but retains its flavor better.

To obtain 1 kilo of saffron harvest it took no less than 200,000 flowers in hand. This explains why saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.

That is also why we must beware of false rudders that exist and provide a retailer with seriously. A low cost cache certainly a fraud.

In the Kitchen rudder is indispensable to bouillabaisse or paella, some risottos, soups, fish, the famous rust served with the soup, to name a few dishes.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Online Garden Plants Boutik

Why buy your garden products online?

Open 24/24, the online garden plants Boutik allows you to shop garden sitting quietly on your couch. Browsing the shelves in just a few clicks and you quickly find what you are looking through the search tool optimized with keywords.

Why Plants Boutik to buy your garden articles online?

Plants Boutik offers many products in its different sections:

Gardening Accessories


Auxiliary cultures



Wall Plant


Plant pollution removal

Pots and Cache Pots

Products Processing

Seedlings and cuttings


Cropping Systems

Composts and substrates

Plants Boutik offers also two original gift ideas with two innovative concept of indoor garden:

An Aerogarden allowing you to grow your herbs all year round in your kitchen: basil, parsley, chives - Enjoy fresh herbs picked a few seconds before making your dishes. You'll just add a little water and the Aerogarden is fully autonomous with its lamps that replace the sun.

A Flowall or called green wall will replace your lifes a living work of art. Real indoor garden, you will also clean your air by absorbing CO2. You will just choose plants or flowers and you will see your wall vegetation change from day to day.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sad story of a regime that turns into a nightmare

I personally know a lady who has done all his life regime by depriving it of cheese, yoghurt, milk -.. eating only vegetables and meat boiled in water without calcium intake with any candy saccharin.

His obsession: I do not want to become as big as my aging mother.

She started at age 25, she now suffers from calcium deficiency, rheumatic pain.

The relief it is not possible without taking cortisone, which has necessarily fattening.

Years of deprivation to achieve the same or worse than his mother's pain of being forced to relieve the pain medication that makes her grow inexorably, but mostly it clear that it is inconsistent for its deprivation of years have led to this result.

That is the danger of certain regimes but also an embarrassing failure in the long term.

Why does this not work?

I know some plans call for this kind of thing: lose weight by reducing the quantities.

In fact all or almost all plans are based on a decrease in your quantities or total change in your diet, they are undoubtedly effective in the short term, long term I'm not so sure.

But mostly they are often inadequate budget through French, their habits and also time for everyone who cooks has at his disposal.

Consider a typical day the French way:

A family of 4 two adults two children

Parents work, children go to school, sometimes eat lunch in the canteen and in the evening at home.

The morning is often a race against the clock:

A cafe in speed, a bowl of milk and cookies for children or cereal or fruit juice.

The French that breakfast is rare, it eats mostly bread and butter or jam or even spreads, a bowl of milk chocolate or coffee and not rarely tea.

he sometimes added a fresh fruit juice or bottled.

Noon to race again, a quick sandwich eaten in the office, a meal in a self business, and sometimes a warm meal prepared or kept warm in a box --. the canteen for children.

The last evening meal with family, television, sometimes a meal tray tv or a family meal where finally everyone will gather around the table quickly prepared a menu of pasta, ham, eggs - mashed packet The box of canned and frozen dish.

We can not condemn this practice in effect after 8 hours of work, children go to find the way to go --.. HARD consider spending two hours in the kitchen at night.

Then the weekend the French are catching up: it cooking fat, sugar and everything else, he overcomes.

All these situations you know, you live or have lived, you worry me too!

I also followed the plans, finally tried it, but how to make two different meals at night while one is not already obvious? how to eat a balanced lunch without having quickly tired of bland salads that do not take the body? how to prepare a full breakfast between the toilet and the youngest revision in the catastrophe of the greatest lessons not forget the clock is running and the work that does not wait?

It's simple you make any arrangements and how to give up just as quickly.

Because this scheme does not belong to you you have not integrated it is too far to change your habits then yes but keeping your habits to You in the conscious choosing yes! you of the result

Who am I?

Before you make me confident about the ideas that follow it is important I think I present to you

You are reading this article gave a part of yourself (in time) and I think it is important that you know me before you read more.

In fact it is just 50 years and I have spent my life helping others why you today?

Because I was working in institutions and that I was not free to help people as I wanted

I spent several degrees I climbed the ranks to finally be able to help another, but certainly the institution offering me a salary certainly has not helped me realize, too much brake too much wheel to crush can finally express themselves so I took risks for you. I gave a fair fixed salary with a goal to finally be useful to others. of course I sold this book it is necessary that I eat (smile) paradox for a book on the plans but I wanted above all to share what I learned in 50 years time for the "blah blah" just feel useless to pass a message to all that everyone has a better future a future bright and sunny.

This eBook is sincerity that he may or may not help you but it has the merit of being true rarity in this world.

If I write that I'm sure he can help it would not exist otherwise.

Meditation practice (Part 2)

After seeing a previous article in what meditation (meditation, what is it? (Part 1) "), come to practice.

Here are some tips that may help you if you want to meditate.

For meditation to be effective it needs to be gathered 5 elements: the calm, breathing, posture, concentration and time.


For a meditation or productive, you must practice in the quiet, that is to say, try as much as you can, get away from the noise of daily life (traffic, television, radio, telephone, etc..). Sometimes, if you do not have a suitable room, you may be prompted to save the music quiet, zen. It allows you to isolate yourself from the outside world, to cover the external noise.

The sounds of nature (waves, birds, rustling branches) are not negative, quite the contrary. You can meditate in nature after some practice time.

Moreover, the complete calm is especially recommended when you begin. Indeed, little by little, to succeed to think as you get around more easily isolate yourself from the outside world.


Or rather positions. There is no position to meditate. You have to find one that suits you best, that seems to you more efficiently. Land-use you a place to meditate, clean and tidy, rather stripped to prevent your eyes from being "polluted" by objects.

You can meditate in a seated position: cross-legged on a carpet, a cushion on a bench for meditation on a chair, preferably without a back. You should be aware of your body. Your posture should be clear: head erect without stiffness, chin slightly tucked, chest stretched upwards. You must keep this position, so the monitor constantly. A force, it will be automatic.

You can also meditate standing: body upright. Always aware of your body and constantly monitor your position. The latter, which requires a perfect command, you can meditate everywhere, mainly in places rather poorly attended.

Another position you can meditate while walking (even just in your room). You must walk slowly, his body straight, both hands on your belly, eyes fixed on the ground. Again, you should be aware of all your movements, your breath. Each of your steps must be broken.

Finally, you can meditate lying down: flat on his back on a mat or firm mattress on a lawn, attach your knees close to your buttocks, head resting on a firm cushion, arms along the body. This position is not highly recommended as you may fall asleep and "spoil" your meditation session.


Respiration is the main point of meditation. You must control it and learn deep breathing and controlled. You should be aware of your breathing. Your objective is to score the different phases that are aspiration, expiration and pause in between. Breathing in and out deeply, you must follow the flow of air into your body.


The deep breathing and controlled you will find your calm, relieve stress, eliminate tension and especially concentrate. Soon you'll be more relaxed. And you will realize that this new way of breathing will help you in all the circumstances of your life by restoring harmony between your body and your mind.

Small tip: to breathe, choose loose clothing, where you will not feel compressed sausage.


