Thursday, February 24, 2011

Reduce Fine Wrinkles Without Injection Or Surgery

Many women easily avail of more expensive regimens to reduce fine wrinkles on their skins. These include Botox and collagen injections and cosmetic surgeries. Are they really effective? Do they really provide lasting solutions?

Many women are getting disappointed with their existing skin care regimens. Others are too busy to attend to their skin condition. Their continuing neglect eventually leads to more serious conditions.

Initially, only fine lines appear on the skin surface. When not treated well, those develop into deeper furrows and worse texture. Not being patient anymore, they easily avail of quick fix solutions.

Cosmetic surgeries rank third top surgical treatment in US now

Cosmetic surgeries rank third as the most popular surgical methods in the US these days. They are relatively expensive. Aside from that, patients need to repeat the procedures in order to maintain the same desired effects.

Cosmetic surgeries do not provide lasting and long-term solution, however. They do not address the basic and core causes of wrinkling on the skin.

Wrinkles develop because the skin layers are no longer elastic enough to hold the weight of fatty tissues within. The constant downward pull of gravity also exacerbates the problem.

Loss of skin elasticity develops because the there is lesser amount of collagen bundles present beneath the dermal layers. These bundles are combinations of collagen and elastin molecules. They are natural proteins produced right inside your own body.

Remember always that the body alone is capable of producing those protein molecules. This inherent capacity, however, declines as we grow older. The body is no longer efficient enough to produce more of them to replace dead and damaged collagen and elastin molecules. That is when you start to reduce fine wrinkles, lest they develop into deeper ones.

Botox injections are equally not effective at all. Neither are collagen injections. Botox is actually a toxic substance designed to lift the wrinkled surface to erase the signs of wrinkling. Collagen could not be absorbed, even through the skin pores or within the dermal layers. It is too complex to be absorbed.

Prefer natural methods

What you need are natural skin care products containing ingredients that boost collagen and elastin production. These substances are taken from animal and plant sources raised according to the highest standards.

Next time you raid your favorite skin care store, buy only those containing Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame and Coenzyme Q10. These are certified to increase the amount of collagen and elastin in the body.

Continued application promotes natural regeneration inside the body. Sustained use of products with these ingredients is effective to reduce fine wrinkles on the skin.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Essential Weight Loss Tips - Must Read

In the present time everyone wishes to look slim and trim. For this it is important for over-weight people to lose some weight and for people who are just appropriate to maintain their weight. However, here we are focusing on some of the important weight loss tips. There are a number of people who resort to diet plans for weight loss. Dieting can be a costly affair, as apart from avoiding certain foods it also involves including some. Most of the dieting plans have some herbal ingredients prescribed that prove to be hard on your pocket.

Here are some of the affordable weight tips that can help you in losing weight effectively.

First step is to stop the intake of junk food. This is the main reason behind putting on weight. Have a healthy meal that has the right number of calories.

Decrease the amount of fat that you consume and increase fibers and proteins in your diet. This will help you in decreasing the hunger and also keep you full. It also helps in developing lean muscles.

Include some exercises in your daily schedule. You can go for walks regularly. Start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the time. Make these walks in the morning, as they are healthier.

If there is a gym nearby then you can consider joining the gym so that you can have regular dose of exercise. This will help you lose weight and also help you remain healthy.

Avoid processed food. These have trans fatty acids that can be harmful and increase the fat accumulation in your body.

Switch over to slim milk as this reduces your fat intake while providing you with the same amount of nutrients.

Making these small changes in your schedule can help you lose weight in a few days. However, it is equally important that you continue the practice even after you have lost weight to maintain your slim look.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

How to Reduce Flabby Tummy Fat

Continuous deposit of visceral fat in the waist over a long period of time results in belly fat. This may be due to the factors like aging, heredity, consumption of fat items like cheese, ghee, oil and other fatty foods. This will cause several health problems like heart attack, stroke and many more diseases. Recent studies have found that fat diet consumption can also be a factor in influencing cancer.?/p>


Many people don't do exercises daily and the fact is that many of us have not realized the importance of doing regular exercises. Walking is one of the simple exercises to reduce belly fat. We must cultivate the habit of walking everyday for a minimum of half an hour. This will keep us energetic, brisk and disease free even in 60's. Half an hour of walking will reduce your belly fat to a great extent in just 4 to 8 weeks. Proper shoes should be used while walking to prevent knee pain. People over the age of 60 can do slow walking and if there are any signs of pain in the knees. Walking abruptly very fast or slow will not help to reduce the stomach fat.?/p>

It is better to avoid mp3 players, iPods etc while walking. Concentrate on walking and do not distract your thoughts while walking. Doing more works simultaneously will not help you to reduce the stress. Spending the early morning in fresh air will help you to recover from many of these obesity problems. Running will be much more effective in reducing belly fat and this will increase your body stamina too. A perfectly fit man can run up to 6 km/day and there can't be a word called belly fat in their dictionary.


In addition to the exercise, diet plays a major role in controlling stomach fat. But, exercises and diet goes hand in hand while reducing belly fat. We should completely avoid excess intake of carbohydrates and fats. Though both of them are delicious ingredients of daily food, avoiding these to some extent will control the deposition of more fat in the belly region. We may find it tough at the beginning but practicing this would help to minimize belly fat within few weeks. It is better to include fresh fruits in our diet. They are rich in vitamins and fiber content and moreover they will supplement all the nutrition requirement of our body and the fiber in it will flush the stomach.?/p>

The Secret to Restoring Elastin Naturally

Let's face it, nobody wants to look older, and restoring elastin and collagen is one way of turning back the clock. However, you must be aware of one simple fact that will make the difference between looking younger or not.
?br>Can elastin be absorbed into the skin is a question I am frequently asked and a very good one to.?br>?br>The simple fact is no it can't!
?br>The molecules of collagen and elastin are too big to penetrate the skin, so no benefit can be had and it will just sit on your skin until you wash it off. Despite what all the advertizing tells us, it is not true, just ask a dermatologist if you don't believe me!
?br>Restoring elastin effectively can only be done by increasing the body's own production of it and the only ingredient I have discovered through my research is from a pioneering company in New Zealand.
?br>This is a breakthrough in natural skin care as the substance called Cynergy TK , an extract of sheep's wool, has been proven in clinical studies to boost your levels of elastin and collagen to those not seen since your twenties.
?br>Lines and wrinkles will disappear in just weeks not months and it is also an excellent moisturizer nourishing deep down to prevent wrinkles from returning. In addition, having a high amount of antioxidants it will help to fight free radicals than damage healthy cells and lead to premature aging and disease.
?br>Don't be put off if you haven't heard of this before as the company puts its resources into pioneering the finest natural ingredients instead of advertising on TV and in glossy magazines.
?br>Now you know the answer to can elastin be absorbed into the skin and the secret for restoring elastin naturally and safely, and hopefully will not be persuaded by the various lotion and cream myths any more.
?br>The only way to restore your youthful glow is by using the most effective and natural ingredients, that way you can have beautiful soft and smooth skin again while boosting your own health in the process.
?br>Uncove! r more n atural substances for restoring elastin and collagen at my website.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Acne Treatment in the Natural Way

