Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Be Acne Free Permanently

As any acne sufferer knows, bad skin is more than just a cosmetic problem: it can lower self esteem and lead to self-consciousness. Fortunately, skin problems don't have to ruin your life -- a few surefire tips can clear up your complexion in no time.

If you have frequent breakouts, take a look at your diet. How often do you consume sugar, refined carbohydrates, and caffeine? These things rev up the hormones that make your skin produce oil, often leading to pimples. Stick to fresh and natural foods, limiting the processed sugars, and your skin will thank you.

Some studies have also shown a link between acne and dairy consumption. If you think dairy might be a trigger for your breakouts, invest in some soy milk and cheese alternatives and go dairy-free for a few days. You may find your complexion clearing up significantly.

While it might be tempting to slather your skin with every anti-pimple treatment you can find, it's important not to go overboard. Using many products at once -- or even using too much of a single product -- can dry out your skin, leading your body to produce even more oil to compensate. This can result in worse blemishes than you had before.

Don't forget the importance of water, either. When your body is dehydrated, dead skin cells can accumulate and block the pores in your skin, leading to unsightly pimples. Drinking plenty of water helps flush your body of buildup, and helps your complexion stay healthy.

When you want clear skin, exercise should also be at the top of your list. Exercise improves circulation, helping nutrients reach your skin while cleansing toxins from your body. Get your heart pumping, and your skin will benefit.

By following these tips, you can finally be acne free permanently.


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