Sunday, October 31, 2010

Collagen Replacement is a Big Deal These Days - So What's the Best Way to Increase Your Levels?

Ultimately it comes down to choice and cost... On the one hand -- you can take the low cost easy collagen replacement option -- using a good quality natural skin cream applied topically. Or go for one of the more costly and often painful temporary methods.

If my assumption is correct 95% or more people will choose the first option... Why? -- Most people don't like pain, and they don't want to be paying out big money every 4 to 6 months to have surgery or injections.

So... What's the best collagen replacement skin cream?

Well this is where it gets a bit tricky! -- You see, the big cosmetic and skin cream corporations spend millions on advertising, trying to get you to buy their collagen creams. But, as it happens they don't really work at increasing your collagen levels.

"Why Not" -- you may rightly ask. Well it's simple really -- collagen molecules are too big to fit through your top layer of skin (epidermis) and reach your dermis, where they need to go... to make any difference.

So... You'd be wasting your money buying one of these creams in the hope of building up your ever-depleting collagen levels.

If these creams don't work..."What does"?

Collagen replacement creams that contain substances capable of stimulating your own body to produce more collagen and elastin protein skin cells.

For just on six months now I personally have been using a facial cream to boost my collagen and elastin levels that contains two very effective ingredients:

Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 -- A special new "nano-emulsion" form of Coenzyme Q10 and Cynergy TK(TM) containing functional keratin(TM) -- in a special solublized form that is bio-available to the body.

Both these ingredients have been clinically proven to promote the production of new collagen and elastin protein cells in your dermis.

Collagen replacement is燼ttainable using a proper natural facial cream capable of stimulating new cell growth. However, be realistic with your expectations, it might take weeks or even months to get a good result. But keep in mind -- its still the easiest, best and most cost effective solution.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Girl Scene Hair

Many girls have become interested in this fashionable hair style, but do not know what it is or how to get it. Perhaps the best way to describe girl scene hair is to look at the hair styles from back in the 1980's. This hair style is considered to be a retro throw back from this era. Scene hair is also very similar to Emo hair. In fact, it is really just a more colorful and fashionable version of Emo hair.

Many girls find these haircuts to be works of art and put a great deal of time and effort into them. They are usually long styles and involve straightening the hair and adding different colors with sharp lines to define the style. If you are looking to get attention from your hair, this is the perfect style for you. Many famous hair stylists are using scene haircuts on celebrities because of the attention it brings them.

Since this type of hair is usually long, many girls are adding extensions to help them get the cut and style that they want. Girls will use accessories and many types of fantasy colors to get the dramatic effects that they want. It is often a competition between a group of girls to see who can get the cutest accessories. This helps to give them an alluring appearance. This gives the girl a sense of mystery about her and you will see many with a peek-a-boo style as this is one of the more popular scene cuts.

One of the most used tools to get this look is a straitening tong as it helps get the perfectly straight hair that is synonymous with scene. Be sure to use a good shampoo as well as conditioner to keep your hair in healthy condition from all of the straightening products. Over dying and excessive use of hair spray are the fastest way to damage your hair, so it is important that you take the extra time to protect it and keep it healthy.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Overnight Home Pimple Remedy - Does it Exist and Does It Really Cure Acne?

Pimples always appear when you want them the least, so it's a rare person who hasn't looked for an overnight home pimple remedy. If you have a big date, a prom or even a wedding, the last thing you want is to show up with a Mt. Rushmore sized zit ready to pop somewhere on your face. Fortunately, pimples can be cured, and often overnight.

A zit is simply a pore that has got some kind of irritant in it, which your body has decided requires an immune system reaction. It forms a barrier of white cells around what ever the irritant is, usually oil or dust, and then tries to expel it. That's why acne goes away after you pop them. The problem with popping is that it can easily lead to scarring and infection.

I'm going to give you four things that can help stop pimples overnight, organized from simplest and slowest to fastest and most risky.

One of the first things you can try is water. Plain old water, both inside and out. The very first step in curing acne is to make sure that you wash your face in plain water, every morning and every night. You want to use hot water first, to open the pores, then scrub them, and then cold water to close them. This process alone can remedy quite a few pimple problems.

You also need to make sure you have enough water in you. If you're chronically dehydrated, and most people today are, your body won't be able to deal with the stress placed on it. This compromised ability to fight means that your skin will become oily, patchy and more prone to zits and acne.

The next level of treatment is vitamins, and this should probably just be a part of your routine. Like getting enough water, getting the proper vitamins and nutrients is essential to keeping your skin healthy. In particular you need to get a lot of vitamin C, which can help boost the immune system, and B vitamins, which will help your skin. If you boost your immune system, you can prevent pimples before they ever start.

If you feel like you're going to get a zit, but it's in its early stages, you'll want to try cleaning your skin with apple cider vinegar. The natural astringents in the cider can drain the fluid out of zits which, combined with its natural antibiotic properties, can stop a pimple before it ever gets started. You're going to need to be careful and use a moisturizer, too, because the cider can dry out your face.

If you do have pimple that's gotten to the popping stage and you absolutely have to pop it, then you need to take precautions to do it as safely as possible. First, apply a hot wet compress to the pimple, which will make the pimple turn white the material in it to come to the surface.

Then take a disinfected needle and lightly prick the head of the pimple. It's key that both your hands and the needle are sterile, so use alcohol or peroxide. One you've made a small hole in the pimple; gently squeeze it away until all the material comes out. Wipe with a sterile or disinfectant wipe.

This will give you the least chance of scarring or infection, although I still can't really recommend popping them unless you absolutely have to. But follow the previous steps and you may never need an overnight home pimple remedy.

For years I was an acne sufferer but I was fortunate because I found a solution that cleared my face up and eliminated all of my acne. You can have acne free skin now!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

How to Age Successfully

We all have to accept that there is a part to aging that we cannot control. How quickly we age is partly determined by our genes but that isn't our only destiny. There are controllable factors that greatly contribute to how well we age.

Here are five variables we can control:

1. what we eat
2. our environment
3. physical activity level
4. lifestyle and behavior
5. emotional well-being

Are you aware that in 1900 the life expectancy was 47 years and in 1990 it was 76 years? Today it is already higher and many people are living well into their nineties. How do we explain this increase in longevity? It is true that there have been medical advances but that does not explain it all.

People who are aging successfully are taking care of themselves. They realize that the five variables mentioned above affect the quality of life.

1. We are always making choices as to what we eat. Nutritionists tell us that eating five servings of fresh fruits and vegetables a day, limiting carbohydrate and protein intake, drinking five 8 ounce glasses of water, and curtailing our portions make a difference. Additionally, limiting alcohol use and not smoking are healthy choices.