Acne is a sort of physiological change on the body which results in the growth of bumps. The affected area can be reddish and sometimes after successful treatment can become scarred. They predominantly exist on the faces of patients though they can grow on other parts of the body. Acne may not prevent the sufferers from carrying on with their day to day activities however; it can cause pains and general discomfort. It can be dangerous if not properly handled especially when they are producing pores. When it is pressed, swelling can occur on the surrounding tissue and in extreme cases could lead to death. Though there are many drugs for treating acne, the greatest handicap of majority of them is their inability to bring a total cure. This is because most of the times, the acne reappears after few months of complete treatment. This leaves the individual with the old agony of very rough face and the associated pains.

To combat this ailment permanently, treatments which follow the natural path is very necessary. This pattern of treatment teaches the basic principles from food needs to hygiene and other simple pros and cons that will help to prevent the growth of acne. The principle deals with the ailment from the root hence results in the extinction of acne from the folks who have suffered from the torture for a long time. Since every ailment has a causative organism that thrives in a particular medium, the changing of equilibrium of the medium negatively always demobilizes the ailment by way of destruction or depopulation of the causative agents. This is the principle that is adopted in the natural process of treating acne. The tips that the patients are meant to follow only helps to enhance a medium that will cause acne causative organisms to be inert.

Treatment of the ailment with drugs bought across the counters or prescribed by experts has always been for a duration of between six to twelve months and more in extreme cases. Though the acne initial disappears from the body however, they reappear after few months. This proves that the medium of growth has been rebuilt. The need to permanently destroy the thriving medium is very important and can only be effectively combated by a natural process. The cost of carrying on with medical examination, appoints and other related tests for twelve whole months cannot be compared with the little cost of information (gotten from the natural process of treatment) that will save patients all the stress of medical attention. It could be noted that all drugs have one or more known side effects and other unknown side effect but natural process of treatment which depends on feeding pattern, hygiene, and other simple instructions to keep fit and healthy certainly have other enormous advantages .For instance, if an acne patient is asked to reduce intake of certain food to reduce the oil in the body, the patient cure acne in the body and reduces the cholesterol level in the blood and certainly lives a healthier life.

Scars , itching and other drug reactions have been the dividend of many acne sufferers . The people live on this shame and discomfort everyday of their life whereas their problem can be solved by tips which they may even know except that they have never thought in that direction. You can task your brain today to see if you can come up with some of the simple principles that can keep you fit and happy once again. In a situation it is difficult for you to come up with these simple ideas, it may be wise for you to checkout for the simple tips for the natural ways of treating acne and save cost. The popular saying that the test of the pudding is in the eating can be applied by an acne patient to see how effective the natural process can be since the orthodox medicine has not been of great help or so expensive. Despite the dozens of information that has been fed to your brain about acne either by health experts, friends and others alike online, I believe that experience can always be the best teacher hence, it may be advisable for you to experience the natural way of treating acne before concluding.

Conclusively, I wish to state that wisdom is the principle thing and when a man gets it, he gets everything. Do not hesitate to search for information concerning everything in life for by so doing you will achieve perfection in life, health, education, business and all other life endeavours.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Types of Sedu Hairstyles and Styling Procedures - Learn to Style Your Hair Like Celebrities

Sedu is a brand of flat iron and hair styling tools that provide smooth, sleek hairstyles. It gives you a creative and gorgeous look easily and quickly. These sedu looks are made famous by many film actresses such as Jennifer Ainston.

Sedu is so popular for its high end technology in hair styling and design. Here is how it works: these sedu flat irons are able to reach maximum heat within no-time by omitting negative ions for protection. They use fine special plates that gives your hair fizz-free look without breaking and catching the hair.

Types of sedu hair styles:

There are mainly six shapes of faces that are considered while styling your hair. They are oblang, square, heart shaped, pear shaped, round, and oval shaped faces. Based on these shapes you can choose which style suits your face best.

Based on these face shapes three hairstyles are usually suggested by sedu brand people. The three styles are (i) casual and sleek, (ii) chic, (iii) the updo bun.

Here are the procedures to these sedu hair styles:


- Start with conditioner shampoo to your hair for at least for two minutes. This helps in making your hair soft and flatten your hair to prevent them from becoming damaging or drying.
- Next, add hair serum and styling gel which makes your hair shine and sleek. It also gets rid from frizziness for that silky look. Then, give your hair a blow dry by pointing the drier nozzle down the hair shaft.
- After drying your hair, keep the sedu flat iron by inserting a small section that is two inch of hair through these plates gliding down from root to the tip.
- The final and most important part of your styling is give a shine spray to your hair. You can then use a flat iron iand don't brush it afterward.


- Wash your hair with conditioner and leave it for about two minutes.
- Give a dry blow to your hair by dividing into two inch of hair and blow dry to half inch pieces with a round brush.
- Hold for 4-6 seconds. Hold this round brush near your scalp and brush down your hair to the end of it.
- Use hair shine spray and end with shine serum. Keep these to your palms and brush hair with your palms.


- Follow the stops of the above styles until your hair becomes nice and straight.
- Keep your help up with gel that firms back your hair into a ponytail and band it in ponytail place. Then, spray front and side ways of your hair with a firm holding spray.
- Finally, make a barrel curl on your remaining ponytail hair with your index fingers. Hold it with pins and bobby pins and finish it with that form hold hair spray at last.

NOTE : Use sedu on dried hair for best results. Using sedu on wet hair causes breakage of the hair and may cause permanent damage to the hair.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Shocking Truth! The Real Fat Causes!

Sick and tired of being the fat one in your group?
Disgusted at yourself with how unsightly your body has become?

Fear not that you are alone! Millions of other persons just like yourself are desperate to regain their body back to a healthy and attractive weight.

Millions of other persons just like yourself are so sick and tired of trying all the fad diets out there that they are almost at the stage where they are literally ready to give up and just stay fat.

But alas! There is still hope left!
"What hope can there possibly be?" You may be thinking.
"I've tried just about every diet there is! And I'm still fat! I still have a horrible body! And you say there is still HOPE?" Yes, you read correctly. Infact, what I am about to tell you now may VERY WELL be the answer for your permanent weight loss. Infact, I would be very surprised if this were not the case.

Ok, let's get straight to the point. I assure you that your inability to lose weight is hardly, infact highly unlikely, caused by you eating too much, your lack of motivation to eat healthy or diet, the fact that you eat when you are stressed or upset, or whatever the reason you may think is causing you to be fat.

