Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fat Removal And Liposuction With The Latest Body Sculpting Treatments

Fruit may be a great thing for your diet, but evolving into a pear body shape early in life creates a serious "dragging anchor" on your self image as well as your vitality. The hard muscled flat tummy of youth gives way to a rounded big stomach, sandwiched in between ever-expanding love handles that threaten to burst blouse and shirt seams.

Body Image Solutions That Deliver Results? Of course. You now have a "Chinese menu" of body aesthetic possibilities.

* The Hard Core Exercise Option. On one hand some fat waist solutions involve the marine drill sergeant approach involving barking gym instructors and punishing exercise regimens. Realistically, the only people able to endure these upper-tier fitness programs are the same people who typically don't sport love handles, humongous fat thigh and butt shapes.

* At Home Exercise And Body Shaping. You "can do" if you put your mind to it. Reshaping your body image, reducing sagging skin and a fat waist can be achieved with the new crop of hybrid exercise programs...from walking and running clubs to at home training programs like Yoga Booty Ballet, offering stretching strength yoga ballet and dance in a targeted program that can rapidly lead you to body contouring success, as you shed 10 to 20 pounds or more and just as many inches off your torso and lower body.

LipoSelection - The High Tech "Energy" Treatment For Body Fat. Created by Sound Surgical Technologies, the proprietary Vaser LipoSelection treatment is low impact, only requiring local anesthetic to the treatment area, such as the fat waist or love handles that men often complain about. Plus, you can realistically "harvest" a pound or two of hard-to-reach body fat, without the physical drama and risk of full-blown cosmetic surgery.

* Fat Swelling Saline Injection. Next, a saline solution is injected, which has the effect of dilating local blood vessels but swelling-up body fat cells in the treatment site.

* Love Handle Fat Rendering Via Ultrasound. Now, for fat cell zapping and getting into serious body sculpting possibilities, the Vaser micro-cannula probe is inserted, where it can directly focus ultrasound energy on these engorged fat cells? Result? Love handle waist fat cells literally liquefy, as they absorb the energy from the Vaser probe, for easy extraction via a suctioning device. Adding to the efficacy of Vaser LipoSelection as a low impact results-oriented body sculpting tool is the mechanical or massage like manipulation of the treatment area, which further assists in the desired breakdown of waist fat cells.

* Low Pain Low Impact Body Shaping. Down time is minimal with this form of high tech ultrasonic treatment. You're in one day, back on the job comfortably in 1 to 2 days, or earlier. Meanwhile, you'll be asked to wear a compression garment around the treatment area in order to remove pressure, and to promote rapid safe healing.

* Advantages Over Traditional Liposuction? Of course, new body shaping technologies like LipoSelection always push the "benefits envelope'. With LipoSelection, you avoid much of the surgery risks associated with liposuction where an aggressive probe-and-suctioning manipulation beneath your skin (sub dermal) creates the risk of equal damage to fat cells, nearby connective tissue, blood vessels and nerve fiber. LipoSelection avoids this because the ultrasound waist fat liquefying energy only targets fat cell, which absorb the energy, whereas other more structured cells (blood vessel, nerve fiber, connective tissue) simply reflect the ultrasound and are mostly undisturbed.


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