Monday, February 7, 2011

How to Stimulate Collagen and Elastin in the Body Isn't Hard - If You Use the Right Ingredients

There is a lot of discussion and research going on at the moment on how to stimulate collagen and elastin in the body.

The reason for this is because we all realize these two proteins are essential in maintaining our skin's structure, strength and elasticity. Everyone buys an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle cream with the expectation it's going to help increase his or her collagen and elastin levels.

Unfortunately, the truth is most of the heavily advertised creams containing the substance collagen don't work at increasing the body's level of this protein. The reason is simple -- the molecules are too big to penetrate through your outer skin layer (epidermis) and reach down into the dermis where they're needed. So they basically sit on surface tissue and maybe fill the pore externally without any long-term increase or benefit to collagen and elastin levels.

Other than collagen injections, the only way to get more collagen into your skins tissues is by stimulating your own body to produce more of these protein cells.

This is possible if you use substances that can stimulate the regrowth of collagen and elastin within your dermis. There are only a few special ingredients that I know about on the market that can accomplish this. The following two have been scientifically proven to successful do this.

The first one is a substance derived from natural keratin called Cynergy TK(TM). The innovative company in New Zealand found a way to convert natural keratin into the bioactive solublized form functional keratin(TM) that is readily available to be used by the body.

The second ingredient worth looking at is a new variety of CoenzymeQ10. Most people will have heard of CoQ10 before, but not in the special Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 "nano-emulsion" form.

What's so interesting about these two products is that they are compatible with our body, and they both can penetrate deeply into the skin to stimulate the regrowth of collagen and elastin protein skin cells in our dermis.

That in itself -- is a good thing. But, the real benefit to us is the fact that by increasing the amount of these proteins in our tissues can result in the removal of fine lines and a reduction in facial wrinkles. After all, isn't that what an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle cream is supposed to do?

This is the easiest way I know of爃ow to stimulate collagen and elastin in the body, do some research on the above substances if you like. You will find they are two of only a few ingredients that can truly stimulate the regrowth of new protein cells in your body.


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