Monday, October 18, 2010

Truths About Anti-Aging Products - What Ingredients You Should Avoid and What Is Not Harmful For You

Anti-aging products are becoming popular these days. With the revolutionary development of science combined with modern technology, several ways and products are launched as effective natural anti-aging. The term anti-aging is even hackneyed and its products are ubiquitous.

True, most of them are genuinely efficacious as anti-aging; however, due to its high-demand it has also become a favorite subject among con companies. Some of which deceive the public with their useless and harmful version of anti-aging products. To avoid falling as prey, it is wise to know the basic and essential truths about the anti-aging that you desire.

Foremost, learn everything about all the ingredients used in their anti-aging products. The truth is, there are several harmful ingredients that can be found in anti-aging products. With their usage, such ingredients can be very harmful to the skin and to the health. To help you avoid these harmful ingredients, we collated some information about the basic ingredients of any product, even anti-aging.

1. Alcohol such as isopropyl, ethanol, ethyl, methanol and benzyl has properties that simply make the skin dry. Alcohol is among the ingredients of any product.
2. Parabens is another type of preservative that is deemed harmful in other countries because of its alleged cancerous-tumor-stimulating property.
3. Any product that has harmful ingredients such as monoethanolamine, diethanolamine and triethananolamine are banned in other states for its cancer-causing quality.
4. Dioxane is also listed under the harmful ingredients due to its potential to cause cancer. It is commonly used to make other harsh ingredients moderate or milder.

On the other hand, the ingredients that are not harmful to the health and skin are listed as follow:

1. Wakame is a kind of sea kelp that is clinically tested to augment levels of hyaluronic acid.
2. Cynergy TK is a classification of Keratin, a fibrous scleroprotein, which stimulates collagen and elastin production and raises the amount of skin renewal.
3. Nano-lipobelle H EQ10 is a colloidal suspension of vitamin E and COQ10 and is helpful in neutralizing the effects of UV rays, sun damage and oxidative stress


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