Thursday, February 10, 2011

Know What Causes Wrinkles to Choose the Best Anti Wrinkle Creams

You'll do a better job of landing on the best anti wrinkle creams when you understand what causes wrinkles in the first place. To understand the causes in the first place is to understand first what skin is. When you understand the role it plays and the elements that make it vulnerable to premature wrinkles, you will have the knowledge it takes to seek out the skin solutions that best respond to your own personal needs.

Your skin is considered the largest organ within your body and at birth comes with important functions. It keeps your body temperature in check and protects you from infection. Your ability to feel hot and cold temperatures as well as pain and pressure is due once again to your skin. And the essential Vitamin D, required for healthy strong bones is produced by way of your skin.

As you can caters to several key functions so that you are kept safe and sound. Often we don't think of skin in this way. Instead, we see it as something we're either lucky or not so lucky to have depending on the way it looks. But looks, my dear friend, depends on several issues:

1. How well you've cared for your skin
2. How well you're caring for it now
3. Your knowledge of what causes wrinkles

A beautiful and young looking complexion requires care and attention and the culprits associated with aging done away with. Let's briefly look at what causes wrinkles...the true culprits that take away from your complexion.


Most of us are lucky enough to enter into the world born fully equipped and with genes that will dictate when and how well our skin ages.

If you feel you've inherited less than beautiful skin, there's no need to worry for we have today some highly advanced skin care products that work to nourish, repair and beautify. Spend some time researching skin care and you'll become exposed to endless possibilities. This is where you do yourself a favour to verify product labels and understand the types of ingredients used. You'll want to give preference to a natural skin care line that contains natural, safe and effective ingredients and uses the latest in cell rejuvenation technology.

Lucky for us, genes hold a part of and not the entire story of how well your skin matures. The fate of your skin is also affected by other factors, as you will continue to see. Studies suggest those that follow have a far greater impact on the appearance of your skin than the genes you wear!

Sun Damage...

It is the most significant and main cause of what causes wrinkles. With repeated and senseless exposure to the sun, penetrating ultraviolet rays break down the collagen and elastin levels found within the structure of the skin where fine lines, wrinkles and saggy dry skin will eventually form. Over time, especially when nearing the forties, unsightly brown spots may begin to appear, not to mention an increased risk for the dreaded skin cancer disease, with each and every repeated burn experienced.

So what can you do? Easy...keep your skin healthy, young and vibrant looking by staying out of the sun as much as possible. When outdoors use sun protection. Wear protective clothing, a wide enough hat, sunglasses and of course use a broad spectrum sun lotion. And by the way...that includes tanning salons too. Sorry!


Still viewed as a cool habit by many, studies reveal that huffing and puffing sets you up for premature wrinkling and increased health problems and this too is what causes wrinkles.

Furthermore, facial expressions involving lip puckering and eye squinting slowly transforms a youthful look into one that reflects smoker's lips, yellow skin and increased facial wrinkles. So if you don't want to lose your smooth looks, lose the smoking instead for the sake of your body health and skin health too!


Love sugary foods and can't get enough? You may want to think twice about this one too. Studies reveal eating too many sugars can accelerate the aging process, adding unwanted years to your skin.

Glycation is a term that describes a body process where sugar molecules stick to protein structures. The result is a transformed DNA within a newly formed and harmful molecule which becomes now known as advanced glycation end products (or AGE's).

So how does this work?

AGE's breaks down collagen and elastin levels, substances that render the skin supple, smooth and elastic. However, the more sugars you consume the more AGE's are produced, paving the way for dull skin and more lines and wrinkles.

So get to keep skin young looking by simply avoiding packaged, processed foods and drinks that contain high levels of both glucose and fructose sugars. Get a grip on your total sugar intake, especially where corn syrup is concerned and found in some whole grain foods, snack foods, soda, and fruit-flavored drinks.

As you can see by understanding what causes wrinkles, it goes without saying you do have a very big say in your skin's appearance.

It's simply a question of curbing from certain lifestyle habits. And when you control the causes mentioned it becomes quite affordable and easy to manage. All that's left to do is to select one of the best anti wrinkle creams that safely responds to your skin's particular needs.

As a general rule, consider natural cosmetics that contain antioxidants and vitamins that de-age your skin, naturally and safely using the latest in cell rejuvenation technology. For additional facts on natural skin care feel free to visit the link below.


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