Sunday, November 21, 2010

Easy Way to Lose Belly Fat - Losing Fat Can Be Very Easy and Simple

For some people losing belly fat is not hard at all, because they know exactly what they are suppose to do, to get rid of it. Of course there are some lucky bastards, who never have to worry about losing belly fat. But the problem is that 95% of folks are still having a very hard time. It shouldn't be that hard, I mean we all have 1 head, 2 feet, 2 hands and a torso.

The really important part of losing belly fat the easy is to let your body burn away all the calories. That is right there is a way, how you can make your body burn excess calories, so you don't have. Of course there is just a small catch. The secret is muscle building with weight training. That does take some effort.

An easy way to lose belly fat

Muscle is the secret weapon that can help you lose belly fat really fast and most importantly help you keep the fat off. Nowadays we just are not active at all, so we constanly lose muscle mass, the more muscle we lose, the slower our Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) gets. And the slower our BMR is the less calories the body burns. Simple really. Weight training is the only way, ho we can build the muscle, so it can burn the fat for us.


BMR (women and men) = 370 + (21.6 X lean body mass in kg-s)

For example lets take a guy weighing 115 kilograms, with 20% body fat. If we use this formula, then we can find out that the BMR for that person is 2357 calories. If the same guy some 3 months later would weigh exactly the same 115 kg, but now with a body fat of 10%, then we get a much different BMR of 2606 calories. That is a 249 calorie difference.

This means during one day the increase in lean body mass, means the body will burn 249 extra calories, without you having to do anything at all. Of course this is just an example but you can easily see what a difference muscle can make.


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