Another important point of meditation, concentration. You must learn to concentrate in order to ignore everything around you. It'sa bit like being in a bubble. You must take full vacuum. You should especially focus on you now and do not let you interfere with thoughts and stuff. You should not think about what you did yesterday, what you will eat tonight -

You only need to attach importance to the present moment. When you begin, you should avoid immediately seek Nirvana. You just need to learn to be aware of the moment. That is meditation. Later you can go further, you transcend such as yogis.

The best time to think about:

You can meditate at any time of day it is best done at night because it will allow you to digest your workday stress; you to crop. The morning is not a good time for a lot because you feel the stress from work, you're not awake.

Your meditation session should not last more than 20 minutes. More would first require binding and especially the exceptional qualities of concentration.

Well, now your turn! Follow these tips and you will succeed in meditation, you focus, to find harmony between your body and your mind to deal calmly all the negative circumstances in your life.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The secret of a successful relationship

Whatever type of relationship, friendship, love, work, it appears they may actually be a success until the moment that two important elements coexist: listening and communication.

A successful relationship, constructive can not exist without the presence of one or the other.

It seems obvious to many. But why is it so difficult for some to build relationships, keep them in time?

Most often, the lack of communication is highlighted. For example, a couple can no longer agree. One continually seeks to impose its views, ideas, beliefs.

The other can not issue its opinion and when he has the misfortune to do so, that's where the arguments begin endless.

Why happens to be there?

Generally, it is the lack of listening that is behind everything. Listening is vital in relationships. Of course, it must be performed correctly and most sincere. Do not say "I'll listen because he or she is happy and at the same time think of something else (what am I going to do to eat tonight?, Making your shopping list, think to call someone, etc.). Do not hear, he must listen!

Listening must be absolutely sincere it is constructive.

Of course, listening does not mean accepting everything that you said.

After you finish listening to your partner, you can advance arguments that contradict this, but after he finished his remarks.

The bottom line is learning not to interrupt the speaker just because you disagree or you want the abbreviated conversation quickly.

This indicates a lack of respect for that person, or a lack of love against him.

It is not always good to try at all costs to impose its ideas, its views in a relationship. The latter is built for two. Attempt to impose his ideas without question, is trying to dominate the other, so it destroy the whole relationship.

Of course, listening to sincere, constructive takes time. If you really want, deep within yourself, a relationship to succeed, you will always find the time. It is valid in the couple but also between parents and children, between friends.

And from the moment you've learned to listen sincerely, communication will be only better. The frictions are less numerous, less systematic, there is less risk of misunderstandings or misinterpretations. The relationship will only be more beautiful and certainly more harmonious.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The eternal dissatisfaction

- I am a wife of 40 years, I am married and have two very nice children who work very well in school. I just bought a house - the house of my dreams - spacious, bright. I have a job that satisfies me and gives me very comfortable income for me to buy what I want. But I am not happy.

- I am a wife of 37 years, I have a friend who did much for me at home. I have a big house, a pretty cool job with a good salary. My parents are healthy. But I feel I'll never be entitled to happiness.

- I am a woman almost 40 years, I have a job, but gives me a very modest income. I was even Rmiste some time, which is far from obvious in financial terms. We must learn to tighten their belts. Yet despite this, I am, mostly, happy.

These two types of people you probably know: the eternal dissatisfaction and those who appreciate even the smallest moments of happiness.

The eternal dissatisfaction have all the material wealth, a lovely family, work okay but they feel unhappy. They do not realize how lucky they are. They always want more and they usually have a knack for complaining about their lives "disastrous" to unemployed people who are struggling to make ends meet, who live in very small places, without comfort, sick and living alone, etc..

In contrast, others who are happy "despite everything, have resolved to stop constantly lament and say that despite the difficulties, problems, there are moments that can make them happy. Thus, a ray of sun, a bird that sings, a well cooked meal, a walk in the countryside, a discussion between friends, a family reunion, a good book, a song on the radio, etc.. makes them happy and they really give the impression that life is worth to be lived anyway.

Precisely what the eternal dissatisfaction had trouble getting. For them, they were not enough, there are always people around them who have more than them. They have identified it, mostly as poor people despite their comfortable situation, as people abandoned despite the support of their spouses and their families. In short, as people to whom it happens all the misfortunes. Thus, they are always bitter, sullen, sad fate of their enviable and yet do not even notice they have everything to be happy, that many would take their place.

Attention to some eternal dissatisfaction, this mindset could be beneficial. It should enable them to advance, to accomplish great things. In fact, always wanting more, they should struggle for the life they truly desire.

But unfortunately, they have everything and they are not yet satisfied. So even if they have even more, they continue to complain, to be dissatisfied with their lot. Moreover, as they will not stop being unhappy, it will be very difficult to advance. They are prevented by their discomfort.

Instead, those who are happy "despite everything" seem to have a better chance of escape, because success is not easy to create, build something when you're happy? Their mood is lighter, more open, more so conqueror.

Anyway, those eternal dissatisfaction do they really know what would make them happy? I think not. As they see everything in black, it is not even sure if they took down the moon, they would be happy.

Of course, these people are not to blame for the depths of themselves, they are really unhappy and create problems where there is none. For them to come to escape, he would have something or someone opens their eyes. Hopefully they understand before they happen "a real misfortune that life is not always wanting more but enjoy the small moments of happiness.

Only if they radically change of mindset, they will be happy and can live more genuinely and daring.

Remember, happiness is here and now!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The benefits of music

As the saying goes very well known, "music soothes the savage breast."

I do not know you, but I think it's very hard to do without music.

The music produced all sorts of emotions. While listening to a song or an opera or a symphony orchestra, you can go from laughter to tears. Thus, an instrument moves me particularly, cello. On the other hand, listening to songs by Lynda Lemay, for example, I can smile and the next song, I can be affected.

But for me, music has another function, it allows me to concentrate more easily. When I have a book or an article to write, I log on Deezer (site plays music for free), I lower the sound and I start to think and write -. From the moment I do realize even more account of what I listen, I can say I am totally focused. Of course, all music does not help me in my concentration too rhythms, percussion are too discouraged. Right now, I listen mainly Reggiani.

I'm sure some of you, it is inconceivable that you listen to music while working. But everything depends on individuals -

In any case, one thing is certain music brings emotions to everyone, more or less strong. It leaves no one indifferent and it is extremely rare to encounter individuals who do not like music or who do not listen. It is part of life, it is sometimes rooted in us.

The music produced great benefits to our bodies and our spirits. In times of stress, listening to soft music, relaxing soothe you immediately and you will feel better afterwards. Conversely, if you are tired, listen to upbeat music (why not disco, revived the day now, a good Abba, for example) and you would take the bull by the horns, as they say.

The virtues of music are also increasingly recognized to the extent that the medical community uses it for therapeutic purposes. This is called music therapy. Whether in the perinatal period, during or after childbirth, in times of deep crisis or serious illness, music helps patients cope better events and pains.

Thus, the eight-month fetus reacts to sounds and music rather serious, but nothing proves that they will be smarter if they had heard during the pregnancy of classical music. However, listening to soft music and relaxing during pregnancy allows the mother to relax and relax more easily. Similarly, to soothing music during childbirth it will deliver in greater serenity.

Beyond his side relaxing, soothing music can also serve as therapy. It would help the patient get better. In France, unlike other European countries, music therapy is not a medical discipline in its own right. However, it seems that the music sounds rather some very particular style of whale songs, songs of birds, sounds of sea, nature, etc.. are effective to support the cure or relief of some patients.

The music would thus relieve pain, reduce stress, relieve certain disabilities, to soften some cases of dementia. As it has a certain calming effect, it reduces stress and releases endorphins, which have sedative and analgesic properties.

