Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to Age Successfully

We all have to accept that there is a part to aging that we cannot control. How quickly we age is partly determined by our genes but that isn't our only destiny. There are controllable factors that greatly contribute to how well we age.

Here are five variables we can control:

1. what we eat
2. our environment
3. physical activity level
4. lifestyle and behavior
5. emotional well-being

Are you aware that in 1900 the life expectancy was 47 years and in 1990 it was 76 years? Today it is already higher and many people are living well into their nineties. How do we explain this increase in longevity? It is true that there have been medical advances but that does not explain it all.

People who are aging successfully are taking care of themselves. They realize that the five variables mentioned above affect the quality of life.

1. We are always making choices as to what we eat. Nutritionists tell us that eating five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day, limiting carbohydrate and protein intake, drinking five 8 ounce glasses of water, and curtailing our portions make a difference. Additionally, limiting alcohol use and not smoking are healthy choices.

2. Living in an environment that is positive, pleasing and stress free adds to anti-aging.

3. Exercise has a huge effect on physical well being. Studies have shown repeatedly that people who exercise daily are happier and enjoy better health. Recent findings show that exercising in spurts may be even more beneficial than one hour of a specific exercise.

4. Life style and behavior are also controllable factors. Ask yourself is your life style such that it nourishes you or is detrimental to your health. As we age it is important to review behavior habits and change the ones that do not contribute to our well being. Change in habits is possible at any age.

5. Emotional well-being influences all the other variables. When we feel good about ourselves we want to take care of ourselves. We want to be healthy, enjoy ourselves, be passionate about what we are doing, and have a positive attitude. Again, we can take steps to enhance our emotional well-being.

There is a big part of anti-aging that is in our control as many people are discovering. The factors that can be controlled make a big difference in enjoying life as one ages. Aging can not be stopped it can be made better by the actions we take.


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