Sunday, October 3, 2010

Anti Aging Therapy-Oprah's Comprehensive Wrinkle Free Face & Longevity Guide For Women

There must be some reason why some anti aging therapy works for some and not for others.

Recently Oprah observed a seven year study conducted by the National Geographic where four places were discovered to contain some of the highest concentration of centenarians per capita.

Of these four, scientists concluded that one ingredient which is now at the center of a pharmaceutical battle between two of the biggest weight loss manufacturers is a certain polyphenol found in a fungi which grows on plants to protect it from dangerous bacteria.

When ingested however, if consumed daily, acts as an artery scrubber which over time will greatly enhance your longevity medical journals have argued and will offer sustained health effects on your skin.

Dr Oz, the resident dietitian, observed that Sardinia which holds the highest centenarian female population in the world consumed this on a daily basis.

Women of Sardinia and men are said to work well into their hundreds, still chopping logs and tending the garden as well as cooking for the family each day.

In the U.S however statistics are less favorable. America holds some appalling figures in relation to artery related fatality's so this latest medical research does appear to be more than welcome.

U.S.A is the only country that can now purport it's staple diet as "fats food" and "power foods" which is a sad fact so anything to counter these high fat/calorie diets will offer some respite and offer longevity.

However on a positive side, if your diet is healthy and is accompanied with daily exercise and this particular polyphenol, medical research anti aging therapy now reports that there is no reason why an individual from any country can achieve these dramatic life extensions, it's just a matter of doing not saying.


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