In addition, music can open outwards and communicate with others. It would be particularly effective for autism, since it stimulates, gives them confidence and makes them more "sociable".

In France, there are many therapists, specialists in music therapy. As with everything, if this discipline interests you, beware, do not come first. Try before you learn to not be dealing with a cult. In addition, contact the specialist as well as no one reacts the same way listening to the same piece of music, you must find the right person who will guide you better in selecting music that will help you get better.

Anyway, even without going to music therapy, can you, yourself, you concoct small live music that will help you soothe or stimulate you. Make and full of emotions and you'll feel better in your life. To quote Nietzsche, "Without music, life would be a mistake."

Monday, September 21, 2009

The quest for True Love

This is not always easy to be loved and to love.

Knowing the truth, the great Love is not given to everyone. Sometimes he appears before us and we do not recognize. Sometimes we think the experience we have immersed themselves in the relationship and everything ends at once - because it was ultimately not good. Sometimes you idealize love so great, we ended up missing out on stories.

The great love is he really? Is this not a fantasy imagined by the authors of fairy tales?

When we look around us, it is not obvious that the great love is the prerogative of the majority. Separations, divorces, family dramas are proof.

But is it so far, to give great love?

I would answer both no and yes.

No, because it is difficult to give up especially when it experienced a failure in love. This will keep the hope. Now, living without hope that things will get better, will improve no doubt, is difficult.

Yes, because wanting to know the price all great love is to renounce small living stories that love can be, ultimately, very enjoyable. It may also be setting the bar too high and make demands too high, it is wanting to make their relationship something perfect. Now, everyone knows that nobody is perfect and it's not because his partner or his partner has small flaws that should stop everything. Things can change. By putting his own and trying not to constantly seek perfection, harmony can be installed within the couple. In this case, Love will evolve and transform over time, with great love.

Of course, there are people who know and live the truth, the great love. Sometimes they wait a long time, they thought no more. They had even given up. In this case, it can only be big and strong. It falls on them as they have not really tried. This is perhaps the key criterion for the great love really exists.

Indeed, too much to be desired, we end up missing. As it does not come early enough, it ends up devaluing, lose confidence, by telling himself that it is zero, we will never know love - and this will eventually happen . Indeed, it is what you think. All these negative thoughts will accrue to you, your character, your behavior and you will flee, unwittingly, people.

So to experience the great love, do not think, do not try at all costs, adopt a positive attitude, have confidence in you and you will attract eyes on you. You can only be appreciated. And, finally, is not the only way to meet the person who will share your life with whom you build your future?

The new technique to better sell the product!

To understand the purchasing behavior of consumers, a new technique emerged in the early 2000s in the United States and has recently appeared in France. This is the neuromarketing. As its name implies, this method combines two elements: neuroscience and marketing.

This is to analyze the brain activity of consumers view a product (at the time of his act of purchase) or by advertising, using a scanner (MRI). According to the inventors of this sophisticated technique, when a person buys such a product, it means she wants a strong, and in this case, the MRI, it appears clear that a particular part of the brain is stimulated: it is the putamen, which is the seat of pleasure and immediate and instinctive part of the "unconscious zone" on the brain.

The excitement of consumers are somewhat crude but may be troubled by his environment, his conscience. That is why the old methods of marketing based on polls, the tests appear unreliable because it decides that the mouth may be different from what the brain feels now (the design, the idea that there is a brand - can change everything!)

With this discovery, companies (like Coca-Cola, U.S. banks) have decided to analyze the responses obtained through their products to better adapt to them and their advertising to "taste" of consumers.

The neuromarketing appears as a new branch of marketing. It's like the El Dorado for businesses. What's more magical than going into the brains of consumers to know exactly, precisely what and how to sell them.

This opens the way for new advertising campaigns of another kind: more focused, more attentive to the desires of consumers - The neuromarketing would become the panacea -

But is not this too rosy a picture of this new marketing technique?

Indeed, from the outset, we note something very questionable: with neuromarketing, using the techniques of science, namely MRI, for purely commercial. Medical ethics opposes strongly elsewhere. Safeguards the rest have been put in place to monitor the use of neuromarketing in the United States.

Moreover, the idea of manipulation is underlying, pervasive. Now who said manipulation, deception said. The aim of companies is to manipulate the brain so that the consumer buys the product. There, with the neuromarketing, handling seems more profound: it is the primary emotions, almost unconscious of consumers who are targeted. Therefore, it runs the risk of being operated without his knowledge!

Then, finally, neuromarketing is it safe for consumers?

It does not appear, at least for now.

Indeed, few companies have used since neuromarketing studies are very expensive (the MRI does not lie in any street corner!). Moreover, companies that control them prefer to quietly because the opinion is unfavorable to the idea that we can enter such a way into his brain.

Certainly, companies have rushed into this niche "juicy" but upon closer inspection, studies have suggested anything truly scientific.

Anyway, is it that easy to manipulate the minds of people? Apparently not. The act of purchase is extremely complex and comes in a multitude of factors other than the immediate pleasure and instinctive.

Finally, the neuromarketing appears, for now, just as a new way of marketing as a new way for companies to sell more. It just seems to open the way for new ads that will act differently on the consumer: they will aim to boost our implicit memory, to leave traces in our brain without one is really aware. Another kind of manipulation can be?

Concentration, the primary basis of Pass

Some people come to work in noise, to write books with music, writing fabulous speech with a crowd around them, to break records in a manic stage or hostile. How do they succeed?

They come with their power of concentration.

They come to isolate, to go somewhat deep within themselves.

Concentration is the power of focusing on one specific thing while ignoring everything that surrounds us is the mental control of his body and mind.

Concentration is necessary for human progress, to succeed more reliably and faster, easier to achieve its objectives. The concentration can not be dispersed in all directions ( "how puzzle") and not lose sight of the essence, the goal. It is always difficult to properly perform several things at once.

The man who knows how to concentrate, which focuses on her work or her task, succeeds. It will not be disrupted by external factors that will prevent him from advancing. It will delight his employer, his associates because he will do his work without interruption and especially with more speed, more performance.

But the power of concentration is not only useful in life. In private life, social, but also a valuable ally. It avoids falling into depression while hunting from our mind the dark thoughts. If these were the bad idea to interfere in our brain, it suffices to focus on positive thinking, happy, to make it disappear inevitably. If you're mentally tired at the end of the roll, he must perform an activity such as reading, painting - By focusing on it, shows that the brain regenerates, the ugly thoughts disappear or are less present. Of course, the obsessive thought is still there in a corner of the brain but is less involved, less crippling and does more to advance.

The merger is just a matter of will and practice. Some make it easy (at home, it is a reflex innate), others more difficult. They must learn the technique and train regularly.

To do this, there are two basic rules:

- Isolated from the outside world, not to be disturbed by external factors.

- Full control of the body and mind. The mind must control the mind and body must itself be controlled by the will. These three interlocking elements that achieve perfect concentration.

Finally, the key is to perform each activity without having their minds elsewhere. This can then be satisfied with ourselves because the task has been completely accomplished. The work, even the most banal, even the most ungrateful, has been achieved without distractions, without wasting unnecessary time to think about different things often negative.

All the power of thought, will lead to a whole towards a precise point so it is natural that the success is the appointment.

Concentrate and you will succeed!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Force yourself to change your habits

"We must take early habits, especially the question often and easily change habits" (Pierre Reverdy, French poet of the twentieth century).

I came across this quote a few days ago and I told myself that this author was right.