2. Living in an environment that is positive, pleasing and stress free adds to anti-aging.

3. Exercise has a huge effect on physical well being. Studies have shown repeatedly that people who exercise daily are happier and enjoy better health. Recent findings show that exercising in spurts may be even more beneficial than one hour of a specific exercise.

4. Life style and behavior are also controllable factors. Ask yourself is your life style such that it nourishes you or is detrimental to your health. As we age it is important to review behavior habits and change the ones that do not contribute to our well being. Change in habits is possible at any age.

5. Emotional well-being influences all the other variables. When we feel good about ourselves we want to take care of ourselves. We want to be healthy, enjoy ourselves, be passionate about what we are doing, and have a positive attitude. Again, we can take steps to enhance our emotional well-being.

There is a big part of anti-aging that is in our control as many people are discovering. The factors that can be controlled make a big difference in enjoying life as one ages. Aging can not be stopped it can be made better by the actions we take.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Excellence of Exfoliation

Many people have issues with unhealthy or dull looking skin.燭he leading way to bring back that glow is to exfoliate the skin on a regular basis.燛xfoliation is the process of removing dead skin cell build up which is the reason for that dullness look.燭here are a number of ways to exfoliate your skin, from at home treatments to seeking out a dermatologist.?/p>

Exfoliation is important because skin is generating new cells all the time.燗s the cells reach the surface, they fill with a protein called keratin.燭he keratin in the cells develops the protection from everyday radicals that can damage the skin.燞owever, these cells become old and die and need to be replaced with new healthy cells.燭he older we get, the slower this process becomes.燱hen this process is slowed, it causes the old dead cells to build up on our skin.燭his is what gives our skin a dull, dry and rough appearance.燛xfoliating removes the oldest, built up cells and allows the new healthy cells to emerge, giving your skin a healthy, youthful, fresh look.

Exfoliating on a regular basis is great for healthy skin, however, you must be careful because overexfoliating will dry and irritate the skin.燭alking to a professional about the types of products you want to use may be a good idea, especially if you have sensitive or aging skin.燨verexfoliating can cause extremely thin skin and leave your living skin cells open to easy damage.燳ou want to make sure you don't use a body scrub on your face, it's too rough.燳ou always don't want to wax right after a peel.燳our skin is sensitive and raw and will have to scab over in order to heal.

There are three types of exfoliation.燭hese are manual, chemical, and enzyme exfoliation.燤anual exfoliating refers to the process of physically removing the dead skin cells.燤anual exfoliating products consist of lotions, creams, soaps, cleansers, and most common scrubs.燱hen looking for a product to use, you should look for something that contains beads or spheres.燭hese obviously are round.燳ou do not want products that contain ground-up shells because they are harsh and abrasive and can actually cause more harm to your skin.燤anual exfoliation should be done using a washcloth, exfoliating mask or facial scrub product containing salt, sugar, vitamin C or E.燭his type of exfoliation is best for normal skin and does not normally work to treat acne.

The second type of exfoliation is a non-invasive technique used to resurface the top layer of skin using chemicals.燭his type is used to treat acne, wrinkles, age spots, sun damage and uneven pigmentation.燙hemicals such as Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) and Beta Hydroxy Acids (BHA) are applied to the skin daily.燗HA's are used to treat skin that is dry, thick, or sun damaged.燘HA's are used for blemishes.燭he chemicals are used to promote cell growth, stimulate the production of elastin and collagen in order to obtain tighter, smooth, fresh looking skin.

The third type of exfoliation is enzyme exfoliation.燭his type is used for people who have sensitive skin because the products used actually dissolve the dead skin cells instead of using friction or chemicals to remove them.燭hese products include proteolytic enzymes and come in powders, pads, masks, and cleansers.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On Acne Scars

Acne is one of the most common skin problems. Not only do teenagers suffer from acne, but the same holds true for quite a few adults as well. It is common known that many people who used to suffer from acne will leave acne scars, which make people as upset as acne. Those people try every means to avoid acne scars. Actually, acne scars are visible reminders of injury and tissue repair. Avoiding acne scars completely is hard but you can do something to minimize long-term damage. Here are some simple tips which may help you.

The tissue loss and the increased tissue formation can cause acne. Acne can range in severity from a relatively small number of whiteheads, to a proliferation of cysts and nodules

If you find acne on your face, you should start treatment as early as possible, which can reduce the chance of leaving scar. In addition, you should last your treatment as long as necessary. You would better avoid squeezing and picking your acne, which can spread inflammation and lead to acne scars.

You should start with an effective treatment. The acne treatment depends on your condition of acne. The acne ranges from a mild, moderate and severe form. One or more prescription medications should include in the acne treatment for severe cases.

A healthy lifestyle is great helpful, for a healthy body can heal faster. Anything you do to reduce stress is ultimately beneficial for your skin. A good diet encourages clear, healthy skin, and works as an anti aging treatment as well. Therefore, if you want a good skin condition, make some changes to your lifestyle.

The important thing you should do to fight against your acne is cleanliness, which can help prevent acne to a great extent.

A good acne treatment leaves fewer scars. Therefore, if you do not want to leave scar, you should have a good start and then follow your treatment strictly. You can start out by attempting to find your own solution, and then move on to seeing a dermatologist if your problem persists.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Anti Wrinkle Cream Reviews For You That You Must Read

We understand that it is tough to find anti wrinkle cream reviews that are reliable, because it seems that people are getting paid just to write reviews. Many marketers are finding individuals that are willing to write positive testimonials to post to their website. We must tell you that this is not the case with us.

Yes, we admit that we were sent here to write this review for you, but we are going to use our personal experience and be completely honest with you. Now that we have cleared that out of the way, we would like to tell you about some of the best products out there for wrinkles. Take note that we have experience with these products in one way, shape or form.

First of all, on our list, we have Revitol anti wrinkle complex treatment. As we do our research on the Internet, we find that this treatment has a lot of good reviews.

However, we do not always trust what we read. Our friend used this treatment before and it really did work out for them.

Another thing we have found is Freeze 24/7 anti wrinkle treatments. It seems that these have gained a lot of popularity in today's age as many individuals are starting to turn to them. Trust us when we tell you that this treatment will minimize those crow's feet that you may have around your eye.

There are a number of other anti wrinkle cream reviews out there, besides this one. However, you should make sure it is a reliable review and not something that someone was demanded to write. One way to find a good review would be to look on a popular website that actually sells the creams or to look in forums and see what everyone is saying about the cream you are thinking about.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Helping a Teen Cope With Acne

There is no doubt when a youngster hits the teenage years it becomes a whole new world to them and also to the parents as well. There are so many changes taking place in the body it's really difficult for the youngster to keep up with everything that is going on. Some of these changes are for the better where there are others that are looked upon as being absolutely devastating and the end of the world in their eyes.