Even if you did stick to a diet, did it work for you? How did you find the 1,200 calorie diet? Most likely you felt immensely deprived. And what about the "weight-loss shakes?" Did you enjoy abstaining from one of life's most pleasurable indulgences day after day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and substituting it for a DRINK? I think I already know your answer.

You have probably already established the fact that diets just don't work. Congratulations! You are well on your way to becoming slim, lean and healthy.

You see, the reason why we become fat is because there is something sinister happening on the insides of our bodies. It is highly likely that you have deadly parasites breading inside your stomach, intestines and colon, causing to puff up, gain lots of weight, and frequently be sick.

So what you need to do in order to get that healthy, slim body you've always wanted is stop those deadly critters from breading inside of you. Only until you have done this will you ever be able to lose all of that horrible fat accumulating on your body.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What is Acne and What to Do About It

When bacteria and oil clog pores on the skin, the result is acne vulgaris, more commonly referred to as, simply, acne. Characterized by skin eruptions such as pimples, whiteheads and blackheads, acne can also cause discolorations of the skin and painful cysts that are prone to leaving permanent scars if severe cases of acne are ignored or improperly treated. Often caused by hormonal changes, teenagers are highly susceptible to developing acne, which can appear on a person's face, chest, neck, or back. Acne often clears up after a person's teen years, but many adults are plagued with the condition well into adulthood and seek a variety of treatment methods in hopes of a cure.

Understanding how acne operates is one of the major keys, which unlocks the secrets of its cure. Teenagers are the most common group plagued by acne due to a change in hormonal or glandular activity experienced during puberty. As extreme amounts of oil, also known as sebum, collect on the skin's surface while blocking pores and sebaceous glands, the reaction is one or more pimples that form on the skin's surface.

However, other factors also contribute to the onset of acne, such as:

æ—¸ietary deficiencies
æ—¾rregular menstrual cycles

While teenagers are affected by acne in disproportionate amounts, adult women also tend to experience mild to moderate cases of acne just prior to their monthly menstrual cycles in which hormonal changes are also to blame. Acne can also run in families, although this is more likely due to the consumption of certain dietary choices, such as oily, fatty foods and chocolate, which can each trigger acne symptoms.

Preventative measures are the most helpful in combating acne. By maintaining clean skin and avoiding oily skincare and hair care products that increase the amount of oil on the skin, clog pores, and cause acne, people who are prone to acne can avoid frequent eruptions. Washing skin two to three times each day with a mild cleanser and only applying products that are labeled noncomodogenic helps in keeping acne symptoms at bay. Everyone, but particularly those who are prone to acne outbreaks should thoroughly remove all makeup before going to bed at night, should drink plenty of water throughout the day, and should avoid carbonated and sugary drinks. Also, fried foods, foods high in saturated fats, fast food, processed foods, alcohol and cigarette smoke should be avoided, as each is known to contribute to the onset of acne symptoms.

As annoying as a case of acne can be, a person with this condition should never pick their pimples even when they are at painful stages. Picking at them can cause the skin to become infected and can cause permanent marks or scarring to occur. Instead, acne creams that are commonly sold over the counter containing salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide can be applied to clean skin to assist in halting outbreaks and in reducing the amount of pimples that appear on the skin. Of course, different skin types respond differently to these products. Therefore, if irritation occurs or if symptoms persist, people with acne are advised to stop using that particular product and find another that is more suitable to their particular skin type.

In severe cases, it may be necessary for a dermatologist to assist in treating skin acne. A dermatologist may choose to drain pimples and cysts as a part of the overall treatment plan during a visit. Often, doctors will also prescribe antibiotic medications or prescription-strength topical solutions that can target problem acne and assist in the skin's healing. People with severe acne should be advised, however, that many prescription medications commonly used to treat acne symptoms are also accompanied by serious side effects, such as birth defects and depression. As well, women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid certain medications that can be harmful to a developing fetus or infant.

In severe cases that cause acne scarring, collagen injections and dermabrasion techniques have been known to somewhat cause the skin to look and feel smoother. Other treatment methods also include the use of laser resurfacing, which involves a burning away of unsightly scar tissue or chemabrasion, which removes scar tissue by using a chemical that peels away the top, scarred layers of skin.

High protein diets, diets that are high in zinc and diets supporting high amounts of chromium are also helpful in rebuilding the skin's surface at the cellular level to help minimize the appearance of acne scarring. Some have even reported positive results by using honey as a moisturizing agent to help scarred skin recover.

Other natural treatments for acne are also known to help people find relief from its symptoms without the risk of possible harmful side effects. A few of those suggested remedies include:

æ—³pplying Aloe Vera gel to acne prone areas
昅asks made of plain yogurt
昅asks made from grated cucumber
昅asks made from oatmeal and milk

In any of the above natural acne treatments, a mask can be applied to clean skin and allowed to permeate the skin for at least 30 minutes per treatment, followed by a thorough rinsing with cold water.

Also, people who are prone to acne should try supplementing their diets with vitamins, such as vitamin A, vitamins B and B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, acidophilus culture and Niacin, all which can help in rebalancing a person's body so that oily conditions that cause acne are better balanced and skin can resist acne outbreaks.

People who suffer from acne symptoms, including scarring, often feel embarrassed because of their skin's appearance. Although no one enjoys experiencing an acne outbreak, it should be noted that almost everyone suffers from acne at least once in his or her lifetime. Further, acne is a treatable skin condition and one that can be controlled largely by making key changes in one's lifestyle. While acne is not likely to disappear overnight, with diligence, proper cleansing, and maintenance, acne can be overcome. Not every treatment method works the same on every person's skin type. Therefore, it may be necessary to try several different acne treatments before one is discovered to be just the right one to treat their particular acne symptoms.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Facials For Acne

More and more people are turning to spa treatments as a way to help cure their acne. There are a variety of special facials meant for this specific purpose, and many are considered to be effective and relatively inexpensive. What you should keep in mind before choosing a specific spa treatment for your acne is the severity of your skin problem, the type of problem you have, and the amount of time and money you are willing to commit to your procedure.

People with mild, non-inflammatory acne, which often includes blackheads and whiteheads, will often find regular spa treatments to be beneficial. Most acne facial treatments will culminate in skin extractions, which remove all blockage and buildup in mild blemishes. This clears the pores and leaves the skin refined and smooth. Consult with your esthetician before your first acne facial. Ideally, your esthetician will know if your case of acne will benefit from this form or treatment or not, and will gladly direct you to a dermatologist if your specific case is to extreme or requires special attention and care.

However, don't take this to mean that harsher cases of acne will not benefit from regular facials. In fact, many dermatologists will recommend this form of treatment on a frequent basis, and many will even employ estheticians to work out of their office. Facials are often a great complement to dermatological procedures and medications, so don't be afraid to ask for advice on the use of both resources.