In fact, doing the same thing, sink into a daily routine that imprisons us, follow our little routine, we can be harmful.

While it is sometimes difficult to change some of our habits: work, school, errands, regular, etc.. require us to meet a schedule.

For some people, however, have such markers is a guarantee of safety. By following a schedule, they feel they have total control over their lives. They give the feeling of being hyper-organized, control everything.

But if one day, well oiled cog flu is one way or another, these people seemed to have everything under control, are lost and do not know how to react. They do not bear their lives is incorrect.

Exactly, if they had become accustomed to change some of their habits, they would know exactly how to behave. They would not be afraid of changes and can adapt to all circumstances.

So if you're routine, if you do not change their habit, even when trying to do. For example, change of route to work, do not eat the same thing at the restaurant, do not run errands on the same day, do not always do the same thing with your children, etc..

In this way, not only, you free yourself from your daily grind, but especially you new experiences that can only be enriching.

In addition, you will now able to approach without fear all situations, even those you have not lived.

Be creative. Live fully. Inevitably, you will not have full control over your life but you will reap in return, more fantasies of unexpected surprises.

You will be open to new experiences, meet new people. Liberated from your shackles, you dare more and you'll benefit trust you. You will be eager to live more.

It'sa bit of a vicious circle: the more you're free, you live more clear patterns, the more you dare things, the more your life will be rich!

Down habits! Try at least to escape as often as possible in your routine. You'll have the sensation of freedom, availability. You will, together, more relaxed, less stressed by time schedules.

Do not make your habits tyranny!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

In the storm, keep the cap and rest -

Always keep the cap when you want something. You should never get rid of your goals. Above all, we should never act in haste, with haste. Always think before starting. Of course, if you lack confidence in yourself, if you're unsure of yourself, if you have not carefully considered your project, you will not achieve anything. And, most importantly, you will have the tendency to do things too quickly for fear of being seen as someone who does not. Do not mean to do anything. Perform various things "useless" at the same time the sole purpose of showing that we do not sit there doing nothing, is useless and is the source of failure every time.

The foundation of your success is your confidence. If you say: "I'm hopeless, I'm a failure, I will achieve nothing", well, you know what you think. These habits of thought do not leave anytime soon and will bring you inevitably fail. The solution? Need to change your old habits and make new ones. As you become accustomed to constantly belittle you must, conversely, the habit of telling you that you are strong, you're the best that you can accomplish great things. By changing the image you have of you, you change the image others have of you. And nothing can resist you.

Thus, depending on your mental attitude. Things will go wrong if you go wrong. Of course, despite your optimism, sometimes it does not advance as you want. Often, you persist, you shut yourself up in your problems, you're stressed - You really want your project progresses, but despite the hours spent on it, nothing helps you stay in neutral. Worse, you get discouraged, you despair.

However, the solution is simple. Just as you take a break, you walked some time, that you're spending your weekend even. And you'll see strange as it may seem, your problem will be solved when you return. Of course, all this is possible only if you are sure you that you have faith in your project, your thoughts are entirely focused towards this goal.

In fact, this short break, this little break will just relax, relieve stress and you are well, simply. Your mental attitude has changed - Peace be with you. The peace and calm will make you stronger, more powerful and you can move mountains. You'll see things more positively.

It was better before

Who has not once said: "It was better before! ?

Moreover, countless shows "60 Years", "Rock'n'Roll", "70 Years", "80 Years", etc.. clearly demonstrate that the nostalgia that recipe. The organizers of such events do not only surf the wave, not just a matter of marketing. They actually respond to a request to an appropriate audience. Artists supposedly "has been" are also amazed at their new success.

As said one of them during a recent interview: "We've gone from star status to one of 'has been' and now we worship! "

The songs are good triggers memories. This song reminds Johnny Hallyday surprises-parties of the 60s. This allows slow to remember her first kiss. This song Piaf makes us remember our first love. And you? There are certainly worship songs that reflect key moments in your life.

This need to relive the past has been fully identified by Radio Nostalgie. But this need, what is it?

In a world where the future seems uncertain and where this is not always rosy, people feel the need to cling to their past because it is moments lived. There is no uncertainty about what will happen. It's like watching a movie we've seen: there is no suspense or anxiety, we already know the end.

They look at good moments they have experienced at times, certainly not always happy, but they were more complacent because of their young age.

Moreover, the brain tends to obscure the difficult times, it seems quite natural to want to relive happy moments.

But today, everything is not an excuse for nostalgia, music, clothing, furniture, marketing, etc.. ? All this is not done to make us forget the daily realities of this life? Is not this a way to infantilize people?

He did not let the desire to relive the past becomes an obsession. It's nice to occasionally remember good memories of this kind. But it's dangerous for his personal evolution to abuse. Especially since the past that we are present at every turn is usually embellished, smooth, sterile. It is more a dream than reality.

By living together continuously in the past, we are preventing us from projecting into the future. We know very well that every great achievement can not succeed without viewing the result we desired. Do not deny the past but do not try to reproduce it as is. We must learn to use it intelligently. Do not regret the past but obtaining experience, positive or negative, to avoid making the same mistakes.

It is not constantly looking behind us we can move forward. We must go forward, turning to the future if we want to succeed.

Do you paramnesia? Health

"Paramnesia? What word barbarian! Inside, there's the word "amnesia" with the Greek prefix "para". But this division does not appear to provide further explanation.

However, I am sure you know what paramnesia, you may have suffered at one time or another in your life. Indeed, the paramnesia is the feeling of deja vu.

This term was invented by Emile Boirac in 1876 in his book The Future of Psychic Sciences. But the phenomenon had been described previously.

You probably already happened to walk somewhere and you say: "I'm sure I've seen this place yet I've never been to this area. Similarly, you can experience the sensation of having already seen a person so that you see for the first time.

In fact, you made false memories. You confuse the past, present and future. When this condition occurs, you can no longer distinguish reality from fantasy. The two mix. You take things from your imagination to real memories.

This form of paramnesia is best known. But the fact of taking one word for another is also the paramnesia.

This is a true memory impairment which can be quite disabling, embarrassing as it gives the impression of having a mental problem.

It appears often in people with epilepsy. But attention, paramnesia is not a symptom of epilepsy.

In fact, the right hemisphere of the brain, particularly the temporal lobe, which comes into play during the onset of the disorder.

Various hypotheses have been advanced to try to explain this phenomenon.

Some believe that people with paramnesia are reincarnations of previous beings, which would explain that they have already seen or experienced the places or events.

Others lean more toward prophetic dreams: you have lived in your dreams that you currently live.

Others, psychoanalysts, think that this would be caused by the fact that you want to relive, unconsciously, events that you've already experienced.

Still others, perhaps more Cartesian believe the disease occurs because the brain would have stopped working for a time very short. Thus, when a live event, if your brain stops for a millisecond, you are missing information. So when it restarts, you have the impression of having already experienced something so long ago it was a few thousandths of a second. However, the brain, as he was arrested, has trouble finding the concept of real time. Do not worry, it will eventually put things in order but a few minutes later.

This explanation has the merit of being more realistic and reassuring. If you suffer from these problems from time to time, you need not worry unduly. This becomes more worrisome if you live constantly and if it turns into delirium or hallucinations. But rest assured, this concerns only 10% of people who feel the deja vu.

Moreover, as the disorder occurs when you are tired or stressed, to remedy this, you can relax, relax. Otherwise, as it is a disorder of memory, you can do exercises to maintain, that you can only be beneficial for other diseases or disorders of memory that exist.