One of the worst episodes that a teenager has to put up with his teenage acne. One pustule to them is like having a hundred, but most often these are easily rectified by perhaps changing their hygiene regime a little bit. Now with the hormone changes in their body their skin requires different types of treatment. Where as plain soap and water worked fine before now it may come down to having to use medicated products to help keep the acne at bay.

If this condition becomes severe or lasts for too long, it has a great emotional effect on the young teen. The risk becomes quite strong that the person suffering with this will start to withdraw from his friends to become introverted. Even their schoolwork begins to suffer with some teens because it has become such a devastating problem to them.

The best way to help a teen with acne is to work with them to self educate themselves with exactly what's happening to them and the body changes they are going through. It's helpful for them to know that most likely, they're not going to be stuck with this for years and they are just going through a transition stage.

It's very important to keep a positive mind and be supportive to the teenager that is suffering with a severe case especially. It's important that you encourage them to keep up a social life and not to make too many negative changes to their lifestyle because of this problem.

It may also help to take the teen to your family doctor in case there's a possibility that some medication can be prescribed to help control or clear up the condition. At the very least, a family doctor would be supportive in ways to help treat the condition while it is in an acute stage.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tosilloliths - What Exactly is It?

Tosilloliths also known as 'Tonsil Stones' are small white or yellow lumps, which get accumulated on the tonsils above the throat. This is formed due to the deposition of the debris created by bacteria and germs which enter our body through mouth. As this part of the throat is full of proteins, it attracts the bacteria to get settled properly and lead in the formation of these Tosilloliths.

Tosilloliths can be detected in the initial stage itself. The bad breath starts coming out of the mouth. Just simply brushing the teeth is not sufficient. We have to gargle with salt water on regular basis. Gargling will help the tonsil stones to detach from the tonsils and they can be flushed out. Apart from gargling we can try removing the stones with the help of the small stick, by inserting it inside the mouth. As we can feel some seed like sitting inside the throat we can easily locate the stones by our senses. We can also try to remove the stones by sneezing too hard; this may help in moving the Tosilloliths from its place. If you fail to take out these particles at home then you can go for a good doctor, who initially will treat you with medicines. If the tonsils are too severe then surgery is recommended.

You should not neglect Tosilloliths in any manner. First you should try out various home remedies. In case they fail then you can go for the medications. If the Tosilloliths is that severe and all the other options fail then surgery is to be done and the Tonsils are to be removed permanently.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Acne Tips - 4 Simple Tips For Healthy Acne Free Skin

Acne can be both embarrassing and frustrating, not to mention the scarring that sometimes goes along with it. Having pimples and blackheads isn't just for teenagers either as many adults also suffer with skin problems. If you have acne that just won't go away, these four simple tips will help you to have clear and healthy skin.

  1. Drink plenty of water - Water is good for you and your skin. By drinking lots of water you will flush out toxins in your body that can lead to acne breakouts. Substitute water for caffeine and sugary drinks.
  2. Keep your hands off of your face - When you touch or rub your face you are transferring germs and bacteria from your hands. This bacteria can lead to more breakouts therefore making your acne worse.
  3. Avoid face cleansers and acne medications that can dry out your skin - While you think that this may be helping, some cleansers and acne creams actually dry out your skin too much. Your skin needs to have some moisture in it in order for it to stay soft, supple and healthy.
  4. Never go to bed with your makeup on - Always wash your face with a good face soap before going to sleep at night. Your skin needs this time to breathe and rejuvenate itself. It is not good for your skin to be covered in oily makeup for 24 hours a day.

These 4 tips are quite simple to do, and if you make it a point to follow them, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much better your skin will look and feel.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Hair Products Are Easy to Shop For and You Should Be Able to Seek Out Deals That You Wish For

Hair products come in many shapes and sizes these days and it can sometimes be hard to decide what is right for you. There are so many options available that it's not surprising that when it comes to shopping it can be a bit of a nightmare figuring out what'll be best.

To start with, there are lots of different brands available which makes it hard to find the best ones. Also, there are so many hair types out there that it has become confusing to find out what type of hair you have. However, there are a few tips that should help you choose the best hair products for your needs.

Firstly, you'll need to think about the kind of hair you have. There are a few things you can do to find this out. Is your hair curly or straight? Frizzy or sleek? You can also think about how you want your hair to be in the end because sometimes there are hair products available for any hair type.

You will also need to think about how brittle or strong your hair is. Some products can be a bit tough on brittle hair and you'll need to take this into consideration. Also, you will definitely need to think about what sort of things you want for your hair.

For example, you may want things that'll help tame fly away or frizzy hair or you may want something that'll give you some volume or perhaps to keep curls tight. It all depends on what you're looking for so doing some research is important.

There are lots of options available and because of this you will find that the prices of hair products varies quite a bit. As a rule of thumb, you'll probably need to spend about ?0 or more to get a complete hair care regime sorted in terms of products and equipment.

A lot of different things fall into the category such as brushes, combs, shampoo, conditioner and various taming and styling products. Most of the time, it's a good idea to buy a set of hair care products that match in terms of brand and use.

A lot of the time, brands tend to release a set of hair products that will create a beautiful treatment for your hair. However, it's always wise to have a good look around to see if you can get some products that'll be similar but cheaper.

Quality is important though. You will probably have to do quite a bit of testing of products to find the items that are right for your hair and scalp. Some people find that the cheaper products aren't as good and can cause reactions or irritation because of the chemicals.

Hair products that have all natural ingredients are hard to find but they are available so if you are at all worried about being allergic to the chemicals or perfumes in these products then you should opt for natural ingredients at all times.

Overall, it's not hard to find hair care items and you shouldn't find it difficult to do some research and testing of items that you think might work.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Homemade Acne Treatment

Acne is one of the major troubles that most of teenagers face these days. Is it possible to give an end to these acne and pimples? Of course why not... Homemade acne treatments have proven to be dearly effective, as they give a better cure to the people. You could prepare face masks with right blend of ingredients by yourself. Though there are plenty of cosmetics and creams that are available in the market stores, they might sometimes cause side effects. Considering this fact, homemade acne treatment has been really effective and they clear away the pimples and act as the best acne treatments.

A good blend of clay along with little quantity of water will be the best cure to treat acne treatments. Applying the paste on the face will wipe away the dirt and clear the toxins, particularly the acne and pimples. Above all, the natural blend of clay will keep you safe away from irritation and inflammation. The blend will become even more effective when it is mixed with olive oil, as it gives complete moisture to your beautiful skin. Homemade acne treatments will involve several other natural stuffs like apples blend with honey. Applying this paste in the face and relaxing for 15 minutes and further washing with warm water will keep the entire pimple and acne troubles far away. Following this practice, thrice in a week will help you to maintain bright and lustrous skin without any blackheads.

