Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Secret to Restoring Elastin Naturally

Let's face it, nobody wants to look older, and restoring elastin and collagen is one way of turning back the clock. However, you must be aware of one simple fact that will make the difference between looking younger or not.
?br>Can elastin be absorbed into the skin is a question I am frequently asked and a very good one to.?br>?br>The simple fact is no it can't!
?br>The molecules of collagen and elastin are too big to penetrate the skin, so no benefit can be had and it will just sit on your skin until you wash it off. Despite what all the advertizing tells us, it is not true, just ask a dermatologist if you don't believe me!
?br>Restoring elastin effectively can only be done by increasing the body's own production of it and the only ingredient I have discovered through my research is from a pioneering company in New Zealand.
?br>This is a breakthrough in natural skin care as the substance called Cynergy TK , an extract of sheep's wool, has been proven in clinical studies to boost your levels of elastin and collagen to those not seen since your twenties.
?br>Lines and wrinkles will disappear in just weeks not months and it is also an excellent moisturizer nourishing deep down to prevent wrinkles from returning. In addition, having a high amount of antioxidants it will help to fight free radicals than damage healthy cells and lead to premature aging and disease.
?br>Don't be put off if you haven't heard of this before as the company puts its resources into pioneering the finest natural ingredients instead of advertising on TV and in glossy magazines.
?br>Now you know the answer to can elastin be absorbed into the skin and the secret for restoring elastin naturally and safely, and hopefully will not be persuaded by the various lotion and cream myths any more.
?br>The only way to restore your youthful glow is by using the most effective and natural ingredients, that way you can have beautiful soft and smooth skin again while boosting your own health in the process.
?br>Uncove! r more n atural substances for restoring elastin and collagen at my website.


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