The first step to a good facial is thorough cleansing of the skin on the face. Masks are often used, as well as long steam baths and massages of the face. These help open the pores in preparation for extraction. Oils, lotions, or scrubs might be used to remove and reduce oil, remove dead skin cells on the surface, and hydrate your thirsty skin. Ask your esthetician for the right cleansers and moisturizers to use at home, as the proper skin regiment is required for facial upkeep. Extractions should only be performed on non-inflammatory blemishes. Painful, deep acne such as nodules and cysts should not be extracted, as doing so can often cause an infection and create permanent scarring. Extractions are most frequently performed with a small, rounded tool that applies even pressure to your blemishes. Some estheticians prefer to use their fingers, but make sure that they are wearing latex gloves if this is the case. Otherwise, infection or scarring may occur.

Remember that the best way to maintain clear skin is by incorporating regular facials into your regiment. Your esthetician should be aware of both topical and oral medications you are taking. Strong acne medications such as Accutane and Retin A will rarely work well in conjunction with facials.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Advice on What Causes Acne

Today acne is becoming and issue affecting all different ages of people, even though it is particularly dreaded by teenagers. However, there are no doubts the fact that teenagers are more likely to suffer from the problem as compared with others. In fact, there are numerous treatment products available that can help alleviate the condition Therefore, it definitely pays to learn what causes acne before you look for treatment methods for the skin condition. The skin disorder, acne, occurs when skin gets inflamed. You won't be able to take action with this disorder as effectively as possible if you don't understand what causes acne.

Some people are of the option that what causes acne really is disruption of male hormones (testosterone) though in fact, it is really an intense kind of response to testosterone by the body that causes acne. Usually people will grow out of their acne. While we grow older acne symptoms tend to slow down and rarely show up, except for the few of us who are lucky enough to be an except to this rule.

Also, there are several misconceptions when it comes to what causes acne that need to be eliminated. As a matter of fact, many of the commercials that deal with selling acne products help propagate the misconceptions.

To break it all down, there is a quite a bit to be learned about what causes acne, and in general, acne. Puberty is certainly a time in a person's life when the risk of acne is greatest. This is the time when the body starts to produce testosterone which is converted into dihydrotesterone which in turn, causes secretion of oil. If you have to much secretion, oil is going to block pores and cause acne. Another way to look at what causes acne is understanding that a condition known as retention hyperkeratosis makes the body produce too many skin cells.Actually, it is much more than our bodies could shed or get rid of. Now this causes extra skin cells to clog up the pores of the skin. Along with excess oil and skin cells, too much dirt and bacteria could cause acne - especially if they can grow close to the skins surface.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Scrap the Diets - Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

Just imagine the situation; you are staring at the perfect dress in the shop window. Your eye is instantly drawn in by its beautiful design and quality material, then you see the price tag and it's on sale and you got there just in time as its the last one! You think 'this must be my lucky day'! So as you begin to hold it up to the mirror you begin to realize that it looks slightly smaller than your usual clothes. You hesitate but in the end you look and you see that it's not your size!

This has to me several times and I can definitely relate to the heart sinking feeling of knowing that you cannot fit into the size you want to be. I have tried several diets promising testers a flat belly in 1 week! But we all know this is hardly possible.

Now this article will not point out some of the ways that you can healthily loose weight, so you are not being undernourished through starving yourself on a diet, or overworked by pushing up the exercise hours so you officially break your fitness limit, leaving your body tired and aching.

The secret to healthy weight loss is that the body appreciates and can react to slow changes in your eating patterns and types of food you eat.

It abides by the principle that small changes make a big difference, I mean look at it this way, one additional chocolate bar a week can add up and cause you to gain 5lb over 12 months however if you cut this bar out of your weekly eating routine you will loose the exact amount.

It is more realistic for you to switch your milk to full-fat from semi-skimmed, the lighter and healthier option then cutting it strictly out of your meals and abiding by a restrictive list of dieting rules.

Also if you get into the right mind set and put this change in your thoughts of making these changes permanent, then you are more likely to stick to them and maintain these changes moreover shedding the pounds and moving you one step closer towards your perfect body.

Don't forget the good old fashioned way of loosing weight and don't be so quick to blow it out of the window as exercise is a fast track and healthy way to drop the pounds and prolong your bodies' well being.

So try to ditch the car occasionally and whenever you can to use those two legs that god has given you to walk! Try going on long walks to the park or with friends and make it enjoyable.

If you see the option of using the lift or using the stairs, even though your eye may naturally lead you to the lift, mentally train your mind to take you to the stairs.

Another great way is in the advert breaks on television. Half of the time we are sitting there brain dead anyway during the ads so this is a valuable use of time.

So always remember that dieting is not the only solution to loosing weight but changing your eating habits over time and doing exercise here and there can defiantly bring you one step closer to buying that dress in the shop window.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Long Hair to Short Hair Transition For Women

Short hairstyles for women have always been around. Short hair styles are not a new concept, however, for women who have had long hair for their entire life they may as well be.

The one change that ladies, and men for that matter have a difficult time with is the long hair to short hair transition. This can be very daunting for most, and should not be taken lightly.

I believe strongly that this is one of those times were the hairdresser's ability to give a professional consultation is very important. A hairdresser has the responsibility of giving the best advice to a client regardless of whether they agree or not. Sometimes what the client thinks is the right style for them and what actually is, are two different things.

You noticed I said the right style for them and not the best looking style for them. The reason is that although a style may be better suited as far as looks go to a person it is not always the most practical. We need to consider if the style is high maintenance or low maintenance and can the client manage the style themselves or will they need to visit a Salon every time they want to create the style.

Ladies, if you have had long hair for ever and you have now made the decision to cut it off tread carefully. Do not just go from long to short straight away. You've waited this long, whats the hurry.

There are so many stages before you get used to a new style the first one is the grieving process, the more you cut off the more you grieve. Then you have the shock factor the bigger the chop the bigger the shock so little steps are easier steps and then you have the what do I do with it now its so short.

Do not forget everything you have at home is for long hair your brushes your products electrical devices, all for long.

So the conclusion is less is best depending on how much you are actually cutting off do it in stages at least one if not more. It will give you time to get adjusted and everyone else around you adjusted to your new look.

It will also give your stylist time to adjust to see what you look like with shorter hair to see what you can handle and work out what your growth patterns are. It will also allow time for you to grieve, to get over the shock, to get organized with brushes electrical devices and products.

The most important step however is, talk to your stylist. If you do not have a good stylist who takes time out to consult on each and every visit the find another one. Walk in to a few Salons and ask a senior stylist for their opinion, then compare notes.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Top Rated Anti Wrinkle Creams Ingredients - Are They All Good?

A multitude of anti-aging and anti-wrinkle products are marketed on store shelves and online to meet insatiable demand; all clamoring for your hard earned dollars. Some products are good, but many aren't worth the money in my opinion.

