Friday, October 1, 2010

Anti Aging Creams For a Younger Looking You

?strong>Anti aging creams have become a number one cosmetic used by Hollywood's top stars. You can take 10 years off of your face by using wrinkle creams. As the body gets older it stops producing a chemical called collagen which causes the skin to become dull, unattractive and loose. Wrinkles that develop around the eyes, mouth and forehead are a sign of ageing in adult men and women. They cause a person to lack confidence in their physical appearance and can become depressing. The development of Anti aging creams as a non-surgical alternative to reducing wrinkles in the skin, has been a break-through in cosmetology. Anti aging creams or wrinkles creams are a mixture of peptides, collagen, vitamins, herbs and minerals that when applied to the face, penetrate the surface and work to rejuvenate the skin.
?br>5 Things to Know About Reducing Wrinkles
?br>牋牋?.The sun and tanning beds are a major factor in causing wrinkles in the skin. When you are planning on being in the sun for more than an hour, apply a sun block with an SPF 15 or over.
牋牋 2. Water, water and more water. Water re-hydrates the skin and body causing fewer wrinkles.
牋牋 3. Sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night will reduce the unsightly wrinkles. It gives the body a good chance to rejuvenate the skin.
牋牋 4. Limit fat and trans fats intake. Fats can age the body quite drastically and slow down the production of collagen.
牋牋 5.燗nti aging creams help reduce those unsightly wrinkles by moisturizing the skin with collagen, vitamins and minerals.
All in all anti aging creams are great way to prolong the health and beauty of your skin for a younger look.


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