In severe cases, please go see a doctor.

Find the balance between yin and yang

Most of you have already heard of yin and yang. Their symbol is well known: it is a circle, separated by an S, with the right part black and part white left. And in each half-circle, there is a small white circle to the black and black to the white part.

As their name suggests, the yin and yang are Chinese, they stem directly from Taoism.

Under this philosophy, yin and yang is present in all aspects of the universe. And as the symbol shown perfectly, they are complementary and in full harmony. One can not exist without the other. You can not, for example, be yang and yin at all. Indeed, this complementarity is perfect because, as you can see the symbol, it is a bit of yin in yang and a little yang in the yin.

But that actually represent the yin and yang?

The yin and yang direct all aspects of the universe (earth, water, fire -) and loved.

Yin (black) is the dark side, dark, cold, passivity. It is hollow. It gives life. It represents the moon, feminine. Its colors are cold green, blue, purple, gray.

The yang (white part) is the brilliance, light activity. It represents the sun and the male side. Its warm colors are orange, plum, red, yellow.

To be more complete, here is more accurately represent the yin and yang:

Yin: Feminine - Negative - ODD - Water - Cooling - Humidity - Indoor - Liabilities - Descending - Contraction - Darkness - Home

Yang: Male - Positive - Pairs - Fire - Hot - Dry - Exterior - Active - Ascending - Expansion - Light - Garden

But as there is a little yin in yang and a little yang in the yin, it means there's masculinity in femininity and vice versa.

The theory of yin and yang has been taken in the West to define the personality of individuals. Thus, many psychological tests are available whether you are more yin than yang, or vice versa. You are asked a series of questions such as: What is your favorite color, you are rather quiet, nervous, a little of both, you're stingy, spend, neither, etc. ?

Compared to what precisely symbolize the yin and yang, you know perfectly well what kind of questions are asked in such tests.

As for results, here schematically what it is:

A person who is more yin than yang is introverted, quiet and rather shy. She does not put himself forward and not appreciate the change. She prefers cocooning. Physically, it is rather healthy.

A person who is more yang is outward and nervous and likes to get forward. It prefers adventure to the routine of everyday life. Physically, it would be rather thin.

Bine course, in absolute terms, the ideal is to find the perfect balance between yin and yang. If one dominates the other, you're not very balanced. However, in reality, you will always be more than yin yang or vice versa.

However, to try to find this balance, it is recommended by specialists fen-shui, equip your home based on the balance you want.

So if you're too yang, too nervous, maybe you ought to calm down, make a room more yin, blue for example.

Conversely, if you're more yin without peps, walls of red are preferred in order to restore energy.

There are various techniques and to try to achieve harmony between yin and yang, between your body and mind, between you and the world around you. Finding this balance is essential to keep you healthy. Acupuncture, shiatsu, Chinese medicine in general, refer to the theory of yin and yang and trying different manipulation by you breathe more yin or yang, as needed to reach equilibrium. A change in your diet can help you achieve it. There yin foods (more grains, less sugar, for example) and yang foods (more vegetables, less strong cheeses, for example).

The balance between yin and yang is also unstable and requires constant work. Indeed, from the moment you have for example more yang, yin will seek to regain lost space, but from there, yang is losing momentum and try to win again, etc. . It is cycled constantly changing you need to tame every day to live in perfect harmony.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Desperately seeking mentor

When you want to create a business practice any activity, change of life, it seems easier to do by being accompanied by a mentor.

The mentor is a mentor, a person who knows, who has already gone through where you want to go. It is there to give you advice to help you avoid making mistakes, so you can move faster.

So, having a mentor seems to be quite a benefit to succeed, to progress more quickly and better in life. This is indisputable.

However, this does not turn into a fiasco, you must take some precautions.

The first obvious thing is that you must choose the right mentor. Indeed, some people can improvise mentor while they do not have the capacity nor the skills. Of course, it seems extremely difficult to know if you're dealing with a good or a bad mentor. Maybe you need to test it, offer him some kind of traps in order to ascertain if his skills are not limited to the "blablatage, if not ultimately a good talker.

Now, assuming you've made the right choice, there is an error to avoid. You must avoid being fascinated, obsessed, obsessed by your mentor. This could be dangerous.

Your mentor is there to help you, but to advise you not to destroy your way of thinking, your trial, your personality. You must keep your freedom of action, your free will.

If you feel trapped by your mentor, if you feel they do not do anything by yourself, you must flee, abandon. Indeed, perhaps you find yourself facing a guru of a cult!

Your mentor is there to guide you and not your grind, to break you mentally.

It must just be a launching pad to your success. His advice is invaluable, even indispensable, but its role should stop there. Is that you, personally, to build your future. You're the only master of your future.

The ideal addition would even surpass the master. Ideally, a good mentor - sincere and competent - does he not think this way? It must be your ally, a collaborator and not direct you to go in the direction he wants him.

You can rightly admire your mentor, be fascinated by his success, for his success. But you must keep a cool head and absorb like a sponge that teaches you the sole purpose of any return "to your own sauce."

This is a good mentor! It will identify you by your potential and help you develop.

If you understood all this, you will go far. A mentor is critical to achieve great things, but it's only you who will arrive after your dream! And perhaps you become one day you own mentor?

Drink pomegranate juice for "fart fire"

Everyone knows grenadine syrup this red, very sweet, that children particularly enjoy.

But here, I'll tell you about the pomegranate juice that possess exceptional virtues.

The pomegranate is an exotic red fruit (native to India and cultivated in the Mediterranean), which contains small seeds filled with delicious juice. Even if it is not practical, it's pretty fun to eat because the seeds are crisp. To eat more easily and more grenade, there is now juice.

Traditional medicine has long used to relieve diarrhea and colic.

Pomegranate juice is sold everywhere, especially in bio-rays. Researchers have indeed realized that the juice of the benefits afforded very interesting for our health.

It contains antioxidants, particularly tannins, which can slow aging and prevent cardiovascular disease. This is the fruit that contains the most. It would be an asset more powerful than green tea, rich in antioxidants with the tannin in it also.

It would also be effective in delaying the development of cancer cells (including cancer of the prostate), hypertension and limited in the case of Alzheimer's. But here, as regards cancer and other serious diseases, it is necessary to take precautions. Scientific studies are not numerous enough to draw compelling conclusions. In any case, regular drinking pomegranate juice, even if you do not heal, you will be incredibly well.

It would also be beneficial for osteoarthritis. It would limit the adverse effect of diabetes on the arteries, despite its high sugar content.

Pomegranate juice contains vitamins B5, B6 and C that can give you a boost (better than Red Bull and especially non-toxic) and protect your immune system. It also contains copper and potassium is also beneficial for your immune system.

It is best to consume the juice rather than fruit for pressing the fruit as a whole, all the antioxidants in the seeds and white skin are removed. Pomegranate juice costs quite expensive, around 7 euros per liter.

You can make your juice yourself, from the seeds of the fruit in a juicer or stainless rubbing through a sieve.

If the effects of pomegranate juice occur, you should consume daily, the equivalent of a cup. It is better to take bio.

Pomegranate juice is the juice became fashionable. The United States experienced in 2007 a buying frenzy, as to be out of stock. The phenomenon has moved to France, which seems entirely justified given the benefits of the juice on health. Not for nothing if he was the "fruit of the gods" for the Egyptians.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I earn my living through my pajamas at home business

Outside it is dark, it will certainly rain. The wind got up and saw my neighbor who just started his car, taking his raincoat tight around his neck. It was cold the poor. It is very early and I know he will not return until late tonight. His wife spent the day working at the shop round the corner and children returning from school, no one to greet them.