Most women go through an expensive trial and error process before finding what they think, and hope, will work for them. They go on many missions to find the most worthy top rated anti wrinkle creams; combing the cosmetics aisle in the local drug store, looking at ads in magazines, and reviewing on-line consumer product reviews. It's difficult to assess product quality though, from the information presented on product packaging, in advertising, and on-line.
?br>I believe that as a consumer, you're entitled to be better informed so you'll have more confidence that a product you're about to pay good money is worth it. So here's some very important, need-to-know information to help you become more discerning about the ingredients in the top rated anti wrinkle creams (plus more info. on my website - you'll find the URL included in my bio paragraph at the end of this article):
?br>Marketers of some top rated anti wrinkle creams containing "hyaluronic acid" claim that it's a high potency moisturizing ingredient. Apparently it carries as much as a thousand times its own weight in water, which sounds impressive I'll admit.
?br>But what they don't tell you is that your skin naturally produces its own hyaluronic acid; a built-in moisturizer if you will. However, as you age your body also starts producing a harmful enzyme (called hyaluronidase) that breaks down hyaluronic acid in your skin. This unfortunately leads to skin degradation with accompanying dryness, inflammation, sagging, and wrinkles. And it only gets worse as time goes on, unless effectively treated.
?br>Applying an anti wrinkle cream to your skin that contains hyaluronic acid as an ingredient -- though it may provide temporary relief -- will not address the underlying skin degradation issue. So in my opinion, its real therapeutic value is nil, or at best limited.
?br>What you really need is something that will deal directly and effectively with the harmful hyaluronidase enzyme.

And happily there is something; a natural substance that works marvelously well at inhibiting hyaluronidase while stimulating your skin's production of hyaluronic acid to levels normally found in a much younger person! This is clinically proven.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Helpful Tips For Finding the Best Anti-Aging Cream For You Personally

Just take a look at all the ads and articles for and about all of the latest topical skin care product manufacturers. So many of them espousing that they and only they have the very best anti aging skin cream for you. So just how can someone begin to go about the task of separating fact form fiction and determine what is really best for them.

So Many Out There - So Which One Is Best For You?

One problem you see, in case you haven't noticed, is that all the top skin care products just don't come cheap. Also some of the the more highly touted of them all, also claim to have some side effects that can range from temporary rash and itchiness to a total allergic reaction. Just imagine the financial heartbreak caused by spending sixty, seventy or eighty dollars on something that you simply can't use.

A Super Cheap Way To Try Out All the Best Anti Aging Cream Products

Have you ever considered trying to get your hands on some free samples? These are small packets of skin care products that you can try out without having to spend any money. Think about it. If you can get your hands on samples of all the top name brands to try out for free, it can sure save you a bunch of money and also allow to make a far more informed final decision.

How To Get Free Stuff Online!

One of he best ways to get your hands on free sample packets of the best anti aging skin cream products is to check around online for surveys that you can fill out in exchange fore free skin cream samples. They really aren't hard to find and once you get started, you may be surprised at all the free "stuff" you can get by filling them out in your spare time.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Know What Causes Wrinkles to Choose the Best Anti Wrinkle Creams

You'll do a better job of landing on the best anti wrinkle creams when you understand what causes wrinkles in the first place. To understand the causes in the first place is to understand first what skin is. When you understand the role it plays and the elements that make it vulnerable to premature wrinkles, you will have the knowledge it takes to seek out the skin solutions that best respond to your own personal needs.

Your skin is considered the largest organ within your body and at birth comes with important functions. It keeps your body temperature in check and protects you from infection. Your ability to feel hot and cold temperatures as well as pain and pressure is due once again to your skin. And the essential Vitamin D, required for healthy strong bones is produced by way of your skin.

As you can caters to several key functions so that you are kept safe and sound. Often we don't think of skin in this way. Instead, we see it as something we're either lucky or not so lucky to have depending on the way it looks. But looks, my dear friend, depends on several issues:

1. How well you've cared for your skin
2. How well you're caring for it now
3. Your knowledge of what causes wrinkles

A beautiful and young looking complexion requires care and attention and the culprits associated with aging done away with. Let's briefly look at what causes wrinkles...the true culprits that take away from your complexion.


Most of us are lucky enough to enter into the world born fully equipped and with genes that will dictate when and how well our skin ages.

If you feel you've inherited less than beautiful skin, there's no need to worry for we have today some highly advanced skin care products that work to nourish, repair and beautify. Spend some time researching skin care and you'll become exposed to endless possibilities. This is where you do yourself a favour to verify product labels and understand the types of ingredients used. You'll want to give preference to a natural skin care line that contains natural, safe and effective ingredients and uses the latest in cell rejuvenation technology.

Lucky for us, genes hold a part of and not the entire story of how well your skin matures. The fate of your skin is also affected by other factors, as you will continue to see. Studies suggest those that follow have a far greater impact on the appearance of your skin than the genes you wear!

Sun Damage...

It is the most significant and main cause of what causes wrinkles. With repeated and senseless exposure to the sun, penetrating ultraviolet rays break down the collagen and elastin levels found within the structure of the skin where fine lines, wrinkles and saggy dry skin will eventually form. Over time, especially when nearing the forties, unsightly brown spots may begin to appear, not to mention an increased risk for the dreaded skin cancer disease, with each and every repeated burn experienced.

So what can you do? Easy...keep your skin healthy, young and vibrant looking by staying out of the sun as much as possible. When outdoors use sun protection. Wear protective clothing, a wide enough hat, sunglasses and of course use a broad spectrum sun lotion. And by the way...that includes tanning salons too. Sorry!


Still viewed as a cool habit by many, studies reveal that huffing and puffing sets you up for premature wrinkling and increased health problems and this too is what causes wrinkles.

Furthermore, facial expressions involving lip puckering and eye squinting slowly transforms a youthful look into one that reflects smoker's lips, yellow skin and increased facial wrinkles. So if you don't want to lose your smooth looks, lose the smoking instead for the sake of your body health and skin health too!


Love sugary foods and can't get enough? You may want to think twice about this one too. Studies reveal eating too many sugars can accelerate the aging process, adding unwanted years to your skin.

Glycation is a term that describes a body process where sugar molecules stick to protein structures. The result is a transformed DNA within a newly formed and harmful molecule which becomes now known as advanced glycation end products (or AGE's).

So how does this work?

AGE's breaks down collagen and elastin levels, substances that render the skin supple, smooth and elastic. However, the more sugars you consume the more AGE's are produced, paving the way for dull skin and more lines and wrinkles.

So get to keep skin young looking by simply avoiding packaged, processed foods and drinks that contain high levels of both glucose and fructose sugars. Get a grip on your total sugar intake, especially where corn syrup is concerned and found in some whole grain foods, snack foods, soda, and fruit-flavored drinks.

