Saturday, November 27, 2010

How to Prevent Wrinkles on Your Skin

There are many informative articles that are readily available on how to prevent wrinkles on the skin. Probably, you have already read tons of them.

I have my own misgivings with some articles though. Some do not completely apprise the readers on the real causes of early wrinkle development on the dermal layers. I hope that I am providing good service in writing, hoping that we eventually identify how best to prevent them from appearing.

Wrinkles appear as fine lines on the skin surface. Deeper furrows characterize more severe cases. If left untreated, they could become more difficult to remove and they will likely stay throughout your lifetime.

Those lines develop because the skin has already lost its own elasticity. The natural aging process is the major contributory factor in their appearance. Let me explain further.

There are two basic and distinct protein molecules naturally produced by the body. These are collagen and elastin. Their primary purpose is to bind together to create collagen bundles, which are the ones mainly responsible in making the skin elastic yet firm.

However, while the body advances in age, its natural ability to replenish all types of cells and tissues diminish. It can no longer maximize its efficiency in regenerating dying and damaged cells, including dermal cells, collagen and elastin protein molecules.

Upon reaching the age of 25, this gradual breakdown in the natural production line declines. The body starts to lose around 1.5% of the entire collagen bundle content. Most bundles are lost than the body can reproduce. When we reach 45 years of age or so, a whooping one-third of the entire collagen mass would have been lost.

Of course, we cannot prevent ourselves from aging. It is in accordance with the natural order of things in the universe. There is nothing we can do to stop it.

While we may not prevent the body from aging, we can, however, minimize and even prevent the occurrences of signs of aging. Wrinkle development is one of them. Here is how to do it.

Use only products that contain natural ingredients that have long been certified to boost collagen production. Knowing that the body alone has the capacity to produce it, all we need to do is help the body recover and produce more collagen and elastin protein molecules.

The way to do it is to use products containing Cynergy TK, Phytessence Wakame rich in Hyaluronic acid and Coenzyme Q10. You can apply them on your skin to a certain period even. Believe me, they are most effective and safest way on how to prevent wrinkles from developing on your skin.


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