Besides applying the fruit blend, some experts suggest that herbal cure will also help you to stay free away from acne and pimples. Natural treatment is always the best practice, as they will keep your skin absolutely safe away from blackhead, pimples, acne, and several other skin related problems. Natural herbs such as sarsaparilla, burdock, and yellow dock are the most effective natural treatment that gives complete remedies to your acne troubles.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Acne Treatments - The Solutions to Acne?

The vast majority of us would get to experience or had already experienced having acne. It's not the type of experience you look forward to having. In fact, it is an experience you wish you won't ever experience again. It's embarrassing to say the least and it can be quite painful too.

Those who have acne can become very desperate in finding acne solutions that actually work. They want the results to be quick ! Acne gone overnight or acne gone within seconds but there is really no such thing. Those products that promise these are most often harmful to your skin. They may be too strong that it ends up drying your skin and making it even more irritating. Having dried-up skin is not a good thing too as it only makes your glands produce even more sebum to compensate to the loss of moisture. The more oil, the more that acne thrives.

In order to get rid of acne, you have to be really patient. It takes time to get a perfect skin. There is no miracle product out there that will remove it overnight. It takes awhile but you have to be patient and not stressed as stress is also a factor for acne breakouts. And also, don't ever get tempted to squeeze out those pus-filled pimples on your face. Doing so will only promote even more pimples and that is not good. Just try not to touch your face as hands usually have germs and this can be transported to your face and worsen the problem further.

The best acne solutions products are mild cleansers and topical solutions that you could apply to affected areas. Don't apply it all over your face though. Wash twice a day and remember to always keep your face clean and moisturized. If it gets too oily, use a product that could absorb the oil or use hypoallergenic powder.

Depending on your acne condition (mild, moderate, severe) and skin type (normal, dry, oily), your acne solution may not be what your friends are using and successful with. A simple change in your lifestyle or diet may be enough, that's why today skin care supplements are sometimes part of the acne treatments to rebalance your hormonal system or intestinal micro-flora. You may want to try natural acne products that are effective and gentle enough for sensitive skin, or a formula containing a combination of natural and scientific ingredients.

A complete solution should not address only one cause of acne but multiple (all if possible). That is why an acne treatment kit is often more effective than just one product that fights only one cause of acne, because everyone's skin is different and so is the cause of acne.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Truths About Anti-Aging Products - What Ingredients You Should Avoid and What Is Not Harmful For You

Anti-aging products are becoming popular these days. With the revolutionary development of science combined with modern technology, several ways and products are launched as effective natural anti-aging. The term anti-aging is even hackneyed and its products are ubiquitous.

True, most of them are genuinely efficacious as anti-aging; however, due to its high-demand it has also become a favorite subject among con companies. Some of which deceive the public with their useless and harmful version of anti-aging products. To avoid falling as prey, it is wise to know the basic and essential truths about the anti-aging that you desire.

Foremost, learn everything about all the ingredients used in their anti-aging products. The truth is, there are several harmful ingredients that can be found in anti-aging products. With their usage, such ingredients can be very harmful to the skin and to the health. To help you avoid these harmful ingredients, we collated some information about the basic ingredients of any product, even anti-aging.

1. Alcohol such as isopropyl, ethanol, ethyl, methanol and benzyl has properties that simply make the skin dry. Alcohol is among the ingredients of any product.
2. Parabens is another type of preservative that is deemed harmful in other countries because of its alleged cancerous-tumor-stimulating property.
3. Any product that has harmful ingredients such as monoethanolamine, diethanolamine and triethananolamine are banned in other states for its cancer-causing quality.
4. Dioxane is also listed under the harmful ingredients due to its potential to cause cancer. It is commonly used to make other harsh ingredients moderate or milder.

On the other hand, the ingredients that are not harmful to the health and skin are listed as follow:

1. Wakame is a kind of sea kelp that is clinically tested to augment levels of hyaluronic acid.
2. Cynergy TK is a classification of Keratin, a fibrous scleroprotein, which stimulates collagen and elastin production and raises the amount of skin renewal.
3. Nano-lipobelle H EQ10 is a colloidal suspension of vitamin E and COQ10 and is helpful in neutralizing the effects of UV rays, sun damage and oxidative stress

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Can Fat Be Good For Me?

You are what you eat. I am sure that you have heard that saying before! Nothing could really be closer to the truth! The better that you eat, the healthier you will be. One major part of a healthy diet includes eating good fat. The benefits of these good fats include reducing the risk of developing: heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's. Here are the top 5 sources of good, heart healthy fats.

1. Fish. Fish is very high in unsaturated fats and contain a large amount of omega 3 fatty acids. They are one of the best foods to eat to guarantee yourself a healthy heart. The best sources of fish are salmon, mackerel, sardines and tuna. Substitute them for meat several nights a week in order to benefit from their high amount of unsaturated fats.

2. Nuts. Nuts contain high amounts of monounsaturated fats, which protect you against cardiovascular disease. There are many kinds of nuts, but almonds, peanuts and walnuts top my list for the healthiest. Almonds contain the most calcium of all nuts, as well as protein, zinc, magnesium, potassium and iron. They lower bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. Peanuts and peanut butter have been shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 35%!

In addition, people who eat peanuts have a lower body mass index and cholesterol levels. Walnuts have the highest levels of omega 3 fatty acids of any nut. They protect you against inflammation, heart disease and arthritis and can improve your cognitive function. Nuts are easy to eat, as you can grab a handful for a mid-afternoon snack or add them to homemade breads, cakes or cookies.

3. Seeds. Seeds are also a healthy source of fiber, magnesium, protein, iron, phosphorus, zinc and B vitamins. Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are easy to purchase and easy to eat. Simply toss a handful on your yogurt, oatmeal or salad. By adding sunflower seeds, you can lower your high blood pressure and your risk of heart disease. If you choose pumpkin seeds, you will be adding the seeds that are lowest in fat.

4. Avocados. Avocados are a terrific source of monounsaturated fat. They are known to lower bad cholesterol and increase the absorption of carotenoids. Carotenoids lower the risk of heart disease and macular degeneration. Simply place a few slices on your salad to reap these benefits!

5. Olive oil. Olive oil is a wonderful substitute for butter when cooking. Olive oil adds flavor and is rich in unsaturated fat. Be sure to purchase virgin olive oil, which is made from the first press of the olives to ensure the most health benefits. Olive oil can be added into homemade salad dressings and used in place of butter in your recipes.

As you can see, the health benefits of eating good fats are enormous! What an easy way to protect your body by reducing the risk of developing heart disease, cancer, depression and Alzheimer's.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Look Better, Feel Better

>Yikes! It抯 that me, I though after seeing my reflection. What happened? I feel like a different person and I am right. I went from being a single, ambitious young woman to a loving wife, mother and entrepreneur. All this new roles that I have acquire through life, leave me with more responsibilities and less time on my hands.