As you can see by understanding what causes wrinkles, it goes without saying you do have a very big say in your skin's appearance.

It's simply a question of curbing from certain lifestyle habits. And when you control the causes mentioned it becomes quite affordable and easy to manage. All that's left to do is to select one of the best anti wrinkle creams that safely responds to your skin's particular needs.

As a general rule, consider natural cosmetics that contain antioxidants and vitamins that de-age your skin, naturally and safely using the latest in cell rejuvenation technology. For additional facts on natural skin care feel free to visit the link below.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Rita's Road to Regret

"I'm trying something new this summer," Rita explained. "Instead of joining you guys at the fitness class, I've joined a lawn bowling team. The cost is the same and I wanted to try something different. I needed a change."

"Oh, I see," I replied, happy to know that she's staying active. I had just bumped into her at the library where she was volunteering her time. She's also a one-book-a-week bookworm when she's not cooped up as an accountant at Ralph's Supermarket.

"I see you're still losing weight," she continued. "I wish I could do the same. But I'm not going to give up eating what I like."

"If you want to lose weight, you have to give up the thing or things that helped you gain it," I expounded.

"Yeah, I know," she agreed. "But that's just too hard."

Rita has been trying to shed some pounds and gain more energy ever since I've known her. I feel for her because I personally know how difficult that can be. Yet I know if she doesn't change her habits, her habits will keep her driving down the road of regret.

But you see, I was also driving down that same road. I had come down to an ideal weight-but gained it all back. I knew I had to do a u-turn sooner or later.

Here's the u-turn I took that's causing a stir among my peers...

1) More whole foods. That means increasing fruits and veggies. Fewer types of meats, less junk food and smaller portions. And fewer calories at night.

Here's the secret weapon I employed...

I got used to feeling slightly hungry. This may not be for everyone but it absolutely worked for me. When my body got used to this, I didn't have the urge to eat something right away. I could put off eating for hours because I was used to the feeling of being slightly hungry.

2) Consistent cardio. I play basketball: which is great for the mind, body and attitude. When my schedule gets too busy for that, I'll go for a short run to maintain my endurance instead of sitting idle. Running works out my heart, naturally lowers my cholesterol and keeps me ready for the next game. As you can tell: I'm not a big fan of prescription medicine.

3) A fitness program. Something to keep me on track. By myself it was too hard. But in a class with a trainer, I was able to stay focused.

It was the first time in my life that I saw my abs pull in and shrink my waistline. I was so pleased I made a habit of working on them everyday. I work on my other muscle groups and can see and feel the difference.

Everyone has choices. Some choose the road to regret. Others choose the road to rewards. It all depends on your choices.

"I think our fitness instructor is a beautiful lady," Rita commented.

"Yes, she is," I agreed.

"I think she's single," she added.

"Yes, I think you're right..."

Tommy Yan helps business owners and entrepreneurs make more money through direct response marketing. He publishes Tommy's Tease weekly e-zine to inspire people to succeed in business and personal growth. Get your free subscription today at

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How to Look Years Younger in 5 Steps

If you are interested in peeling back the years and making yourself look younger, you need to make not only simple, but lasting changes.

There are five steps to making yourself look younger: Sleep more, don't drink and smoke, eat a good diet and exercise regularly, reduce stress and care for your skin. Let's look at these 5 steps in detail.


The average American only gets about 6 to 7 hours of sleep a night, with many parents and busy workers getting even less. There's a reason why experts argue we should get 8 hours or more a night - sleep is truly beauty-making time.

When you sleep, and your body is truly at rest (unlike during the day), the cells restore and rejuvenate. It's during sleep that wounds heal, that skin restores itself. It's imperative that you give your body the necessary time it needs to do that.

Drinking and smoking

Most of us enjoy a drink now and then and most experts would tell you that's just fine. It's the excessive drinking that is unhealthy. When you drink you strip the body of necessary fluid. Certainly, drinking a good deal of water the day after you drink is a good idea, but it's a better idea not to overindulge at all.

When we're younger, we can usually overindulge now and then without too much of a problem, but when you get older, it's harder for the body to recover from a drinking binge. Better to drink in moderation (one to two drinks every few days) than to drink heavily on a regular basis.

Smoking is also bad for your body and particularly your skin. You can tell who is a smoker and who is not just by looking at their skin. Smoking strips natural oils from the skin and leaves the skin wrinkled and saggy.

Even if you currently drink and smoke, you can reverse some of the signs of aging that these activities have attributed to by quitting. Not engaging in either is much better for the skin.

Diet and exercise

You've heard it before and you're going to hear it again - diet and exercise are essential to aging well. Specifically, when you eat a diet rich in the right kinds of foods and with few (or none) of the bad stuff, you provide your body with the nutrients it needs to age better, slower and with more grace.

As well, exercise helps to keep your body firm and taut. Since sagginess is a particular problem with people who are aging, finding an activity that keeps things firm is the best thing you can do for your skin and body.

Stress reduction

This one is tough, since most of us lead busy and stressful lives. Suggesting that you reduce stress isn't the same as suggesting that you not engage in your vibrant and sometimes stressful life, but we are suggesting that learning how to control that stress and deal with it is essential.

How? Many people enjoy activities like yoga, which helps you to slow down your breathing, reduce the tension in the body and find more focus. Others might swear by a cup of chamomile tea before bed each night. Still others might enjoy a short meditation session each morning. Figure out what might work for you (or try several things until you know which method of stress reduction is ideal for you) and then do it on a regular basis.

Skin care

Taking care of your skin is the icing on the cake. It can be the finishing touch to helping you age gracefully.

Good skin care involves finding a cleanser that works for your kind of skin without stripping it of natural oils and using a good moisturizer with the right SPF. Don't forget a solid anti aging or wrinkle cream and even a good eye cream if you need one. Athena 7 Minute Lift and also Lifecell wrinkle cream have been very popular for their immediate effects. Finally, it's important that you are consistent with your skin care products because using them faithfully is the key to seeing solid results.

Looking years younger isn't too difficult if you are consistent and dedicated. And you'll find that these changes can reap solid rewards.

The Best Anti-Aging Face Creams - Rejuvenate Your Skin With Natural Ingredients

There are many anti aging face creams in the market you can choose from, some are creams for your hands, body, face, eyes, etc. But you need to look for the right product for you, there are many creams contain a high concentration of chemical ingredients that cause side effects in sensitive skin.

Even though there are many natural anti aging ingredients that are very effective most products in the US dont use them because they cost more or are not easy to get, instead they use cheap chemicals that work only on the surface of your skin and don't produce any real long term benefit.

What you need to rejuvenate your skin is to increase collage, elastin and hyaluronic acid levels in your body, this way you will diminish wrinkles and have a glowing and smooth skin.

