Friday, October 22, 2010

Acne Tips - 4 Simple Tips For Healthy Acne Free Skin

Acne can be both embarrassing and frustrating, not to mention the scarring that sometimes goes along with it. Having pimples and blackheads isn't just for teenagers either as many adults also suffer with skin problems. If you have acne that just won't go away, these four simple tips will help you to have clear and healthy skin.

  1. Drink plenty of water - Water is good for you and your skin. By drinking lots of water you will flush out toxins in your body that can lead to acne breakouts. Substitute water for caffeine and sugary drinks.
  2. Keep your hands off of your face - When you touch or rub your face you are transferring germs and bacteria from your hands. This bacteria can lead to more breakouts therefore making your acne worse.
  3. Avoid face cleansers and acne medications that can dry out your skin - While you think that this may be helping, some cleansers and acne creams actually dry out your skin too much. Your skin needs to have some moisture in it in order for it to stay soft, supple and healthy.
  4. Never go to bed with your makeup on - Always wash your face with a good face soap before going to sleep at night. Your skin needs this time to breathe and rejuvenate itself. It is not good for your skin to be covered in oily makeup for 24 hours a day.

These 4 tips are quite simple to do, and if you make it a point to follow them, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much better your skin will look and feel.


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