Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Helpful Home Remedies Against Grayness of Hair

Some home remedies are also found to be useful and in the prevention and treatment of premature graying of hairs. Home remedies are helpful because they are not affected by artificial materials and devoid of any harmful elements. According to Indian ayurved hair care is always dependent on some homely materials. It can be vegetables; it can be fruits or any thing. Now all these things are immensely used in the preparing of shampoos and other hair care items.

1. Amla is one those homely materials which is used in India for prevention of hair pigment and whole hair care. It is also called gooseberries. It is a valuable hair tonic and very much helpful for enriching hair growth and hair pigmentation. At first these fruits are cut into pieces and then they are dried in shade. After that they are boiled in coconut oil till they are like scorched like thing. The mixture is now like black oil and it is very much helpful for preventing the onset of graying of hair.

2. Now we have washed or soaked those Amla pieces in water. This water is beneficial for our hair. After the soaking of Amla for overnight the water can be used for washing your hair after shampooing or for a last rinse. You can also use Amla juice and lime juice or almond juice for massaging your scalp every night. It is also proved beneficial for your hairs and also beneficial for preventing premature grayness of hairs.

3. Curry leaves in coconut oil can be boiled for making an excellent hair tonic. It is used to stimulate the growth of hairs and bringing back black pigments of hair, which is very much desired.

4. The butter made from cow's milk is also a good thing to prevent the premature grayness of hair. What we call ghee can be used for massaging in the roots for twice a week for better hair care and exclusively for countering this lacking of melanin and pigment in our hair follicles.

5. Ribbed gourd or torai boiled in coconut oil is a effective remedy of this problem. Cut this vegetable into short pieces and dry those pieces preferably in the shade. Soak these in coconut oil and keep the oil for 3-4 days for getting mixtured well. Now boil the mixture till it become a darkened residue. The oil should be massaged into the scalp. For restoring the pigments and making your hairs good it is very good and effective.

6. You can use onion to fight against hair fall. Onion juice with honey helps basically to fight against baldness. Onion contains vitamin-B6. And this vitamin is beneficial for growing of new hair.

7. There are lots of ayurvedic remedies that can help you to make your hair strong and less vulnerable. You can try mustard oil with henna leaves. Burn 250grams mustard oil with 60grams henna leaves. You have to boil this mixture and then can preserve this mixture. Apply this mixture gently on your scalp.


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