There are anti wrinkle creams in the market that contain collagen and most people think that they are effective, but the truth is that they don't work at all, because collagen molecules are too large to penetrate the skin, so it does not do any benefit.

On the other hand there is a natural compound called CYnergyTK that contain Functional keratin which has been found to stimulate your skin cells to produce new collagen and elastin in the skin.

Wakame Kelp from Japan is another powerful natural compound that increases your hyaluronic acid levels naturally.

There are many natural ingredients that contain important anti aging properties like manuka honey, avocado extract, jojoba oil, grape seed oil, vitamin c, water, etc.

If you want to really improve the health of your skin and reduce wrinkles you need to use natural creams made from New Zealand that have potent anti aging benefits.

Monday, February 7, 2011

How to Stimulate Collagen and Elastin in the Body Isn't Hard - If You Use the Right Ingredients

There is a lot of discussion and research going on at the moment on how to stimulate collagen and elastin in the body.

The reason for this is because we all realize these two proteins are essential in maintaining our skin's structure, strength and elasticity. Everyone buys an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle cream with the expectation it's going to help increase his or her collagen and elastin levels.

Unfortunately, the truth is most of the heavily advertised creams containing the substance collagen don't work at increasing the body's level of this protein. The reason is simple -- the molecules are too big to penetrate through your outer skin layer (epidermis) and reach down into the dermis where they're needed. So they basically sit on surface tissue and maybe fill the pore externally without any long-term increase or benefit to collagen and elastin levels.

Other than collagen injections, the only way to get more collagen into your skins tissues is by stimulating your own body to produce more of these protein cells.

This is possible if you use substances that can stimulate the regrowth of collagen and elastin within your dermis. There are only a few special ingredients that I know about on the market that can accomplish this. The following two have been scientifically proven to successful do this.

The first one is a substance derived from natural keratin called Cynergy TK(TM). The innovative company in New Zealand found a way to convert natural keratin into the bioactive solublized form functional keratin(TM) that is readily available to be used by the body.

The second ingredient worth looking at is a new variety of CoenzymeQ10. Most people will have heard of CoQ10 before, but not in the special Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 "nano-emulsion" form.

What's so interesting about these two products is that they are compatible with our body, and they both can penetrate deeply into the skin to stimulate the regrowth of collagen and elastin protein skin cells in our dermis.

That in itself -- is a good thing. But, the real benefit to us is the fact that by increasing the amount of these proteins in our tissues can result in the removal of fine lines and a reduction in facial wrinkles. After all, isn't that what an anti-aging, anti-wrinkle cream is supposed to do?

This is the easiest way I know of爃ow to stimulate collagen and elastin in the body, do some research on the above substances if you like. You will find they are two of only a few ingredients that can truly stimulate the regrowth of new protein cells in your body.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Prevent Wrinkles by Keeping Your Skin Healthy From the Inside Out

If you want to prevent wrinkles in the years ahead, now is the time to be caring for the health of your skin. While it is possible to eliminate wrinkles after they develop, it is far better to keep your skin healthy as you age. Let's take a look at some the effective ways to keep your skin producing healthy collagen and elastin levels into your later years.

The most important thing you can do to prevent wrinkles is to avoid sun exposure. Of all of the things in our environment that we are exposed to on a daily basis, the sun has the greatest impact on skin quality. However, it is unrealistic to stay out of the sun all the time.

Because of this, the best way to prevent wrinkles is to use anti wrinkle creams and lotions that contain natural ingredients that have been proven to restore health to aging skin. Since sun exposure impacts the skin to the degree that it does, the skin creams you use should contain various anti oxidants to fight the effects of free radicals.

A couple powerful anti oxidants to look for are co enzyme Q10 and natural vitamin E. CoQ10 is a well known anti oxidant, but in its normal form it cannot be absorbed into the skin. However, a newly developed skin care ingredient called Nano-lipobelle H Q10 solves this problem. It contains large amounts of CoQ10 in a nano-emulsion form that can be absorbed through seven layers of skin.

Nano-lipobelle H Q10 also contains natural vitamin E. These two anti oxidants in one anti aging substance have been found extremely effective in removing free radicals from the skin.

Vitamin E has another benefit that is often overlooked. It does double duty as a natural preservative, making it unnecessary to use synthetic preservatives.

In addition to anti oxidants, it is important that a cream to prevent wrinkles addresses the fact that the production of collagen and elastin diminishes as we age. The best anti aging products will contain natural ingredients that increase collagen and elastin production.

Recent developments in skin care science have produced some very effective natural collagen stimulants. Probably the most effective one is Cynergy TK. This skin cream ingredient has high levels of the protein keratin that is extracted from the wool of sheep (I remember learning as a child that hair is 100% protein). When absorbed into the skin, Cynergy TK helps the skin manufacture collagen and elastin.

Cynergy TK has undergone extensive clinical and laboratory testing which has shown it to prevent and eliminate wrinkles as collagen and elastin levels increase. Another important advantage to this ingredient is that it greatly increases the production of new skin cells, leading to healthier, younger looking skin.

These are some of the most effective skin care ingredients to prevent wrinkles. My website discusses them in more detail along with other natural ingredients you should look for in your skin care products. Following these ideas will lead to years of enjoying healthy, wrinkle free skin.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Fastest Way to Get Rid of the Under Eye Circles

People have to put up with the under eye circle all the time, and unless you like looking like your sick all the time, you want to take care of the problem some how. Women have a way of hiding these dark under eye circles with makeup, which unfortunately men don't. But even so, make up wears off and guess what? Those eye circles come right back.

Then we add stress, exhaustion, lack of sleep, bad eating habits into the mix and those under eye areas get even more swollen and ugly. The first thing you need to do is reduce the swelling. An easy way to reduce swelling of the area, is to apply something cold. A wet wash cloth will do just fine. You can also splash water on your face to reduce the swelling. Another great way to reduce the swelling is to use cold cucumber slices or potato slices to cool your eyes.

But just working with topical products is not going to work, if you don't pay attention to your lifestyle habits, and your eating habits, no cream, or natural remedy is going to help with that under eye circle.

Be sure you drink lots of water. Under eye circles are caused by dehydration and a drying out of the area. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine, and quit smoking, as these things tend to cause premature aging.

Pay attention to your diet too. Be sure to eat lots of fruits and vegetables, stay away from saturated fats, and sugars. If you follow the above suggestions, you shouldn't have any problem reducing that under eye circle look you have been seeing lately.

Friday, February 4, 2011

What Really is the Best Thing For Aging Skin Today?

