Monday, February 14, 2011

Scrap the Diets - Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

Just imagine the situation; you are staring at the perfect dress in the shop window. Your eye is instantly drawn in by its beautiful design and quality material, then you see the price tag and it's on sale and you got there just in time as its the last one! You think 'this must be my lucky day'! So as you begin to hold it up to the mirror you begin to realize that it looks slightly smaller than your usual clothes. You hesitate but in the end you look and you see that it's not your size!

This has to me several times and I can definitely relate to the heart sinking feeling of knowing that you cannot fit into the size you want to be. I have tried several diets promising testers a flat belly in 1 week! But we all know this is hardly possible.

Now this article will not point out some of the ways that you can healthily loose weight, so you are not being undernourished through starving yourself on a diet, or overworked by pushing up the exercise hours so you officially break your fitness limit, leaving your body tired and aching.

The secret to healthy weight loss is that the body appreciates and can react to slow changes in your eating patterns and types of food you eat.

It abides by the principle that small changes make a big difference, I mean look at it this way, one additional chocolate bar a week can add up and cause you to gain 5lb over 12 months however if you cut this bar out of your weekly eating routine you will loose the exact amount.

It is more realistic for you to switch your milk to full-fat from semi-skimmed, the lighter and healthier option then cutting it strictly out of your meals and abiding by a restrictive list of dieting rules.

Also if you get into the right mind set and put this change in your thoughts of making these changes permanent, then you are more likely to stick to them and maintain these changes moreover shedding the pounds and moving you one step closer towards your perfect body.

Don't forget the good old fashioned way of loosing weight and don't be so quick to blow it out of the window as exercise is a fast track and healthy way to drop the pounds and prolong your bodies' well being.

So try to ditch the car occasionally and whenever you can to use those two legs that god has given you to walk! Try going on long walks to the park or with friends and make it enjoyable.

If you see the option of using the lift or using the stairs, even though your eye may naturally lead you to the lift, mentally train your mind to take you to the stairs.

Another great way is in the advert breaks on television. Half of the time we are sitting there brain dead anyway during the ads so this is a valuable use of time.

So always remember that dieting is not the only solution to loosing weight but changing your eating habits over time and doing exercise here and there can defiantly bring you one step closer to buying that dress in the shop window.


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