Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tosilloliths - What Exactly is It?

Tosilloliths also known as 'Tonsil Stones' are small white or yellow lumps, which get accumulated on the tonsils above the throat. This is formed due to the deposition of the debris created by bacteria and germs which enter our body through mouth. As this part of the throat is full of proteins, it attracts the bacteria to get settled properly and lead in the formation of these Tosilloliths.

Tosilloliths can be detected in the initial stage itself. The bad breath starts coming out of the mouth. Just simply brushing the teeth is not sufficient. We have to gargle with salt water on regular basis. Gargling will help the tonsil stones to detach from the tonsils and they can be flushed out. Apart from gargling we can try removing the stones with the help of the small stick, by inserting it inside the mouth. As we can feel some seed like sitting inside the throat we can easily locate the stones by our senses. We can also try to remove the stones by sneezing too hard; this may help in moving the Tosilloliths from its place. If you fail to take out these particles at home then you can go for a good doctor, who initially will treat you with medicines. If the tonsils are too severe then surgery is recommended.

You should not neglect Tosilloliths in any manner. First you should try out various home remedies. In case they fail then you can go for the medications. If the Tosilloliths is that severe and all the other options fail then surgery is to be done and the Tonsils are to be removed permanently.


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