Saturday, February 12, 2011

Top Rated Anti Wrinkle Creams Ingredients - Are They All Good?

A multitude of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle products are marketed on store shelves and online to meet insatiable demand; all clamoring for your hard earned dollars. Some products are good, but many aren't worth the money in my opinion.

Most women go through an expensive trial and error process before finding what they think, and hope, will work for them. They go on many missions to find the most worthy top rated anti wrinkle creams; combing the cosmetics aisle in the local drug store, looking at ads in magazines, and reviewing on-line consumer product reviews. It's difficult to assess product quality though, from the information presented on product packaging, in advertising, and on-line.
?br>I believe that as a consumer, you're entitled to be better informed so you'll have more confidence that a product you're about to pay good money is worth it. So here's some very important, need-to-know information to help you become more discerning about the ingredients in the top rated anti wrinkle creams (plus more info. on my website - you'll find the URL included in my bio paragraph at the end of this article):
?br>Marketers of some top rated anti wrinkle creams containing "hyaluronic acid" claim that it's a high potency moisturizing ingredient. Apparently it carries as much as a thousand times its own weight in water, which sounds impressive I'll admit.
?br>But what they don't tell you is that your skin naturally produces its own hyaluronic acid; a built-in moisturizer if you will. However, as you age your body also starts producing a harmful enzyme (called hyaluronidase) that breaks down hyaluronic acid in your skin. This unfortunately leads to skin degradation with accompanying dryness, inflammation, sagging, and wrinkles. And it only gets worse as time goes on, unless effectively treated.
?br>Applying an anti wrinkle cream to your skin that contains hyaluronic acid as an ingredient -- though it may provide temporary relief -- will not address the underlying skin degradation issue. So in my opinion, its real therapeutic value is nil, or at best limited.
?br>What you really need is something that will deal directly and effectively with the harmful hyaluronidase enzyme.

And happily there is something; a natural substance that works marvelously well at inhibiting hyaluronidase while stimulating your skin's production of hyaluronic acid to levels normally found in a much younger person! This is clinically proven.


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