Sunday, February 6, 2011

Prevent Wrinkles by Keeping Your Skin Healthy From the Inside Out

If you want to prevent wrinkles in the years ahead, now is the time to be caring for the health of your skin. While it is possible to eliminate wrinkles after they develop, it is far better to keep your skin healthy as you age. Let's take a look at some the effective ways to keep your skin producing healthy collagen and elastin levels into your later years.

The most important thing you can do to prevent wrinkles is to avoid sun exposure. Of all of the things in our environment that we are exposed to on a daily basis, the sun has the greatest impact on skin quality. However, it is unrealistic to stay out of the sun all the time.

Because of this, the best way to prevent wrinkles is to use anti wrinkle creams and lotions that contain natural ingredients that have been proven to restore health to aging skin. Since sun exposure impacts the skin to the degree that it does, the skin creams you use should contain various anti oxidants to fight the effects of free radicals.

A couple powerful anti oxidants to look for are co enzyme Q10 and natural vitamin E. CoQ10 is a well known anti oxidant, but in its normal form it cannot be absorbed into the skin. However, a newly developed skin care ingredient called Nano-lipobelle H Q10 solves this problem. It contains large amounts of CoQ10 in a nano-emulsion form that can be absorbed through seven layers of skin.

Nano-lipobelle H Q10 also contains natural vitamin E. These two anti oxidants in one anti aging substance have been found extremely effective in removing free radicals from the skin.

Vitamin E has another benefit that is often overlooked. It does double duty as a natural preservative, making it unnecessary to use synthetic preservatives.

In addition to anti oxidants, it is important that a cream to prevent wrinkles addresses the fact that the production of collagen and elastin diminishes as we age. The best anti aging products will contain natural ingredients that increase collagen and elastin production.

Recent developments in skin care science have produced some very effective natural collagen stimulants. Probably the most effective one is Cynergy TK. This skin cream ingredient has high levels of the protein keratin that is extracted from the wool of sheep (I remember learning as a child that hair is 100% protein). When absorbed into the skin, Cynergy TK helps the skin manufacture collagen and elastin.

Cynergy TK has undergone extensive clinical and laboratory testing which has shown it to prevent and eliminate wrinkles as collagen and elastin levels increase. Another important advantage to this ingredient is that it greatly increases the production of new skin cells, leading to healthier, younger looking skin.

These are some of the most effective skin care ingredients to prevent wrinkles. My website discusses them in more detail along with other natural ingredients you should look for in your skin care products. Following these ideas will lead to years of enjoying healthy, wrinkle free skin.


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