Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Facials For Acne

More and more people are turning to spa treatments as a way to help cure their acne. There are a variety of special facials meant for this specific purpose, and many are considered to be effective and relatively inexpensive. What you should keep in mind before choosing a specific spa treatment for your acne is the severity of your skin problem, the type of problem you have, and the amount of time and money you are willing to commit to your procedure.

People with mild, non-inflammatory acne, which often includes blackheads and whiteheads, will often find regular spa treatments to be beneficial. Most acne facial treatments will culminate in skin extractions, which remove all blockage and buildup in mild blemishes. This clears the pores and leaves the skin refined and smooth. Consult with your esthetician before your first acne facial. Ideally, your esthetician will know if your case of acne will benefit from this form or treatment or not, and will gladly direct you to a dermatologist if your specific case is to extreme or requires special attention and care.

However, don't take this to mean that harsher cases of acne will not benefit from regular facials. In fact, many dermatologists will recommend this form of treatment on a frequent basis, and many will even employ estheticians to work out of their office. Facials are often a great complement to dermatological procedures and medications, so don't be afraid to ask for advice on the use of both resources.

The first step to a good facial is thorough cleansing of the skin on the face. Masks are often used, as well as long steam baths and massages of the face. These help open the pores in preparation for extraction. Oils, lotions, or scrubs might be used to remove and reduce oil, remove dead skin cells on the surface, and hydrate your thirsty skin. Ask your esthetician for the right cleansers and moisturizers to use at home, as the proper skin regiment is required for facial upkeep. Extractions should only be performed on non-inflammatory blemishes. Painful, deep acne such as nodules and cysts should not be extracted, as doing so can often cause an infection and create permanent scarring. Extractions are most frequently performed with a small, rounded tool that applies even pressure to your blemishes. Some estheticians prefer to use their fingers, but make sure that they are wearing latex gloves if this is the case. Otherwise, infection or scarring may occur.

Remember that the best way to maintain clear skin is by incorporating regular facials into your regiment. Your esthetician should be aware of both topical and oral medications you are taking. Strong acne medications such as Accutane and Retin A will rarely work well in conjunction with facials.


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