So, does this mean I have to sacrifice my physical appearance? I don't think so! Who says that moms can抰 be trendy or simply look more put together.

Just to make things clear, I am not talking about wearing over revealing clothes, expending every single penny on shopping sprees or basing your whole existence on the way you look.

My advice is to just make time for improving your overall appearance. Even if you are a stay at home mom, make sure you get up a couple of minutes before the kids and do your hair, apply some lotion and don't just wear worn out t shirt, sweat pants etc.

What ever your beauty routine is just make time for it. It is a proven fact, looking better will help you feel better and influence those around you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

What is a Dental Crown and Do I Need One?

A dental crown is a tooth-shaped "cap" that is placed over a tooth - covering the tooth to restore its shape and size. When cemented in place, a crown fully encases the portion of a tooth that lies above the gum line. They can be used to strengthen a tooth, to improve its appearance, or both.

A crown may be needed in the following situations:

1. If a tooth has been broken or severely worn down.

2. If a filling needs to be replaced (because of decay or fracture) but there isn't a lot of sound tooth left to support a filling. In this case, a refilled tooth would be weak and likely to break.

3. To cover a misshapen or discolored tooth in a situation where a veneer or cosmetic filling would not be suitable.

4. To hold a dental bridge in place.

5. To cover an implant.

Crowns can be made from a variety of materials. Typically, the choice is between porcelain, metal, or porcelain fused to a metal sub-shell. Then, within these categories, there are several different porcelains and metals that can be used. Each material has specific characteristics in terms of strength and appearance. There is also a range of prices, with the highest grade porcelains being the most expensive and metals the cheapest. Your dentist will advise you which options are appropriate for your specific situation and why. In almost every case, there will be a number of alternatives that will give you a superb result. It is then a question of matching precisely what you want to achieve with the investment you wish to make in your oral health.

And speaking of oral health, the ultimate success of any dental procedure depends on having healthy gums before you start and maintaining a rigorous level of oral hygiene afterward.

The procedure

Following the initial assessment and planning stage, which will include x-rays to assess the roots and surrounding bone, it normally requires two visits to prepare and fit a dental crown. At the first visit, the dentist will numb your tooth and the surrounding gum before gently shaping the tooth to make room for the crown.

Then the dentist will take impressions (molds) - not only of the tooth which is being crowned but also of the teeth in the other jaw, to make sure the crown will not affect your bite. These impressions will be sent to the laboratory where the crown will be made. You will have a temporary crown to protect the tooth and restore its appearance while the permanent crown is being manufactured at the laboratory.

If you are having several crowns at the front of your mouth, you will probably be asked to see the dentist a few days after the first appointment to report on how you feel about the appearance of the temporaries.

If there are any aspects of these that you don't like, the temporaries will be adjusted until you are completely happy. The dentist will then take an impression and photographs of these which we will sent to the lab so they can see exactly how you want the finished restorations to look.

At your next visit the dentist will remove your temporary crown and check the fit and color of the permanent crown. If everything is okay, (s)he will cement it permanently in place.

For the next day or two, you may have some slight discomfort and sensitivity to hot and cold while the tooth settles down. If you experience anything more severe or if the discomfort lasts beyond a few days, you should contact your dentist.

How long do crowns last?

The life span of a crown depends on the amount of wear and tear it is exposed to and on your level of oral hygiene. Dental crowns require the same standard of care and attention as your natural teeth. If looked after properly, a high quality dental crown can last in excess of 10-15 years before it needs to be replaced.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hormonal Acne Treatment - How Does That Work?

You may have heard that hormone imbalances can be a major instigator of acne but do you know why and how? More importantly what can you do about it?

Your first question should be - do hormones really cause acne? The short answer is yes. Acne is commonly found in adolescents, teenagers, pregnant women and women during specific times of their menstrual cycle. It does not take a medical genius to identify changing hormones as the common denominator.

More specifically, it has been shown that hormonal acne is caused by androgens, which are primarily made up of testosterone but also include other hormones. Both men and adult women have testosterone although women normally have only about 10% of that found in men.

Although the above categories of acne sufferers could be considered 'normal', or at least understandable, there are many people in their 30's and even 40's who do not 'grow out of' teenage acne and continue to suffer in the same way due to hormone imbalance problems.

What Do Hormones Do?

Skin contains sebaceous glands which normally produce oil and 'clean' the pores Together with hair follicles, they make up what we commonly refer to as skin pores. The sebaceous gland responds to testosterone by making more oil and the hair follicle responds by growing hair that is longer, thicker and darker. The increased oil and increased hair size combines with dead skin cells to create blockages in the hair follicle that eventually result in acne.

As the oil cannot flow to the skin's surface and 'clean' the pores bacteria is allowed to flourish. The immune system then attacks the bacteria causing the redness, swellings and puss that are the classic spots and zits of acne.

Although an increase in hair growth is normal in young men it, unfortunately, also occurs with women's acne because the hormone change (i.e. the increase in testosterone) causes both conditions . The increased oil production normally occurs as soon as the hormone levels rise but the increase in hair growth may not occur for some months afterwords so acne can start well before the hair growth is seen.


The most popular form of hormonal acne treatment for women is the birth control pill. This works by controlling progestin and estrogen ('female' hormones) to replace the testosterone. This in turn reduces the production of oil in the sebaceous glands and can be a very effective treatment. The obvious downside to this is that birth control pills cannot be taken by women who are, or wish to get pregnant. Even for those that can there are serious concerns over the use of these hormones in oral contraceptives

Other hormonal acne treatments are primarily anti-androgen drugs or oral corticosteroids. These are suitable for men and possibly pregnant women or women who do not want to take oral contraceptives but they are known to have side effects including irregular periods, nausea, weight gain and thinning of the bones. Of course all these drugs will need a prescription from a doctor. Pregnant women should be extremely careful when considering any oral medication and should only do so on the advice of an appropriate medical expert.

These associated problems with conventional treatments are driving many people to look to a more natural hormonal acne treatment and many of these can be found on the internet. Now, with an understanding of the underlying causes, conventional treatments and their associated problems you should now be in a position to make an informed decision on the kind of treatments you need and are happy to use.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Fat Removal And Liposuction With The Latest Body Sculpting Treatments

Fruit may be a great thing for your diet, but evolving into a pear body shape early in life creates a serious "dragging anchor" on your self image as well as your vitality. The hard muscled flat tummy of youth gives way to a rounded big stomach, sandwiched in between ever-expanding love handles that threaten to burst blouse and shirt seams.

Body Image Solutions That Deliver Results? Of course. You now have a "Chinese menu" of body aesthetic possibilities.

* The Hard Core Exercise Option. On one hand some fat waist solutions involve the marine drill sergeant approach involving barking gym instructors and punishing exercise regimens. Realistically, the only people able to endure these upper-tier fitness programs are the same people who typically don't sport love handles, humongous fat thigh and butt shapes.

