Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to Look Years Younger in 5 Steps

If you are interested in peeling back the years and making yourself look younger, you need to make not only simple, but lasting changes.

There are five steps to making yourself look younger: Sleep more, don't drink and smoke, eat a good diet and exercise regularly, reduce stress and care for your skin. Let's look at these 5 steps in detail.


The average American only gets about 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night, with many parents and busy workers getting even less. There's a reason why experts argue we should get 8 hours or more a night - sleep is truly beauty-making time.

When you sleep, and your body is truly at rest (unlike during the day), the cells restore and rejuvenate. It's during sleep that wounds heal, that skin restores itself. It's imperative that you give your body the necessary time it needs to do that.

Drinking and smoking

Most of us enjoy a drink now and then and most experts would tell you that's just fine. It's the excessive drinking that is unhealthy. When you drink you strip the body of necessary fluid. Certainly, drinking a good deal of water the day after you drink is a good idea, but it's a better idea not to overindulge at all.

When we're younger, we can usually overindulge now and then without too much of a problem, but when you get older, it's harder for the body to recover from a drinking binge. Better to drink in moderation (one to two drinks every few days) than to drink heavily on a regular basis.

Smoking is also bad for your body and particularly your skin. You can tell who is a smoker and who is not just by looking at their skin. Smoking strips natural oils from the skin and leaves the skin wrinkled and saggy.

Even if you currently drink and smoke, you can reverse some of the signs of aging that these activities have attributed to by quitting. Not engaging in either is much better for the skin.

Diet and exercise

You've heard it before and you're going to hear it again - diet and exercise are essential to aging well. Specifically, when you eat a diet rich in the right kinds of foods and with few (or none) of the bad stuff, you provide your body with the nutrients it needs to age better, slower and with more grace.

As well, exercise helps to keep your body firm and taut. Since sagginess is a particular problem with people who are aging, finding an activity that keeps things firm is the best thing you can do for your skin and body.

Stress reduction

This one is tough, since most of us lead busy and stressful lives. Suggesting that you reduce stress isn't the same as suggesting that you not engage in your vibrant and sometimes stressful life, but we are suggesting that learning how to control that stress and deal with it is essential.

How? Many people enjoy activities like yoga, which helps you to slow down your breathing, reduce the tension in the body and find more focus. Others might swear by a cup of chamomile tea before bed each night. Still others might enjoy a short meditation session each morning. Figure out what might work for you (or try several things until you know which method of stress reduction is ideal for you) and then do it on a regular basis.

Skin care

Taking care of your skin is the icing on the cake. It can be the finishing touch to helping you age gracefully.

Good skin care involves finding a cleanser that works for your kind of skin without stripping it of natural oils and using a good moisturizer with the right SPF. Don't forget a solid anti aging or wrinkle cream and even a good eye cream if you need one. Athena 7 Minute Lift and also Lifecell wrinkle cream have been very popular for their immediate effects. Finally, it's important that you are consistent with your skin care products because using them faithfully is the key to seeing solid results.

Looking years younger isn't too difficult if you are consistent and dedicated. And you'll find that these changes can reap solid rewards.


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