Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Fastest Way to Get Rid of the Under Eye Circles

People have to put up with the under eye circle all the time, and unless you like looking like your sick all the time, you want to take care of the problem some how. Women have a way of hiding these dark under eye circles with makeup, which unfortunately men don't. But even so, make up wears off and guess what? Those eye circles come right back.

Then we add stress, exhaustion, lack of sleep, bad eating habits into the mix and those under eye areas get even more swollen and ugly. The first thing you need to do is reduce the swelling. An easy way to reduce swelling of the area, is to apply something cold. A wet wash cloth will do just fine. You can also splash water on your face to reduce the swelling. Another great way to reduce the swelling is to use cold cucumber slices or potato slices to cool your eyes.

But just working with topical products is not going to work, if you don't pay attention to your lifestyle habits, and your eating habits, no cream, or natural remedy is going to help with that under eye circle.

Be sure you drink lots of water. Under eye circles are caused by dehydration and a drying out of the area. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and quit smoking, as these things tend to cause premature aging.

Pay attention to your diet too. Be sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, stay away from saturated fats, and sugars. If you follow the above suggestions, you shouldn't have any problem reducing that under eye circle look you have been seeing lately.


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