Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Reverse Aging With Collagen Elastin Lotion? Unlikely!

If you have been caught up in the "you must look younger" hype, just like me then you will be greatly interested in why products that claim to contain anti aging collagen elastin lotion don't work.

Lots of brands will have you believe that because they contain collagen and elsatin they will rejuvenate and return your youthful glow.

This is because we know that collagen and elsatin are two major proteins that are found in the skin and they are responsible for giving skin its strength and elasticity so naturally we believe that slapping more of these proteins on our faces will improve the condition of our skin.

The fact of the matter is collagen is a long chain protein unable to be absorbed through the skin when applied topically. This is a scientific fact and the one that means that a collagen elastin lotion will not make you look younger.

Now that we have established that the products on which we have been pinning our hopes for a youthful glow don't work where do we turn?

I began to research natural skin care products that contained different ingredients from the other big brands in an attempt to find something that would help me to turn back time.

Fortunately I found a natural skin care product containing a New Zealand ingredient that comes from sheeps wool called Cynergy TK?which has been hailed as almost a miracle in the anti aging process.

This ingredient is capable of stimulating re-growth and rejuvenation of the naturally occurring collagen and elastin cells within your skin. It basically seems to reduce your wrinkles from the inside out.

Another of its ingredients is a more common antioxidant called Co Enzyme Q10 whose function is to protect newly formed cells. This is a powerful attacker of damaging free radicals.

There are many other ingredients that add to a skin care brand that provides what I feel is a complete package of anti aging, nourishment and moisturization. I won't be buying any more collagen elsatin lotion but do some research for yourself and head over to my website where you will find plenty of information about a good quality natural skin care product that will restore your youthful glow, don't' you deserve it?


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