Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rita's Road to Regret

"I'm trying something new this summer," Rita explained. "Instead of joining you guys at the fitness class, I've joined a lawn bowling team. The cost is the same and I wanted to try something different. I needed a change."

"Oh, I see," I replied, happy to know that she's staying active. I had just bumped into her at the library where she was volunteering her time. She's also a one-book-a-week bookworm when she's not cooped up as an accountant at Ralph's Supermarket.

"I see you're still losing weight," she continued. "I wish I could do the same. But I'm not going to give up eating what I like."

"If you want to lose weight, you have to give up the thing or things that helped you gain it," I expounded.

"Yeah, I know," she agreed. "But that's just too hard."

Rita has been trying to shed some pounds and gain more energy ever since I've known her. I feel for her because I personally know how difficult that can be. Yet I know if she doesn't change her habits, her habits will keep her driving down the road of regret.

But you see, I was also driving down that same road. I had come down to an ideal weight-but gained it all back. I knew I had to do a u-turn sooner or later.

Here's the u-turn I took that's causing a stir among my peers...

1) More whole foods. That means increasing fruits and veggies. Fewer types of meats, less junk food and smaller portions. And fewer calories at night.

Here's the secret weapon I employed...

I got used to feeling slightly hungry. This may not be for everyone but it absolutely worked for me. When my body got used to this, I didn't have the urge to eat something right away. I could put off eating for hours because I was used to the feeling of being slightly hungry.

2) Consistent cardio. I play basketball: which is great for the mind, body and attitude. When my schedule gets too busy for that, I'll go for a short run to maintain my endurance instead of sitting idle. Running works out my heart, naturally lowers my cholesterol and keeps me ready for the next game. As you can tell: I'm not a big fan of prescription medicine.

3) A fitness program. Something to keep me on track. By myself it was too hard. But in a class with a trainer, I was able to stay focused.

It was the first time in my life that I saw my abs pull in and shrink my waistline. I was so pleased I made a habit of working on them everyday. I work on my other muscle groups and can see and feel the difference.

Everyone has choices. Some choose the road to regret. Others choose the road to rewards. It all depends on your choices.

"I think our fitness instructor is a beautiful lady," Rita commented.

"Yes, she is," I agreed.

"I think she's single," she added.

"Yes, I think you're right..."

Tommy Yan helps business owners and entrepreneurs make more money through direct response marketing. He publishes Tommy's Tease weekly e-zine to inspire people to succeed in business and personal growth. Get your free subscription today at


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