Monday, October 4, 2010

2 Useful Tips on Last Minute Weight Loss

Needing to badly lose weight in a short amount of time? It's either you use these last minute weight loss tips to your advantage, or keep on searching for other alternatives while all that unwanted fat is accumulating in your body.

1. Stop eating the moment you feel full. - And don't deny it when you feel full. This is one last minute weight loss tip that is simple to understand but hard to do. Your brain is actually designed to receive messages from the digestive system when it's already reached its capacity. It's like a "whoa, hold it right there!" signal which unfortunately, many of us today have learned to ignore through years of practice.

Hmmm... maybe it's because we were trained to "finish everything on our plates?" Although we tend to put too much on our plates, and then we feel compelled to eat it all. The moral of this last minute weight loss tip is "listen to your brain - because it tells the truth about how much food you really need".

2. Don't deprive yourself from all your favorite foods. - because if you do, you'd just end up terribly tempted in the end. It's pretty much easy feeling deprived when your buddies are feasting on fast food favorites such as hamburgers, fries and pizza, while "poor you" can only head to the salad bar.

This last minute weight loss tip doesn't focus on depriving you from your favorite foods. Instead, you are encouraged to make wise compromises.

Try sharing. Split that cheeseburger into two and share it with someone, and exchange the fries for a small salad. The psychological thing that you're actually doing is enjoying the half of the burger you're eating, rather than weep and wail over the half you aren't eating. As one wise person put it best, "There is really no forbidden food - just problem foods in problem quantities."


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