* At Home Exercise And Body Shaping. You "can do" if you put your mind to it. Reshaping your body image, reducing sagging skin and a fat waist can be achieved with the new crop of hybrid exercise programs...from walking and running clubs to at home training programs like Yoga Booty Ballet, offering stretching strength yoga ballet and dance in a targeted program that can rapidly lead you to body contouring success, as you shed 10 to 20 pounds or more and just as many inches off your torso and lower body.

LipoSelection - The High Tech "Energy" Treatment For Body Fat. Created by Sound Surgical Technologies, the proprietary Vaser LipoSelection treatment is low impact, only requiring local anesthetic to the treatment area, such as the fat waist or love handles that men often complain about. Plus, you can realistically "harvest" a pound or two of hard-to-reach body fat, without the physical drama and risk of full-blown cosmetic surgery.

* Fat Swelling Saline Injection. Next, a saline solution is injected, which has the effect of dilating local blood vessels but swelling-up body fat cells in the treatment site.

* Love Handle Fat Rendering Via Ultrasound. Now, for fat cell zapping and getting into serious body sculpting possibilities, the Vaser micro-cannula probe is inserted, where it can directly focus ultrasound energy on these engorged fat cells? Result? Love handle waist fat cells literally liquefy, as they absorb the energy from the Vaser probe, for easy extraction via a suctioning device. Adding to the efficacy of Vaser LipoSelection as a low impact results-oriented body sculpting tool is the mechanical or massage like manipulation of the treatment area, which further assists in the desired breakdown of waist fat cells.

* Low Pain Low Impact Body Shaping. Down time is minimal with this form of high tech ultrasonic treatment. You're in one day, back on the job comfortably in 1 to 2 days, or earlier. Meanwhile, you'll be asked to wear a compression garment around the treatment area in order to remove pressure, and to promote rapid safe healing.

* Advantages Over Traditional Liposuction? Of course, new body shaping technologies like LipoSelection always push the "benefits envelope'. With LipoSelection, you avoid much of the surgery risks associated with liposuction where an aggressive probe-and-suctioning manipulation beneath your skin (sub dermal) creates the risk of equal damage to fat cells, nearby connective tissue, blood vessels and nerve fiber. LipoSelection avoids this because the ultrasound waist fat liquefying energy only targets fat cell, which absorb the energy, whereas other more structured cells (blood vessel, nerve fiber, connective tissue) simply reflect the ultrasound and are mostly undisturbed.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How to Be Acne Free Permanently

As any acne sufferer knows, bad skin is more than just a cosmetic problem: it can lower self esteem and lead to self-consciousness. Fortunately, skin problems don't have to ruin your life -- a few surefire tips can clear up your complexion in no time.

If you have frequent breakouts, take a look at your diet. How often do you consume sugar, refined carbohydrates, and caffeine? These things rev up the hormones that make your skin produce oil, often leading to pimples. Stick to fresh and natural foods, limiting the processed sugars, and your skin will thank you.

Some studies have also shown a link between acne and dairy consumption. If you think dairy might be a trigger for your breakouts, invest in some soy milk and cheese alternatives and go dairy-free for a few days. You may find your complexion clearing up significantly.

While it might be tempting to slather your skin with every anti-pimple treatment you can find, it's important not to go overboard. Using many products at once -- or even using too much of a single product -- can dry out your skin, leading your body to produce even more oil to compensate. This can result in worse blemishes than you had before.

Don't forget the importance of water, either. When your body is dehydrated, dead skin cells can accumulate and block the pores in your skin, leading to unsightly pimples. Drinking plenty of water helps flush your body of buildup, and helps your complexion stay healthy.

When you want clear skin, exercise should also be at the top of your list. Exercise improves circulation, helping nutrients reach your skin while cleansing toxins from your body. Get your heart pumping, and your skin will benefit.

By following these tips, you can finally be acne free permanently.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Discover the Top Natural Wrinkle Remedies

Let's face it, growing older is a perfectly natural and normal part of life and nature, and despite our current technological advances in various fields it is something that we cannot stop. When it comes to the telltale signs of aging, especially those concerning our skin, there are some things that we can do against them, and nothing will work better than natural wrinkle remedies.

By choosing natural wrinkle remedies you're making the first of a couple of very important choices when tackling the signs or aging. By eliminating all of the synthetic products from your list, you're making a choice towards products which work in a natural way with your body to produce the desired effects.

Another important choice that you can make and which you should regard as one of your natural wrinkle remedies would be to live a healthy lifestyle. It's incredible the amount of influence how we live our lives has on our bodies and on our skin. Eating healthy foods, lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, exercising regularly and keeping yourself well hydrated will not only have tremendous effects towards the look and feel of your skin but also for your whole body.

When looking for natural wrinkle remedies in the form of skin care products you can limit your choice towards the best and healthiest options rather easy. All you have to do is take a good hard look at the ingredients label on a product which you wish to purchase, if it contains words like alcohol, paraben or mineral oil, then put that one back on the shelf because it won't do you any favors.

What you should look for on a label are things like Babassu and grape seed oil and Cynergy TK. The last one might seem a bit out of place, but rest assured that it's an ingredient which contains a special type of keratin which our bodies can use right away to start repairing our skin. It will help you get rid of wrinkles in no time and you will look like a new person if you find a cream which contains it.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Reasons to Use Teeth Whiteners

Many people are self-conscious about their looks. In today's society, people are becoming increasingly aware of the color of their teeth and how it affects their appearance. In the following, you will see some of the reasons people use teeth whitening products.

They may have stains on their teeth from everyday use. Most people do not consider that what they put in their mouths will have an effect on the color of their teeth. Well it does. Most stains come from food and drinks such as coffee and tea. Also, smoking causes stains that can be removed by teeth whiteners.

There may be discoloration from certain drugs and chemicals. Using tetracycline when teeth are being formed can cause a grayish discoloration. Also, excessive fluoride use can cause a discoloration.
If your teeth have been traumatized this can cause a discoloration as well. If a tooth is cracked during a fall, this opens the pores in the enamel to allow more stains. Food and other particles can settle in those cracks as well.

Age plays a direct factor in the color of teeth. As we get older, our teeth change colors and not for the better. They often become darker and browner with age. While this can be harder to correct, there it is still possible to change the shade of your teeth.

Everyone has their reasons for wanting a whiter, brighter smile. Even with all of the different types of discolorations and stains, advancements in teeth whiteners have made it possible to literally reverse the visible age of your teeth.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Cystic Acne - Getting Rid of it Might Be Easier Than You Think

So what is cystic acne? Cystic acne is the most severe form of acne you can have. A cyst doesn't look like a normal pimple. It does not have a white head, it feels hard, it can grow to massive sizes if not quickly treated and you cannot pop it like a normal pimple (please take note that no pimples should be ever popped).

