Friday, October 29, 2010

Overnight Home Pimple Remedy - Does it Exist and Does It Really Cure Acne?

Pimples always appear when you want them the least, so it's a rare person who hasn't looked for an overnight home pimple remedy. If you have a big date, a prom or even a wedding, the last thing you want is to show up with a Mt. Rushmore sized zit ready to pop somewhere on your face. Fortunately, pimples can be cured, and often overnight.

A zit is simply a pore that has got some kind of irritant in it, which your body has decided requires an immune system reaction. It forms a barrier of white cells around what ever the irritant is, usually oil or dust, and then tries to expel it. That's why acne goes away after you pop them. The problem with popping is that it can easily lead to scarring and infection.

I'm going to give you four things that can help stop pimples overnight, organized from simplest and slowest to fastest and most risky.

One of the first things you can try is water. Plain old water, both inside and out. The very first step in curing acne is to make sure that you wash your face in plain water, every morning and every night. You want to use hot water first, to open the pores, then scrub them, and then cold water to close them. This process alone can remedy quite a few pimple problems.

You also need to make sure you have enough water in you. If you're chronically dehydrated, and most people today are, your body won't be able to deal with the stress placed on it. This compromised ability to fight means that your skin will become oily, patchy and more prone to zits and acne.

The next level of treatment is vitamins, and this should probably just be a part of your routine. Like getting enough water, getting the proper vitamins and nutrients is essential to keeping your skin healthy. In particular you need to get a lot of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system, and B vitamins, which will help your skin. If you boost your immune system, you can prevent pimples before they ever start.

If you feel like you're going to get a zit, but it's in its early stages, you'll want to try cleaning your skin with apple cider vinegar. The natural astringents in the cider can drain the fluid out of zits which, combined with its natural antibiotic properties, can stop a pimple before it ever gets started. You're going to need to be careful and use a moisturizer, too, because the cider can dry out your face.

If you do have pimple that's gotten to the popping stage and you absolutely have to pop it, then you need to take precautions to do it as safely as possible. First, apply a hot wet compress to the pimple, which will make the pimple turn white the material in it to come to the surface.

Then take a disinfected needle and lightly prick the head of the pimple. It's key that both your hands and the needle are sterile, so use alcohol or peroxide. One you've made a small hole in the pimple; gently squeeze it away until all the material comes out. Wipe with a sterile or disinfectant wipe.

This will give you the least chance of scarring or infection, although I still can't really recommend popping them unless you absolutely have to. But follow the previous steps and you may never need an overnight home pimple remedy.

For years I was an acne sufferer but I was fortunate because I found a solution that cleared my face up and eliminated all of my acne. You can have acne free skin now!!


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