Sad life than my neighbors.

This morning I got up early because my phone was ringing constantly. I was curious to see why he called me so soon. It was when I turned on the screen to see what software was active as far as I understood it was my email that excited. OH! To see what he gives me I'm all excited too! WOUAOUW!

While I slept, my little website has made sales! YES! What happiness! I slept 8 beautiful and relaxing hours in a warm bed after a nice romantic evening. During this time people went to visit my site and ordered one of my products! SUPER!

Earning a living on the internet

With the profits I'll be able to pay the mortgage this month even though I corporate expenses and taxes to cover. I LOVE MY BUSINESS! It works almost alone now and I'm not used to control or monitor.

But to get there I had to work hard. I knew absolutely nothing there in Internet Marketing. Fortunately I found a good ebook that gave me the basics and I was able to start fairly quickly. Yes it's true, I spent hours before it pays, but now I can relax while watching my neighbor that the freeze out to work every morning, whatever the weather that it snows.

Are you curious to know what ebook gave me wings?

Get "Save his life on the Internet - Oui c'est possible!" And learn how to start your business today!

Earning a living on the internet

Monday, September 14, 2009

Beginners on the Internet they have the wrong mindset?

Every day in our world of brick and concrete, millions and millions of people lurking outside their bed still warm, take a shower, drink a cup of coffee, think about their work and say that there must have another means of livelihood. Each of these people know that there are people coming out of this routine \\\"metro-boulot-dodo\\\" and work from home, from their computer! Working at home seems the ideal solution. Many of these dissatisfied people want to leave their jobs to plunge headlong into the Internet marketing without any preparation, without knowing what to do without training and, finally, without much hope of success. The failure is their only option and they do not even suspect. The facts, according to several sources, MORE THAN 90% of entrepreneurs who start their Internet businesses fail after the first 120 days. You read correctly, 90% of activities start on the Internet fail in first 120 days! This failure rate should be a warning to anyone thinking of trying their luck on the Internet rather than finding a real job. Of course, success is possible. There are the remaining 10% who succeed. You should know that the success or failure does not happen by accident, it is not a fluke. Success happens because people have good ideas and they know how the Internet Marketing. They have not become rich quickly or to make a fortune in one night then retire on a tropical island. Most people start an Internet business with the expectation that they will not have to get up in the morning to work. They think they will work when and as they see fit and they have the good life - they do not expect to work hard for long hours.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Tips for selecting the right care home for your elderly loved one

When the time comes when your elderly loved ones need full time care, it can be heart wrenching trying to find the right care home. You may even find yourself filled with feelings of guilt, which are only natural, yet you know it's the right thing to do because your loved ones require the kind of nursing care that they just can't receive in their own home.

This is especially true when your loved ones require dementia care, as caring for them yourself, however hard you might try, is often just not possible.

When you're looking for a care home, and there are a lot of care homes to choose from, make sure that you visit the care homes yourself so that you are satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the staff. It's also a good idea to take your loved ones with you when you're making the final decision on what care home to use, as after all they will be the ones living there and they need to feel happy and at home.

Often you are able to claim funding for care homes, so you should look into what level of funding, if any, your loved ones would be eligible to receive should they go into nursing care.

When you're looking for a care home, and there are a lot of care homes to choose from, make sure that you visit the care homes yourself so that you are satisfied with the quality of the accommodation and the staff. It's also a good idea to take your loved ones with you when you're making the final decision on what care home to use, as after all they will be the ones living there and they need to feel happy and at home.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Baptism Favors - 5 Things You Need For Truly Meaningful Christening Mementos

If you're like most parents who are planning their child's christening, you want everything to be perfect, down to the last detail. One of those details is deciding on just the right baptism favors to give your guests. Here are the five elements you need to include to make these little giveaways extra special.

1. Christening favors should be spiritual. Although these mementos are usually given at the party after the ceremony, it still serves as a reminder of a religious event. So, look for baptism favors that feature Christian symbols such as a cross, Bible, dove, Noah's ark, rainbow or angels. A quote of Scripture from the Bible is also a nice addition.

2. If you want to give your guests a keepsake, make sure it's practical. Dust collecting knick knacks can be very appealing, but often end up stored away in a box with other souvenirs. If you want your baby's baptism favors to be something your family and friends will hold on to, give them something they can use. Look for fun, but functional items like mini spiral notebooks, key chains, pocket mirrors, letter openers, candles, frames or little tins filled with mints or chocolates.

3. Don't settle for ordinary, when you can find something unique. Take a little time to search online and you'll find there are many companies with a wide variety of christening favors to offer. For example, you might be considering going with candy wrappers with a baptismal design over standard Hershey bars. But if you look a little further, you might find a wrapper with a design you like even better, covering a gourmet milk chocolate bar with a hint of raspberry flavoring. Browse and you'll discover you have lots of choices.

4. Personalized baptism favors are treasured. Sure, you could go to the dollar store and get fifty porcelain angels for this occasion. But if you want your guests to cherish their mementos, then personalization is the way to go. Look for items that can be inscribed with your baby's name and the date he or she was baptized. You might find products that can even include a longer message or your favorite Bible verse, such as christening bookmarks. And for even greater impact, select a product that can include your child's picture. Photo favors make excellent keepsakes.

5. The best christening mementos are inexpensive. There's no need to empty your wallet to provide your guests with a memorable souvenir of this special occasion in your child's life. Shop around online until you locate the best value. You should be able to find wonderful, personalized baptismal favors for under two dollars each.

So, do some serious browsing, and then when you find a potential baptism favor, ask yourself the following questions:
* Does it have a spiritual element?
* Is this item practical and useful?
* Is it unique?
* Can it be personalized with my baby's name, date, message and photo?
* Is it inexpensive?

If you answered yes to all those questions, then you're on your way to giving your family and friends christening favors they are sure to cherish.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

What Buying a Home Can Do For You

These days its difficult for many individuals to even consider buying a home when jobs at this time can be so unstable but there are many advantages to buying over renting. It may even end up costing you less if you buy rather than rent. Not to mention the pride one feels when they are finally able to obtain home ownership. Buying a home is a huge step in one's life but it is money well spent as it can be one of the biggest investments you ever make.

One thing that buying a home can do for you is give you a renewed sense of pride. Not only because your purchasing your own home but because that home will give you endless opportunities to show your pride. In your own home you may remodel any way you wish, decorate however you like, and live anyway you wish to live without having to answer to anybody. Although this also means that any repairs and changes that the home may need will also be your responsibility, the freedom will be well worth it.

Another thing that buying a home can do for you is set you on a path to financial freedom. When many people think of purchasing a home they think of all the money that they'll spend and think little about the money that they may get back from buying a home. As soon as you make that first payment on your new home you begin to earn it back through your homes equity. And when you start making updates and changes you earn even more equity. Whether you plan to live in the same home for your entire life, rent your home out at a later date, or you plan to eventually sell and make a profit, that equity will always be there for you to do what you want with and to work as a safety net. Furthermore, there are a number of tax deductions for those that own their own home and especially for those that reside in their homes for a certain length of time.

The fact that you have something to leave behind for your children when your gone is another terrific reason to buy your own home. Not only will the they appreciate the home or the money from the home that you leave them because it will improve their lives but also because it can help with those often quite expensive funeral costs. Proceeds from selling the home can also greatly help to pay off any owed debts at the time of death. By owning your own home you can be comfortable in the fact that your family will be well taken care should any unfortunate thing happen to you.