As a warning let me say that if you suffer of heavy cystic acne you should go and see a dermatologist as soon as you can. Although I am not a big supporter of antibiotics you might need them to get rid of it otherwise you could end up with a permanently damaged skin.

If you have light form of cystic acne there is still time to make it stop but you have to act quickly! I suffered of very light cystic acne too and all my cysts disappear while they were still small without having to use drugs.

Here are few tips you need to know in order to get rid of an acne cyst:

1. NEVER try to pop a cyst. It will not work and applying pressure at it just irritates it making it grow more rapidly. Applying pressure at it can also make it painful for a long time.

2. Do not touch the cyst. This way you carry bacteria on it which again, irritates it and makes it worse.

3. If you see that the cyst is still growing immediately seek a dermatologist before it gets worse and more complicated to cure.

To avoid new cysts from forming you have to follow the same as with acne. Here are few very basic tips:

1. Drink plenty of water daily
2. Reduce your intake of caffeine
3. (Try to) Reduce amount of stress
4. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits and especially nuts
5. Stay away from greasy food and sweets
6. Was your face water daily (only using water)
7. Do not expose your acne to sun purposefully (sunbathing)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Enjoy Looking in the Mirror Again - Permanently Get Rid of Acne

Do you hate waking up every morning because you always get reminded of you acne problem the minute you look in the mirror? Are you ready to finally get rid of your acne? The good news for you is that you are now able to not only get rid of acne but prevent it from coming back.

The number one problem is that most people rely on those "over the counter" treatments. Although they will get rid of acne; they will never prevent it from coming back. For that reason, you will be forced to always use their products. This is a terrible cycle that most people with an acne problem is currently stuck in.

What you want to do is find a product that will treat your skin first. By treating your skin, you will ensure the acne never comes back. The main reason people get acne is because of some type of skin irritation. Fix the irritation and fix the problem. Things like bacteria and clogged pores will cause you to have acne. That is why you must fix those type of problems.

Look at it this way. Unfortunately you are always going to spend money on skin care. Would you rather spend money on a product that prevents the acne or would you rather spend it on a product that you have to wait for the acne to appear first.

So stop wasting your hard earned money on all those "over the counter" acne treatments. Learn how to prevent it and finally get rid of acne for good.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Do Wrinkle Creams Really Work? We Answer This Burning Question

Beautiful people are everywhere we look. Magazines, television and movies are filled with beautiful people that look as thought they never age. Many women often wonder what the secret is to seemingly eternal youth. The most popular product on women's daily routine is anti wrinkle cream. Do wrinkle creams really work?

What causes wrinkles? The number one reason for wrinkles is, well, aging. As we age, our skin cells don't divide was fast as they did when we were younger. This causes the inner part of the skin to begin to thin and loose the elasticity. Sagging skin is a result of this thinning. Since our skins looses the ability to repair as we age, this sagging of the skin is unstoppable.

The number two answer is the environment. If you get excessive sunlight, smoke, and live in high pollutant areas, your skin is at risk. Smoke lets off toxins that can kill skin cells and causes your skin to wrinkle.

To help you with your battle with wrinkles, there are many solutions available. You can have injections, facelifts, and use creams. The injections are toxic to your body so research this option before you try it. Always keep your health in mind before doing anything to your self.

There are other alternatives to anti-wrinkle creams. You can get a facelift. There are risks involved and not easy for everyone to get done. You should be careful to avoid scams. Make sure that your doctor is trustworthy. After the facelift is over, your face will be swollen and even bruised for a couple of months.

There are women who have found anti-wrinkle creams that really work. WIth all of the new products coming out how do you find the right one. Always check the ingredient list and read the label to make sure the cream you buy is safe and effective.

Vitamin A is an important ingredient to look for because it has antioxidants that are very useful. Not only does it help the way your skin looks, it also makes it soft and smooth. If you are pregnant, you should always check with your doctor before using anything with vitamin A.

To find out if wrinkle creams work, try it and find out. Always research the solution you want to use for your wrinkles. Don't waste your money on products that are harmful and procedures that don't work.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Resveratrol - Anti-Aging Structure

The Resveratrol structure is the same as Phytoestrogen, an estrogen similar to a compound present in a number of plants. According to an up to date study, the compound is found in red wine and grapes. It decreases the quantity of fat cells and may be utilized in the future to cure or inhibit fatness.

An early study discovered that the compound defended rats that were given a diet full of calories from the wellbeing difficulties of fatness, by imitating the results of calorie control. Researchers in Germany would like to experience if it could imitate the results of calorie control in an individual's fat cells by adjusting their measurement or function. The German group utilized a breed of an individual's fat cell precursors, known as Preadipocytes. These cells grow into mature fat cells in the body.

In the cell-founded research, they discovered that the compound prevented the pre-fat cells from multiplying and stopped them from transforming into mature fat cells. In addition, it obstructed fat accumulation. Worthy of a note, it lessened the creation of particular cytokines, materials that may be connected to the progress of fat-linked diseases, like blocked coronary arteries and diabetes. It encouraged creation of a protein recognized to lessen the danger of heart attacks as well.

The fresh discovery is coherent with the hypothesis that the compound in red wine gives an explanation to the French irony, the awareness that French people consume a fairly fat rich diet but have a small mortality occurrence from heart ailment. It has anti-fatness properties by making use of its results exactly on the fat cells. As a consequence, it might aid to inhibit the progress of fatness or might be capable of curing fatness. It gives the impression to be helpful in humans because of its many fitness rewards.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

How I Got Rid of the Lines on My Forehead

As we age, our bodies start producing less and less of many important nutrients like collagen and elastin: two important skin proteins that are in charge of how we look today and in the future.

When we were in our teens and early twenties, our bodies were practically swimming in collagen and elastin, we had no trouble having firm, elastic and smooth skin.

But when you start to go over 30, you start noticing more and more lines on your forehead. Lines, wrinkles, and other aging signs become more and more pronounced.

I used to have a lot of lines on my forehead, but I discovered a few simple things that reduced them dramatically. I did this through natural methods and only natural products.

I found that using the popular products that you see in the stores, commercials, and endorsed by celebrities only made my skin worse. I later found out that the reason they were so bad was because they were packed with chemical additives and other unnatural ingredients.

These ingredients dried, irritated, and attacked my skin. My skin had to defend itself against these threats. One ingredient: dioxane, has been declared by the state of California to cause cancer.

Can you imagine that it is still allowed in skin care products today? It's pretty amazing, isn't it? The best line of defense that you have is to only buy completely natural, safe, and proven effective products.

That's how I got rid of the lines on my forehead: by using a 100% pure, holistic skin care line. I highly recommend that you do your own research. Do not just listen to me blindly, because you have to learn what works best for you, and what ingredients you should look for.

