Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reduce Fine Wrinkles Without Injection Or Surgery

Many women easily avail of more expensive regimens to reduce fine wrinkles on their skins. These include Botox and collagen injections and cosmetic surgeries. Are they really effective? Do they really provide lasting solutions?

Many women are getting disappointed with their existing skin care regimens. Others are too busy to attend to their skin condition. Their continuing neglect eventually leads to more serious conditions.

Initially, only fine lines appear on the skin surface. When not treated well, those develop into deeper furrows and worse texture. Not being patient anymore, they easily avail of quick fix solutions.

Cosmetic surgeries rank third top surgical treatment in US now

Cosmetic surgeries rank third as the most popular surgical methods in the US these days. They are relatively expensive. Aside from that, patients need to repeat the procedures in order to maintain the same desired effects.

Cosmetic surgeries do not provide lasting and long-term solution, however. They do not address the basic and core causes of wrinkling on the skin.

Wrinkles develop because the skin layers are no longer elastic enough to hold the weight of fatty tissues within. The constant downward pull of gravity also exacerbates the problem.

Loss of skin elasticity develops because the there is lesser amount of collagen bundles present beneath the dermal layers. These bundles are combinations of collagen and elastin molecules. They are natural proteins produced right inside your own body.

Remember always that the body alone is capable of producing those protein molecules. This inherent capacity, however, declines as we grow older. The body is no longer efficient enough to produce more of them to replace dead and damaged collagen and elastin molecules. That is when you start to reduce fine wrinkles, lest they develop into deeper ones.

Botox injections are equally not effective at all. Neither are collagen injections. Botox is actually a toxic substance designed to lift the wrinkled surface to erase the signs of wrinkling. Collagen could not be absorbed, even through the skin pores or within the dermal layers. It is too complex to be absorbed.

Prefer natural methods

What you need are natural skin care products containing ingredients that boost collagen and elastin production. These substances are taken from animal and plant sources raised according to the highest standards.

Next time you raid your favorite skin care store, buy only those containing Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Coenzyme Q10. These are certified to increase the amount of collagen and elastin in the body.

Continued application promotes natural regeneration inside the body. Sustained use of products with these ingredients is effective to reduce fine wrinkles on the skin.


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