Once you make the decision to buy your first home you will immediately feel a difference in yourself. Taking the first step may be somewhat difficult but the benefits it will bring you will make it all worth it in the long run.

Divorced Families and Book Inventory Software

Divorce is so commonplace these days, we don't seem to notice it much anymore. With up to 50% of marriages ending in divorce, this seems to add up to a lot of lives which are split in half. But instead of making this a difficult situation, perhaps there are ways to make things easier. Since families with children will most likely have visitation schedules, this also means that possessions will be split up between locations. With book inventory software, you can more easily keep track of where a child's books are - one less thing to worry about when your child heads off to visit their other parent.

Two Sets of Bookshelves

Books are something children may not use as often as their cell phone these days, but if they're still in school, books will still be an important part of their lives. If they are new to the divorce arrangement, they need to make sure they are keeping track of the things they own - especially when a parent lives far away from the other parent. With book inventory software, children can enter their own book titles in (if they're old enough) and then they can make notes as to where there books are. When they are packing up for the week or the weekend, they can look at their book inventory and then decide whether they need to bring anything else with them for their other bedroom.

School Days, School Days

School books seem to be easier to lose than any other book your child might have on their shelves. But with book inventory software, children can easily see where their school books are too. Even if they are home and they can't find a book, they can access their inventory list online and see where they listed their books to be. If the book is still missing, the search can then be extended to see whether the book has truly been lost or if it might be somewhere they haven't looked yet.

As soon as a school book is a part of the child's life, it can be entered into the book inventory software. Then, as the book is given back to the teacher at the end of the year, the book can be taken off the list.

Keeping the Peace

No matter how easy or difficult the divorce is, book inventory software can be something both parents have access to. This way, they can both know what books their children have and which ones they should have with them at any time. In fact, notes can be made in the software program to help the child remember what classes the books are for - and to help the parents remember too.

With book inventory software, parents of children can keep track of books no matter where there child might be headed one week. And while this might not make a divorce any easier, it can make the chaos that goes with visitation a bit more manageable.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Build Your Own Solar Panel - Is it Realistic to Think You Can Build Your Own DIY Solar Panel?

Build your own solar cells, is not impossible task. Now, that I, that make it very clear let out the way, for you to build your solar panel is no task that will be in the position, that simply if you are normal zero-power or electronic knowledge to reach normal people.

Get Best Make Solar Panel and Make Wind Turbine Guide Yes, you can be cut or to eliminate solar collectors, but the steps are large and too complicated somehow for the non-experienced person your Stromrechnung with DIY. However one detailed step by step well insert prepared statements should able from scratch to build your own solar panel if you have set no special skills.

This solar cells cost of about $ 85 can be built with closer, if you know where they must go buy the right parts in the absolute best prices. You have a number of very basic tools as a DC meters to group of players, wrench, etc. If you can use these tools they are found in your nearest market with a dialog box.

Note that you to do with power here. Start on a project until you are absolutely sure that you have a series of step by step instructions how to handle how reliably and manage the use and storage of the force of the Sun. Not only choose an item to build your own solar cells as you run your job, it is not so easy.

I want to frighten you with these facts, you should be able build to your own solar cells, but it is very important you with the rights that include sound and reliable information before you start your project or be grieved. If you put themselves in advance you will at the end waste your time, your money and ability a major long-term energy saving.

Do not believe are be solar collectors, the situation from scratch with some free information or free videos can find in the network to build. It takes more, that this. Building a solar module is a serious project and can to achieve this goal and have fun with him as thousands of Hausbesitzern have done as long as you expect with the correct information.

Creating solar or wind generators systems could very satisfactorily and payable project and thousands a major contribution to our environment and energy crisis, of dollars in energy costs in the long term and at the same time however it is very important that you a solid and reliable step-by-step are designed specifically instructions for step for this purpose.

If you choose a home study course download, make sure, it is developed management a system of experts with the single purpose, to regular non-technical people from the outset, until the project is and is running. Support along the chain is a must.

Get Best Make Solar Panel and Make Wind Turbine Guide

Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Build a Solar Panel - Not As Easy As You Think - Read This Before You Even Try

If you read this article of course, is because you learn how you want to build a solar panel on your own. Be careful construction is solar collectors DIY not as easy as you may have read in some websites or articles belongs. Neither will you learn to make, such as solar panels with a short videos from YouTube or free reports you can find everywhere in the network that is a fact.

Get Best Make Solar Panel and Make Wind Turbine Guide It is possible that you learn how you a solar panel build, if you your hands in the correct information. Only with a step by step manuals and videos specifically for you detailed from point zero, until you have your Panel and in your House you can do so at some point complicated task set.

Hearing you well to if you start you without project with the correct information and support, armed undoubtedly become at the end will try, frustrated, disappointed and think that it only for professionals. That is not true absolutely anyone who can read and follow step by step instructions can place really learn a you how build solar panel.

The problem, which is most the time that many people in the Internet go, have some research and they think storm on the hardware business some tools and materials they are ready to buy this project if the fact is that they are not. I see every day, dozens of people call my Office to ask for help, when they receive lagernd in the first stages of the process.

Again can you learn one how build solar panel and Yes, you can cut or even your electricity bill to eliminate, by you DIY solar collectors, but if you have placed the right of the statements and support you won't make it capable, period. It is to no abbreviations you need to go through and there without compensation. Waste your time and energy.

Creating solar or wind generators systems could very satisfactorily and payable project and thousands a major contribution to our environment and energy crisis, of dollars in energy costs in the long term and at the same time however it is very important that you a solid and reliable step-by-step are designed specifically instructions for step for this purpose.

If you choose a home study course download, make sure, it is developed management a system of experts with the single purpose, to regular non-technical people from the outset, until the project is and is running. Support along the chain is a must.

Get Best Make Solar Panel and Make Wind Turbine Guide

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Is 30 Year Term Life Insurance Worth The Commitment?

Your options are endless with life insurance. You can choose between whole life and term life with most insurance companies offering increments of 10, 20, and 30. If you are considering long term coverage then you might want to take closer look at 30 year term life insurance. Term life insurance is the simplest and often the most affordable kind of life insurance and a 30 year commitment will help you pay off a substantial amount of your debt so your loved ones won't have to.

The best way to find affordable 30 year term life insurance is to go online and compare life insurance quotes from at least three different companies. And why would you want a 30 year term life insurance as opposed to say, 10 or 20? Most individuals who take out 10 or 20 year term policies end up outliving their policies and are often put in the situation of having to pay more for further coverage.

Here are some important expenses that you can pay off with a 30 year term life insurance policy:

Your mortgage Your student loans Your children's tuition Medical bills Financial security for your loved ones Cover Yourself Into The Future With 30 Year Term Life Insurance

Keep in mind that each life insurance company calculates how high or low your life insurance rates will be in a different manner. Your age, health, and lifestyle all factor into the decision. Purchasing a 30 year term life insurance is a smart option for younger individuals who are just starting a family. You will be promised level premiums throughout the life of the policy and the long term coverage should give you a peace of mind that you and your family will be covered in the long run. Talk to a life insurance agent today about 30 year term life insurance and whether or not it is the right option for you.

Being a woman with a positive attitude

Some days make being a woman with a positive attitude more challenging than others. Because women are nurturing by nature, we often take other people's issues on as our own. You may have noticed, in doing this, the person with the issue may be less focused on it than you are. It either isn't that important to them or they rely on you to fix it because you have done so in the past. Although being nurturing is positive, nurturing the wrong person or the right person in the wrong situation can be a detriment to both people involved.