The problem today is the vast selection of anti aging products out there, the majority of which don't work, so what really is the best thing for aging skin, and most importantly, what should they contain?
?br>The best place to start is what they shouldn't contain! Most on the market, even the expensive well known brands, are full of chemicals like parabens, mineral oil and dioxane, all of which can cause rashes, irritations and worse.
?br>The big companies use them as they are cheap and help prolong the life of the product, and seduce us with the celebrity endorsements and glossy advertising. They seem to have no regard for our health and well being as long as we keep buying their products.
?br>So what really is the best thing for aging skin? Natural chemical free products using cutting edge technology, that can actually heal your skin too. It can be quite hard to find them as many of the so called natural or organic creams have chemicals in them too.
?br>Here are my favorite ingredients that I use daily, and even though they are not as well known, they are highly effective.燭he main one is called Cynergy TK, extracted from sheep's wool, and has been proven in clinical studies to boost the body's production of those vital skin proteins, collagen and elastin.
?br>As we age, the production of these proteins slows down, one of the main reasons we get wrinkles and sagging skin, and any creams you may see advertised with collagen in are a waste of time and money as the molecules of collagen are too big to be absorbed, the body must make its own.
?br>A long used Japanese beauty secret is Phytessence wakame from sea kelp, which is eaten daily in Japan for its health benefits. When you ask what really is the best thing for aging skin, this is one of the best. It is full of antioxidants, calcium and B vitamins to nourish deep down and help prevent wrinkles from forming.
?br>Natural oils like Jojoba, Grapeseed and Avocado are also excellent and help to protect the skin from pollution, w! hile moi sturizing and healing it. Another one is Babassu wax from the Amazon rainforest, which gently moisturizes without making the skin greasy, and is great for both dry and oily complexions.
?br>All these ingredients work together in synergy to really help roll back the years and return that youthful glow from days gone by, removing wrinkles and regaining that suppleness and smoothness. Now you know the answer to what really is the best thing for aging skin!
?br>Visit my website today to discover more potent natural substances that help to keep your skin radiant and healthy.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Learn About a Bad Breath Cause

Is your breath so bad that you knock everyone over in the conference room? Unfortunately, solving your problem won't be as easy as chewing on a dog biscuit designed to remove tartar. On the other hand, when you use the Therabreath system, you will be able to get rid of bad breath for the rest of your life. You will also find a number of valuable tips that will reveal your personal bad breath cause.

Did you know it takes more than food to create a bad breath cause? In most cases, it isn't the foods that you eat, so much as it is the bacteria in your mouth that release sulfur compounds. Typically, these bacteria will break down proteins, and also begin the process of digesting sugars. Even though some of these bacteria may play a vital role in digestion, you can still reduce the odor that points to their presence.

If you do not find a way to increase the oxygen levels in your mouth, bad breath will only get worse. In addition, if you use mouthwash with alcohol in it, your problem will get even worse. While alcohol will kill germs, it will kill off the good ones as well as the bad ones. In many cases, this will actually lead to an increase in tartar buildup, as well as contribute even more to your bad breath.

Today, the Therabreath system is one of the fastest and most reliable methods to help you manage bad breath. Even if you have chronic symptoms, including white patches on the back of your tongue, this system can help you enjoy good breath without having to make constant use of breath mints and other times that may do more harm than good to your overall health. Without a question, if you are looking for your bad breath cause, and a solution, Therabreath will satisfy both of your requirements.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Toxic Beauty

What is even harder to believe is that these chemicals are sold on the shelves of everyday retailers and no one is aware of the dangers within their packaging. More and more studies are being exposed and developed to prove the dangers of the chemicals within everyday hair care products such as shampoos, conditioners, hair dyes, creams, gels and mousses. Now it is time to ask yourself, what are you putting on your hair?

We are all capable and aware of making the decisions to keep chemicals out of our foods but what we don't know is what we are not eating we are exposed to through external usages. A very true fact is that we often don't even consider what we put on our skin because we are not literally digesting these chemicals, so we think. On the contrary, just because we are not eating these creams and soaps does not mean our bodies are not soaking them in through our pores and this is exactly what happens. Our skin can absorb chemicals very quickly if the molecules are small enough to allow it to do so.

Where your skin can be damaged from a scratch or a cut, the skin molecules are bigger and therefore it makes it easier for the chemical agents within your creams and soaps to be absorbed by the body. Another underlying problem with damaged skin is that these chemicals then have the opportunity to penetrate deeper layers of skin and even make it into your blood system where real damage can be done.

If you were to take a look at the ingredient list on your shampoo bottle right now you would find a list of at least 10 different toxic chemicals. This can be a big shock. Shampoos and conditioners have been one of the biggest toxic combinations on sale to consumers for decades. These chemical mixtures can be quite dangerous and are definitely not a friend to the environment either. The problem is that no one is warned of the chemical hazards and none of these companies want to advertise their ingredients because of the many chemicals within them. If you do not take the initiative and read them yourself you will never know what you are exposing your body to.

It is important to know and consider that almost every shampoo and conditioner on the shelve today that is not found in a natural health store contains toxic chemicals. With this in mind, isn't it time to treat our bodies and health better? Take a look at a natural health store and you will find a wide variety of hair care products that are made from only natural ingredients. You will be surprised at how well they work and how affordable they are as well. Their containers are recyclable and the ingredients inside are nothing but natural. It is about time we started relying on what nature provided for us.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Moisturizing Body Cream Products - Which Are Best For Aging Skin?

Most of the moisturizing body cream products on the market today are just good for keeping your skin hydrated.?And although hydration is an important part of keeping skin youthful and smooth, it's certainly not enough to prolong the skin aging process.?Here's what to look for in anti-aging moisturizing body cream products.

In order to keep away wrinkles, fine lines, and other unwanted aging signs, you have to maintain your skin matrix.?The framework of your skin matrix is collagen and elastin proteins.?If you were to compare your skin matrix to a brick building, then collagen and elastin would be the bricks.?They determine how firm, elastic, and pliant your skin stays.?/p>

But just like bricks alone cannot hold a building together, collagen and elastin cannot maintain a solid structure themselves.?What's needed is a substance to hold these building-blocks together, just like mortar does for a brick building.?The substance that your body uses to do this is hyaluronic acid.?Not only does hyaluronic acid help maintain the skin matrix, it also acts as a filler and cushion between proteins and it's the primary method of moisture retention in the skin.

What moisturizing body cream products need to do besides hydrate is encourage a stronger skin matrix.?As you get older, your body cannot produce as much collagen and elastin as it could when you were younger.?On top of this, the amounts of hyaluronic acid in your skin diminish because of damaging free radicals and the activity of hyaluronidase, a bodily enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid.

So in order to keep away wrinkles and other aging signs, you need to use moisturizing body cream products containing ingredients that stimulate collagen and elastin production and preserve the amounts of hyaluronic acid in your skin by stopping the activity of hyaluronidase.

*IMPORTANT* Do not even waste your time and money on moisturizing body cream products that actually contain collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid - no matter how amazing they sound!?These molecules are too large to be absorbed through your skin, so they are useless!