I discovered that the ingredients that worked the best on the lines on my forehead were Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10. These are all cutting-edge ingredients that are only found in specialized skin care lines.

I was lucky to find a company that makes them at a very reasonable price, and manufactures them to retain the highest quality. I have been using a product with these daily for a long time now, and I hope that you'll find the right product for you.

Monday, October 4, 2010

2 Useful Tips on Last Minute Weight Loss

Needing to badly lose weight in a short amount of time? It's either you use these last minute weight loss tips to your advantage, or keep on searching for other alternatives while all that unwanted fat is accumulating in your body.

1. Stop eating the moment you feel full. - And don't deny it when you feel full. This is one last minute weight loss tip that is simple to understand but hard to do. Your brain is actually designed to receive messages from the digestive system when it's already reached its capacity. It's like a "whoa, hold it right there!" signal which unfortunately, many of us today have learned to ignore through years of practice.

Hmmm... maybe it's because we were trained to "finish everything on our plates?" Although we tend to put too much on our plates, and then we feel compelled to eat it all. The moral of this last minute weight loss tip is "listen to your brain - because it tells the truth about how much food you really need".

2. Don't deprive yourself from all your favorite foods. - because if you do, you'd just end up terribly tempted in the end. It's pretty much easy feeling deprived when your buddies are feasting on fast food favorites such as hamburgers, fries and pizza, while "poor you" can only head to the salad bar.

This last minute weight loss tip doesn't focus on depriving you from your favorite foods. Instead, you are encouraged to make wise compromises.

Try sharing. Split that cheeseburger into two and share it with someone, and exchange the fries for a small salad. The psychological thing that you're actually doing is enjoying the half of the burger you're eating, rather than weep and wail over the half you aren't eating. As one wise person put it best, "There is really no forbidden food - just problem foods in problem quantities."

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Anti Aging Therapy-Oprah's Comprehensive Wrinkle Free Face & Longevity Guide For Women

There must be some reason why some anti aging therapy works for some and not for others.

Recently Oprah observed a seven year study conducted by the National Geographic where four places were discovered to contain some of the highest concentration of centenarians per capita.

Of these four, scientists concluded that one ingredient which is now at the center of a pharmaceutical battle between two of the biggest weight loss manufacturers is a certain polyphenol found in a fungi which grows on plants to protect it from dangerous bacteria.

When ingested however, if consumed daily, acts as an artery scrubber which over time will greatly enhance your longevity medical journals have argued and will offer sustained health effects on your skin.

Dr Oz, the resident dietitian, observed that Sardinia which holds the highest centenarian female population in the world consumed this on a daily basis.

Women of Sardinia and men are said to work well into their hundreds, still chopping logs and tending the garden as well as cooking for the family each day.

In the U.S however statistics are less favorable. America holds some appalling figures in relation to artery related fatality's so this latest medical research does appear to be more than welcome.

U.S.A is the only country that can now purport it's staple diet as "fats food" and "power foods" which is a sad fact so anything to counter these high fat/calorie diets will offer some respite and offer longevity.

However on a positive side, if your diet is healthy and is accompanied with daily exercise and this particular polyphenol, medical research anti aging therapy now reports that there is no reason why an individual from any country can achieve these dramatic life extensions, it's just a matter of doing not saying.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Choosing the Best Anti Wrinkle Face Moisturizer

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever met an old friend of a similar age as yourself and have been surprised how young she looked, when you yourself have lines and wrinkles on your skin? No need to feel bad about it. A good anti wrinkle face moisturizer is all that it takes to have a smooth skin. Let's see now how to find one.

To find the best anti wrinkle face moisturizer, you should first be aware why wrinkles appear on the skin in the first place. As we age, our body's ability to produce Collagen and Elastin keeps decreasing. These two proteins are what holds our skin together and keeps it firm and elastic. A decrease in their levels cause the skin to become loose and it begins to sag. This causes fine lines and wrinkles to appear in it.

Over the years, the exposure to natural elements like sun light and wind, chemicals, and environmental pollution also makes the skin dry and riddled with age spots. You need to find the right skin cream to take care of all these problems.

The good news is, all these skin problems can be taken care of by the right natural cream. There are some specific ingredients that can reverse these effects of time and aging on the skin. Let's take a look at what they are.

Cynergy TK - This natural extract from the wool of New Zealand sheep is very effective at stimulating the Collagen and Elastin regeneration in the skin. This helps in keeping the skin smooth and wrinkle free. This is the best ingredient that you can find in an anti wrinkle face moisturizer.

Phytessence Wakame -This sea kelp from Japan is beneficial for the skin in many ways. It nourishes the skin and keeps it healthy by providing a host of vitamins and minerals to it. It also helps in keeping the skin firm and elastic by preventing the breakdown of hyraluronic acid in it. It also protects the skin from the UV rays of the sun - the major cause of age spot formation.

Grapeseed Oil - This natural oil is very effective at preserving the natural moisture of the skin. It does so by forming a thin, invisible layer over the skin. It is also helpful in healing the skin around the eyes and removing stretch marks too.

Plant based oils like Macadamia and Avocado are very effective at moisturizing the skin without using any chemicals.

So there you have it. The best ingredients to look for in an anti wrinkle face moisturizer. Find out a good one and you can have a smooth, beautiful skin back once again.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Anti Aging Creams For a Younger Looking You

?strong>Anti aging creams have become a number one cosmetic used by Hollywood's top stars. You can take 10 years off of your face by using wrinkle creams. As the body gets older it stops producing a chemical called collagen which causes the skin to become dull, unattractive and loose. Wrinkles that develop around the eyes, mouth and forehead are a sign of ageing in adult men and women. They cause a person to lack confidence in their physical appearance and can become depressing. The development of Anti aging creams as a non-surgical alternative to reducing wrinkles in the skin, has been a break-through in cosmetology. Anti aging creams or wrinkles creams are a mixture of peptides, collagen, vitamins, herbs and minerals that when applied to the face, penetrate the surface and work to rejuvenate the skin.
?br>5 Things to Know About Reducing Wrinkles
?br>牋牋?.The sun and tanning beds are a major factor in causing wrinkles in the skin. When you are planning on being in the sun for more than an hour, apply a sun block with an SPF 15 or over.
牋牋 2. Water, water and more water. Water re-hydrates the skin and body causing fewer wrinkles.
牋牋 3. Sleeping 7 to 9 hours a night will reduce the unsightly wrinkles. It gives the body a good chance to rejuvenate the skin.
牋牋 4. Limit fat and trans fats intake. Fats can age the body quite drastically and slow down the production of collagen.
牋牋 5.燗nti aging creams help reduce those unsightly wrinkles by moisturizing the skin with collagen, vitamins and minerals.
All in all anti aging creams are great way to prolong the health and beauty of your skin for a younger look.