We, as women, also find challenge in replying, "No" when asked to do something since we pride ourselves in being able to "do it all." It's true, women are awesome and can do an amazing number of things in a day but taking on too much depletes our ability to handle important things effectively. Saying, "No" to someone else, is saying, "Yes" to yourself.

Here are some options for those "not so easy to be positive days:"

Start a new day whenever you want
You can begin your day over whenever you want. It can be 2:30 in the afternoon and if you dislike how your day has gone or feel you've been less productive than you'd like, start over. Real-Life Example: One night, I was too frustrated about my non-productive day to sleep. At 11:30 pm, I started my day over. I organized the attic and my closet as if I was in a race. It took two hours. I felt so productive afterward, I slept like a baby. Ever since that night, I've known that I can make every day good even if I get a late start.

There are 24 hours in a day. That may not seem like a lot if you are used to thinking of your day in work, commute, family, sleep segments but think of all the things you can accomplish in 30 minutes, one hour, two hours or even 15 minutes. Switch your segments around to enhance your productivity, remembering frustration can be transformed into powerful positive energy by determining an expectation with a timeline.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Why You Must Conduct a Nanny Background Check to Protect Your Family

Are you looking into childcare for your children and considering a nanny background check? Nanny background checks may increase with the economic crisis putting the financial squeeze on so many families in America the need for low cost childcare is greater than ever, but the daycare industry got hit just as hard with the poor job market.

Why Parents Should Run a Nanny Background Check

A nanny in Connecticut recently was caught stealing checks from the home of her employers. She was an immigrant from Brazil with an interesting life history and such a charming demeanor the people employing her didn't bother to check her background. She made off with $16,000 in forged checks. When all charges were finally brought against her, they included eight counts of third degree forgery and fraudulent use of an ATM card.

This isn't an uncommon story and a poor economic climate fosters a rise in criminal activity across the board and potential nannies are no exception. Just as you may be seeking in-home care for your child as a more affordable alternative to daycare, people everywhere are more desperate to make ends meet. Even nannies who would never do anything to compromise your child's safety may find themselves tempted to steal.

Why You Should Search the Background of People You Already Know

Many people have made nannies out of unemployed friends or family members, which can be a very enriching experience or a complete nightmare. One step that cannot be overstressed is the nanny background check in the selection process. This may be an awkward situation for many reasons, but asking them about any criminal history won't do the trick.

You can do a check online confidentially if you choose or if so inclined just tell them that you are going to do a background check. You could even split the difference with a white lie and give the person a chance to save face while telling them that a background check is on the way.

The background check is quick and easy to do over the Internet. All you have to do is fill out one simple form online, and you can find background, criminal and driving records quickly and easily. Learn more about a nanny background search here. We found this website to be reliable and easy to navigate. No matter what, good luck in your search for a new nanny!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Solving Your Garage Storage Problems When a Larger Space Won't

Garage storage has recently taken on a whole new meaning since I moved. Before I owned a garage, I thought all my storage problems would be solved once I had one. Then, once I had one, I came to believe that what I really needed was a larger one. I have since come to learn that that wasn't entirely true either. Most home owners who happen to have a garage probably know what it's like to try to make sense of all the stuff in their lives in a normal garage space, only to be frustrated. With sport balls, skis, bikes, holiday supplies, fishing gear, workout equipment, and a host of other items to store, garage owners try all sorts of creative solutions for their storage needs and sometimes still end up feeling like they just don't have enough space.

Luckily, there are some really helpful, attractive, and effective garage storage solutions. You can find customized storage racks, hooks, bins, and shelves for almost anything these days. Some homeowners opt for simple plywood shelving, while others go all out and get the latest and greatest. Regardless, each garage owner is usually trying to maximize available space for what is usually way too much stuff anyway. Part of the joys of living in a materially successful society I guess. But, even with all these creative solutions to your storage problems, it doesn't mean that you are going to have enough space for all the stuff in your life. And that leads me to my recent dilemma. See if you can relate.

When I sold my house and moved into a smaller house in another town, I learned right away how much I missed having a garage. But, luckily, the new place comes with a large out building where lots of stuff gets to live. In fact, this raises an interesting problem I hadn't even thought of at first. I really thought that having a larger space would solve my garage storage problems, but that hasn't necessarily proven true. Now, instead of trying to figure out how to just effectively store a bunch of miscellaneous things, I am trying to figure out how to also integrate other activities that used to happen in my larger house; things like working out, relaxing in the family room, playing games with the kids, etc. So while I'm glad to have a large space, I've discovered that it isn't the space itself that matters most when it comes to garage storage.

What actually matters most isn't how much space you have, but what you do with it that matters. Even with a really large space, if you just pile everything into it you'll be just as frustrated as if you had a small space. So if you are trying to deal with limited space, don't kid yourself into thinking that all you need to do is move into a larger one. Nope, what you really need to do is take inventory, get rid of as much extra stuff as possible, buy some creative garage storage solution products, and then use it.

If you do these things, then whether you live in a relatively small place, or have lots of garage storage space, you can take control and live with the peace and contentment that comes from an ordered and organized approach.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Do I Need to Tip the Household Help? How Much?

Recognizing someone for a job well done comes in many shapes and forms. At the office, a seasonal bonus might be in order. A small gift for teachers at the holiday season and the end of the school year is traditional. The decision over how and when to tip household help like babysitters, cleaners or nannies can be more difficult because of the nature of their job and manner in which many are paid. Before you open your wallet for a Christmas bonus or a tip for a job well done, you might want to consider the pros, cons and reasons behind tipping the household help.


How regularly do you utilize your household help? It isn't really necessary to give a tip to a babysitter that you use a couple of times a year. However, a cleaning professional that visits your home once a week is in someone you employ regularly enough that a tip or bonus at the end of the year is appropriate.


Is the service you receive exemplary? Tipping and bonuses have become so common that often people forget that they should be a reward for a job completed in an exemplary fashion. If your nanny not only cares for your child on a daily basis but manages to sneak in the time keep the house clean and start the occasional dinner, a bonus at the end of a year is a wonderful idea. She has gone above and beyond and deserves to be rewarded for that. The same is true of the cleaning help. If you need to stand over their shoulders to make sure that things are done to your satisfaction, tipping them seems to reward poor work.

Who to Pay

Who do you pay? If you hire a cleaning team from a larger company, recognize that the management will get the bulk of your bill and pay their employees a salary or an hourly wage. Therefore, tipping someone who doesn't keep your entire payment seems more appropriate than tipping someone who cuts your hair in their home and keeps the entire amount you pay them.

Type of Payment

Is a bonus or a tip more appropriate than a raise? The end of the year might be a more appropriate time to increase a nanny's salary, rather than simply offering a tip or a bonus. The same is true for someone that cleans your house independent of a large company. For them, the benefit of a raise instead of a bonus may be more long lasting and beneficial.

Think About the Future

Is this a tradition you'll be able to maintain? If you give the cleaning team a bonus at the end of the year for a job well done, recognize that they may expect and count on that income in following years. Though we all know we shouldn't count on something that isn't a sure thing, we often do with tips and bonuses. Consider whether or not you'll continue this tradition and make your intentions clear when offering tips and bonuses to the household help.

Ultimately, the decision to offer a tip or a bonus to a nanny, cleaning help or other household help is a personal one. If you receive exemplary service, have the money to spare and feel that a tip is warranted, give freely. Your generosity is sure to be appreciated.