Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cystic Acne - Getting Rid of it Might Be Easier Than You Think

So what is cystic acne? Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne you can have. A cyst doesn't look like a normal pimple. It does not have a white head, it feels hard, it can grow to massive sizes if not quickly treated and you cannot pop it like a normal pimple (please take note that no pimples should be ever popped).

As a warning let me say that if you suffer of heavy cystic acne you should go and see a dermatologist as soon as you can. Although I am not a big supporter of antibiotics you might need them to get rid of it otherwise you could end up with a permanently damaged skin.

If you have light form of cystic acne there is still time to make it stop but you have to act quickly! I suffered of very light cystic acne too and all my cysts disappear while they were still small without having to use drugs.

Here are few tips you need to know in order to get rid of an acne cyst:

1. NEVER try to pop a cyst. It will not work and applying pressure at it just irritates it making it grow more rapidly. Applying pressure at it can also make it painful for a long time.

2. Do not touch the cyst. This way you carry bacteria on it which again, irritates it and makes it worse.

3. If you see that the cyst is still growing immediately seek a dermatologist before it gets worse and more complicated to cure.

To avoid new cysts from forming you have to follow the same as with acne. Here are few very basic tips:

1. Drink plenty of water daily
2. Reduce your intake of caffeine
3. (Try to) Reduce amount of stress
4. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and especially nuts
5. Stay away from greasy food and sweets
6. Was your face water daily (only using water)
7. Do not expose your acne to sun purposefully (sunbathing)


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