Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Acne Home Treatments - Change Your Diet and Hygiene Regimen

In today's economy, it is no wonder that there has been resurgence in home remedies. Acne treatments are no exception, and many teens who have only heard the term remedy from their grandparents are now researching and considering this as an option. In this article you will learn how to change your diet and how to change your hygiene regimen to effectively treat your acne at home.

First, and foremost, you need to stop eating fried foods. This may catch you off guard because you may eat nothing but fried foods; if this is true for you, this may be the cause of your acne. This is because greasy foods will cause your body to soak up way too much oil. This will result in your body secreting too much oil, which will lead to a backup in your pores. This coupled with the excess dirt and oil that is blocking your pores will cause a bacterial infection of the skin, which is also known as acne.

Another thing that you can do is drink plenty of water and exercise. This may sound strange, especially considering that we are discussing acne. Drinking more water will help hydrate your body, which will lower the amount of oil that your skin retains. Exercise will help because it will cause your skin to sweet; this will naturally flush out your pores.

Last, you can eat a lot of leafy greens. This will help to replace the foods that you normally eat and it will keep your immune system strong. In conclusion, I hope that you take this information to heart, and I hope that it helps you as much as it helps me.


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